Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Áras an Chontae, Roscommon

Contact: Patricia Bohan  Email:; 090 66 37172

No. Item


Adoption of Minutes

Monthly Plenary Meeting 22.05.2017


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

                SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of the Plenary Meeting held 22.05.2017



Matters Arising


Cllr. Shanagher enquired if there was any progress on reconstituting the advisory board of Roscommon Leisure Centre.  Majella Hunt, Director of Services advised that the AGM is on 27th June next for Leisure Centre where it is proposed to formulate a new directorship and constitute a new board, and this will be part of it.



Management Report

May 2017 (Circulated)


Members noted the Management Report for May 2017.




Adoption of Draft Annual Report 2016

(to be circulated)


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

SECONDED by Councillor Murphy

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council adopt the Annual Report 2016.



Presentation on Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme


Eugene Dwyer, Senior Engineer outlined the details of the Departmental review of the OPW Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Costal Protection Funding Scheme which provided for a number of improvements to the scheme. The scheme was introduced in 2009 as a response to the severe flooding and Roscommon County Council has completed a number of schemes under the scheme.   In Roscommon where we have a low density population it was difficult to achieve the cost benefit analysis involved.  Following the flooding in 2015 the scheme was reviewed and changes were made to the rates used to reach the cost benefit.


 The changes to the schemes were outlined as follows:

·         Funding for a home at risk of flooding increased up to 12,500 while homes that has been flooded increased to €39,000

·         Commercial premises at risk of flooding are now included allowing €10,000 for farmyard/buildings while commercial premises flooded with a value of €30,000 now includes farmyards/ buildings

·         Rates for agricultural land flooded for at least a month are to be revised and will be available shortly.

·         Funding for road diversions, if over 12 hours.

·         Funding for homes cut off from flooding increased to €170 per day.

·         Cost benefit ratio has been reduced from a minimum of 1.5 to a minimum of 1.35 for works up to €250,000.


The members made the following comments:

·         While welcoming the inclusion of farmyards and buildings in the scheme, the value of the loss of production of farmland continues to be a major concern.

·         Is a schedule of works required or is there an existing schedule with outstanding works?

·         Correal cross needs priority funding as residents very concerned about the impact of another bad winter.

·         Is it the responsibility of the farmer or the Local Authority to make the application to the OPW?

·         Works remain outstanding at Castleplunkett after the flooding.  Can these works be progressed?

·         Loughfunshinagh –There are still 400 acres flooded and there is an obvious blockage for the past number of years – can the CE and staff please see if works can be advanced to solve this issue notwithstanding that there is a report being carried out.

·         More allocations required from central government.


Eugene Dwyer responded to members queries as follows:

·          There is an existing schedule of works by area but some of the outstanding works are based in areas where there are turloughs and works cannot progress at these locations until studies are completed.   Two schemes in the Athlone area have been submitted and other schemes are being prepared. In the more seriously flooded areas such as Loughfunshinagh, Correal Cross and Lisserdrea, Boyle there are environmental issues with the turloughs and there is a study ongoing to determine how the turloughs behave over a period of time. 

·         The Local Authority makes the application to the OPW.

·         Aware of issues at Castleplunkett and currently trying to progress this.

·         Turloughs are unique features to west of Ireland resulting in little scientific information available.  In the absence of any study it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 86.17


Draft Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2017



Cllr Keogh, Chairperson of the Housing and Corporate Affairs SPC, presented a report on the Draft Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2017.  Submissions were sought, received and considered in the Strategy.


The primary objectives of the strategy included the prevention and reduction of anti-social behaviour, coordination of services within the Housing Authority, promotion for co operation with other statutory bodies including An Garda Siochana and the promotion of good estate management.


The inclusion of a Deferral matrix to provide clarity and justification for refusals/deferrals is now included in the strategy, and is considered an important feature as it requires the Local Authority to take all available information from any relevant bodies into consideration including An Garda Siochaná checks.


