Agenda item

Any Other Business



Cllr. Shanagher highlighted that there were long traffic delays at Knockcroghery during the recent road works in the village.  She asked if the Council could inform AA Road Watch or local Gardai of any future road works planned in County.        



Cllr. Fallon referred to recent comments made by Minister Simon Coveney in relation to county boundaries.  The Minister was proposing to introduce legislation that would enshrine county boundaries in law, but his view was that would this would not negate the possibility that administrative control could pass from one county to another. Effectively this could mean that Roscommon maintains its county boundary but municipal functions could still be carried out by another county resulting in loss of control over rates, planning policy, raising funds etc.  Cllr. Fallon requested that a letter be written to Minister John Murphy demanding that Roscommon County Council want legislation enacted not only to enshrine county boundaries in law but also to include municipal functions i.e. economic and statutory control to be retained by the county.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

                SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to Minister Murphy stipulating that all county boundaries be enshrined in law including all municipal control, the ability to raise funds, disperse funds and absolute control over the development of the county in its entirety.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to write to Minister outlining the problems and issues this matter would cause to County Roscommon and that no part of South Roscommon be annexed. 


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

                SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to Minister John Paul Phelan and the Taoiseach making them aware of the impact this matter this would have on counties like Roscommon.


Cllr. Keogh queried if there was any response in relation to the letter issued to Minister Naughten requesting a meeting with the Plenary Council regarding the boundary issue. 

Mr. Eugene Cummins, Chief Executive, outlined to members that when the then Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Ward, responded to Department it was made very clear that we wanted both the county and administrative boundaries protected.  We should remind the new Ministers that this was specifically stated in our submission to the Department.  The Chief Executive also noted that our case was somewhat different in terms of the physicality of Monksland versus Athlone.  Our case is unique in that there are clear county and municipal boundaries.  Westmeath and Roscommon are working very effectively together while at the same time protecting our administrative boundaries. Our priority should be protecting ourselves, saying we clearly want this for Roscommon rather than making it a national issue as not all situations are the same with other county boundaries.  The Chief Executive advised that he is pursuing the meeting with Minister Naughten.  The Cathaoirleach asked that a reminder be sent to Minister Naughten.


Cllr. Keogh clarified that Roscommon also has boundaries with Leitrim, Mayo, Galway and Offaly, and they are issues of concern.  It is important that when submitting a letter that it is on a national basis.   



Cllr. Connaughton is requesting that verge trimming on regional and local roads across the county be priortised in the interest of road safety.        


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED that emergency funding be prioritised for each Municipal District areas for verge trimming.


Mr. Eugene Cummins, Chief Executive, advised he could not give a commitment for extra funding but would discuss the matter with Head of Roads.


The newly elected Cathaoirleach invited all present to the Abbey Hotel for light refreshments.



Original text