Agenda item

Draft Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2017



Cllr Keogh, Chairperson of the Housing and Corporate Affairs SPC, presented a report on the Draft Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2017.  Submissions were sought, received and considered in the Strategy.


The primary objectives of the strategy included the prevention and reduction of anti-social behaviour, coordination of services within the Housing Authority, promotion for co operation with other statutory bodies including An Garda Siochana and the promotion of good estate management.


The inclusion of a Deferral matrix to provide clarity and justification for refusals/deferrals is now included in the strategy, and is considered an important feature as it requires the Local Authority to take all available information from any relevant bodies into consideration including An Garda Siochaná checks.


The members made the following comments:

  • Tenants are responsible for cleaning of silt, leaves or other deposits from gutters and downpipes.  This is not being enforced by the council resulting in unsightly premises throughout Roscommon Town.    
  • There needs to be greater enforcement action on anti social behaviour.
  • Enforcement of the strategy should become an integral part of the Housing department   Multi-agency approach is required as housing staff need support to implement this strategy and action taken where necessary. 
  • Stronger powers and greater security for tenants is positive. 
  • Upkeep and maintenance of local authority houses is costly and there should be a scheme setup to make provisions where people can pay in instalments for materials to encourage tenants to maintain their houses to a good standard.  Can this be referred back to Housing SPC? 
  • Most often it is not the registered occupier engaging in anti social behaviour but the visitors that come to the house.
  • Is any of our Housing Stock using external cladding similar to that in Grenfell Tower? What is our policy in relation to attic and wall insulation? 


Derek Caldbeck, director of Services responded as follows:

  • Anti social behaviour is a complex area as no two cases the same and it can be difficult to engage but every case is fully investigated.
  • Repair and maintenance of housing stock is not directly linked to anti-social behaviour and the proposal to refer this to Housing & Corporate SPC should be considered in light of budgetary constraints that apply for 2018, but the Housing budget is continually overspent on emergency repairs.
  • Attic and wall insulation – progressing with this for all of our housing stock as part of capital budget.
  • Aware of cladding issue but one multi-storey block in Boyle is undergoing fire safety works, independent of situation in Grenfell.  Not aware of any property in Roscommon that is subject to that type of cladding, but will bring further information at next meeting.
  • Tenant’s handbook is under review and will be addressed at SPC and anti-social behaviour will feature in this document.
  • Evidence required to serve warning letters.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughton

SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED to ask the Housing and Corporate Affairs SPC to look into setting up a Tenant Maintenance Scheme to encourage tenants to maintain their houses to a good standard.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to adopt the Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2017.



Original text