The members made the following comments:

  • Tenants are responsible for cleaning of silt, leaves or other deposits from gutters and downpipes.  This is not being enforced by the council resulting in unsightly premises throughout Roscommon Town.    
  • There needs to be greater enforcement action on anti social behaviour.
  • Enforcement of the strategy should become an integral part of the Housing department   Multi-agency approach is required as housing staff need support to implement this strategy and action taken where necessary. 
  • Stronger powers and greater security for tenants is positive. 
  • Upkeep and maintenance of local authority houses is costly and there should be a scheme setup to make provisions where people can pay in instalments for materials to encourage tenants to maintain their houses to a good standard.  Can this be referred back to Housing SPC? 
  • Most often it is not the registered occupier engaging in anti social behaviour but the visitors that come to the house.
  • Is any of our Housing Stock using external cladding similar to that in Grenfell Tower? What is our policy in relation to attic and wall insulation? 


Derek Caldbeck, director of Services responded as follows:

  • Anti social behaviour is a complex area as no two cases the same and it can be difficult to engage but every case is fully investigated.
  • Repair and maintenance of housing stock is not directly linked to anti-social behaviour and the proposal to refer this to Housing & Corporate SPC should be considered in light of budgetary constraints that apply for 2018, but the Housing budget is continually overspent on emergency repairs.
  • Attic and wall insulation – progressing with this for all of our housing stock as part of capital budget.
  • Aware of cladding issue but one multi-storey block in Boyle is undergoing fire safety works, independent of situation in Grenfell.  Not aware of any property in Roscommon that is subject to that type of cladding, but will bring further information at next meeting.
  • Tenant’s handbook is under review and will be addressed at SPC and anti-social behaviour will feature in this document.
  • Evidence required to serve warning letters.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughton

SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED to ask the Housing and Corporate Affairs SPC to look into setting up a Tenant Maintenance Scheme to encourage tenants to maintain their houses  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87.17


Suspension of Standing Orders


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to extend Standing Orders to the close of meeting.



Election of Chairperson of Environment and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee following the resignation of Councillor Laurence Fallon


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Creaton

SECONDED by Councillor Callaghan

It was AGREED that that Councillor Naughten be elected Chairperson of Environment and Emergency Services Strategic Policy Committee.



Election of Chairperson of Housing and Corporate Services Strategic Policy Committee


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

It was AGREED that Councillor Cummins be elected Chairperson of Housing and Corporate Strategic Policy Committee.



Membership of Roscommon Local Community Development Committee



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED to appoint Mr. Tom Kellegher as the Teagasc representative on the Roscommon Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) to replace Mr. Michael Clogher.


As a member of Roscommon LCDC Committee, Cllr. Fallon thanked Mr. Michael Clogher for his valued contribution during his term on the LCDC.





·         Letter from Tipperary County Council dated 13th June 2017 – To make regional Health Forum Committees relevant.

·         Letter from Tipperary county Council dated 13th June 2017 – To extend children’s allowance for parents with children in Third Level Education.

·         Letter from Sligo County Council dated 16th June – Requesting AILG to provide briefing to members on role of LGMA as part of its annual Training Programme.

·         Circular Letter PL 2/2017 from Dept of Housing, Planning Community and Local Govt – Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2005 – Local Needs Criteria in Development Plans.

·         Circular Letter 1/2017 from Dept of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government – Removal of Re-Registration Provision for Septic Tanks.

·         Letter from Dept of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs – Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2017.

·         Letter of Acknowledgement dated 25th May 2017 from Minister Naughten, TD - Wind Energy Development Guidelines. 

·         Letter of Acknowledgement from Minister Heather Humphreys, Dept of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs dated 25 May – Town & Village renewal scheme.

·         Letter from acknowledgement from Dept of Transport, Tourism & Sport, Shane Ross, T.D., - Upgrading of Galway Harbour.

Letter of acknowledgement from Minister Simon Coveney, T.D. Dept of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government dated 30 May – Increasing the maximum loan for improvements works  


Notice of Motion




Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward - 07/17

"I am calling on the Government and the Minister for Employment and Social Protection Ms. Regina Doherty T.D., to restore the Telephone Allowance to Senior Citizens."


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Ward outlined to members that the removal of the telephone allowance for landline customers has huge consequences for people living alone.  Older people and especially people living alone in isolated areas who rely on the phone for security are vulnerable and should be entitled to telephone allowance.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD, and the Minister for Employment and Social Protection Regina Doherty, TD to restore the Telephone Allowance to Senior Citizens.



