Agenda item

Presentation on Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme


Eugene Dwyer, Senior Engineer outlined the details of the Departmental review of the OPW Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Costal Protection Funding Scheme which provided for a number of improvements to the scheme. The scheme was introduced in 2009 as a response to the severe flooding and Roscommon County Council has completed a number of schemes under the scheme.   In Roscommon where we have a low density population it was difficult to achieve the cost benefit analysis involved.  Following the flooding in 2015 the scheme was reviewed and changes were made to the rates used to reach the cost benefit.


 The changes to the schemes were outlined as follows:

·         Funding for a home at risk of flooding increased up to 12,500 while homes that has been flooded increased to €39,000

·         Commercial premises at risk of flooding are now included allowing €10,000 for farmyard/buildings while commercial premises flooded with a value of €30,000 now includes farmyards/ buildings

·         Rates for agricultural land flooded for at least a month are to be revised and will be available shortly.

·         Funding for road diversions, if over 12 hours.

·         Funding for homes cut off from flooding increased to €170 per day.

·         Cost benefit ratio has been reduced from a minimum of 1.5 to a minimum of 1.35 for works up to €250,000.


The members made the following comments:

·         While welcoming the inclusion of farmyards and buildings in the scheme, the value of the loss of production of farmland continues to be a major concern.

·         Is a schedule of works required or is there an existing schedule with outstanding works?

·         Correal cross needs priority funding as residents very concerned about the impact of another bad winter.

·         Is it the responsibility of the farmer or the Local Authority to make the application to the OPW?

·         Works remain outstanding at Castleplunkett after the flooding.  Can these works be progressed?

·         Loughfunshinagh –There are still 400 acres flooded and there is an obvious blockage for the past number of years – can the CE and staff please see if works can be advanced to solve this issue notwithstanding that there is a report being carried out.

·         More allocations required from central government.


Eugene Dwyer responded to members queries as follows:

·          There is an existing schedule of works by area but some of the outstanding works are based in areas where there are turloughs and works cannot progress at these locations until studies are completed.   Two schemes in the Athlone area have been submitted and other schemes are being prepared. In the more seriously flooded areas such as Loughfunshinagh, Correal Cross and Lisserdrea, Boyle there are environmental issues with the turloughs and there is a study ongoing to determine how the turloughs behave over a period of time. 

·         The Local Authority makes the application to the OPW.

·         Aware of issues at Castleplunkett and currently trying to progress this.

·         Turloughs are unique features to west of Ireland resulting in little scientific information available.  In the absence of any study it would be very difficult to get any approval to carry out drainage works. This is a groundbreaking study and needs to be done and awaiting the outcome of the study would be the wisest course of action.



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