Notice of Motion from Councillors Fallon, Ward, Kilduff, Keogh, Connaughton, Naughten - 08/17

"In light of the enhanced role of the Municipal Districts, Roscommon County Council asks that the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) would amend its stated policy of only meeting County Councils, to meet representatives of Municipal areas on issues that pertain to their area."


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Keogh informed members that following concerns in relation to the M6 motorway, Athlone MD wrote to TII requesting a meeting.  In response the TII issued a letter stating that “they are not in a position to facilitate requests for meetings from individual Municipal Districts.”   In light of the enhanced role of the Municipal Districts, they should change their policy. Members spoke in support of the motion and made the following observations:

  • Affects all National Primary Roads where there are local issues
  • Minister for Transport could change the policy
  • Enhanced role of Municipal Districts should be highlighted in letter
  • TII are not engaging with local representatives and specific problems with folding etc. not being addressed.
  • Overruling local engineers e.g. speed limits


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

It was AGREED to write to the TII and the Department of Transport requesting that the TII amend its stated policy of only meeting County Councils and to meet representatives of Municipal areas on issues that pertain to their area.



Notice of Motion from Councillor Fallon - 09/17

“That Roscommon County Council requests Irish Water to amend its website to allow for an application to be made for an agricultural water connection.” 

The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr Fallon advised that he is frustrated with the quality of customer service given by Irish Water.  An applicant looking to apply for an agricultural connection to a field where there is no planning permission required cannot do so.  He was directed to the agricultural section on Irish Water website but this could not be located.  Following numerous emails and calls to Irish Water this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 93.17


Councillors Conferences - Payment/Attendance

(list Circulated)


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

                SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to adopt the list of payments for attendance at conferences as circulated to the members. 



Any Other Business



Cllr. Shanagher highlighted that there were long traffic delays at Knockcroghery during the recent road works in the village.  She asked if the Council could inform AA Road Watch or local Gardai of any future road works planned in County.        



Cllr. Fallon referred to recent comments made by Minister Simon Coveney in relation to county boundaries.  The Minister was proposing to introduce legislation that would enshrine county boundaries in law, but his view was that would this would not negate the possibility that administrative control could pass from one county to another. Effectively this could mean that Roscommon maintains its county boundary but municipal functions could still be carried out by another county resulting in loss of control over rates, planning policy, raising funds etc.  Cllr. Fallon requested that a letter be written to Minister John Murphy demanding that Roscommon County Council want legislation enacted not only to enshrine county boundaries in law but also to include municipal functions i.e. economic and statutory control to be retained by the county.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

                SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to Minister Murphy stipulating that all county boundaries be enshrined in law including all municipal control, the ability to raise funds, disperse funds and absolute control over the development of the county in its entirety.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to write to Minister outlining the problems and issues this matter would cause to County Roscommon and that no part of South Roscommon be annexed. 


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

                SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to Minister John Paul Phelan and the Taoiseach making them aware of the impact this matter this would have on counties like Roscommon.


Cllr. Keogh queried if there was any response in relation to the letter issued to Minister Naughten requesting a meeting with the Plenary Council regarding the boundary issue. 

Mr. Eugene Cummins, Chief Executive, outlined to members that when the then Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Ward, responded to Department it was made very clear that we wanted both the county and administrative boundaries protected.  We should remind the new Ministers that this was specifically stated in our submission to the Department.  The Chief Executive also noted that our case was somewhat different in terms of the physicality of Monksland versus Athlone.  Our case is unique in that there are clear county and municipal boundaries.  Westmeath and Roscommon are working very effectively together while at the same time protecting our administrative boundaries. Our priority should be protecting ourselves, saying we clearly want this for Roscommon rather than making it a national issue as not all situations are the same with other county boundaries.  The Chief Executive advised that he is pursuing the meeting with Minister Naughten.  The Cathaoirleach asked that a reminder be sent to Minister Naughten.


Cllr. Keogh clarified that Roscommon also has boundaries with Leitrim, Mayo, Galway and Offaly, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95.17


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