Agenda item

Notice of Motion




Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward - 07/17

"I am calling on the Government and the Minister for Employment and Social Protection Ms. Regina Doherty T.D., to restore the Telephone Allowance to Senior Citizens."


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Ward outlined to members that the removal of the telephone allowance for landline customers has huge consequences for people living alone.  Older people and especially people living alone in isolated areas who rely on the phone for security are vulnerable and should be entitled to telephone allowance.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to write to Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD, and the Minister for Employment and Social Protection Regina Doherty, TD to restore the Telephone Allowance to Senior Citizens.



Notice of Motion from Councillors Fallon, Ward, Kilduff, Keogh, Connaughton, Naughten - 08/17

"In light of the enhanced role of the Municipal Districts, Roscommon County Council asks that the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) would amend its stated policy of only meeting County Councils, to meet representatives of Municipal areas on issues that pertain to their area."


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Keogh informed members that following concerns in relation to the M6 motorway, Athlone MD wrote to TII requesting a meeting.  In response the TII issued a letter stating that “they are not in a position to facilitate requests for meetings from individual Municipal Districts.”   In light of the enhanced role of the Municipal Districts, they should change their policy. Members spoke in support of the motion and made the following observations:

  • Affects all National Primary Roads where there are local issues
  • Minister for Transport could change the policy
  • Enhanced role of Municipal Districts should be highlighted in letter
  • TII are not engaging with local representatives and specific problems with folding etc. not being addressed.
  • Overruling local engineers e.g. speed limits


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

It was AGREED to write to the TII and the Department of Transport requesting that the TII amend its stated policy of only meeting County Councils and to meet representatives of Municipal areas on issues that pertain to their area.



Notice of Motion from Councillor Fallon - 09/17

“That Roscommon County Council requests Irish Water to amend its website to allow for an application to be made for an agricultural water connection.” 

The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr Fallon advised that he is frustrated with the quality of customer service given by Irish Water.  An applicant looking to apply for an agricultural connection to a field where there is no planning permission required cannot do so.  He was directed to the agricultural section on Irish Water website but this could not be located.  Following numerous emails and calls to Irish Water this matter has not been resolved.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to write to Irish Water to immediately amend their website to allow an application for a farmland connection be made available on their website. 



Notice of Motion from Councillor Murphy and Councillor Dineen - 10/17

“That Roscommon County Council supports the Northern & Western Regional Assembly, the Western Development Commission and the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in establishing a Smart Region approach to encourage new industries, sectors and opportunities."


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Dineen and Cllr. Murphy asked that the council fully supports this motion and stated that it would be a benefit to everyone as it would encourage new industries to our region, create new opportunities and that it could underpin employment in rural Ireland.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen

SECONDED by Councillor Murphy

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council supports the Northern & Western Regional Assembly, the Western Development Commission and the Insight Centre for Data Analytics in establishing a Smart Region approach to encourage new industries, sectors and opportunities.




Notice of Motion from Councillor Fitzmaurice - 11/17

“That Roscommon County Council introduces a scheme to replace storage heaters in Local Authority houses with a more affordable system, where tenants have found storage heating systems too expensive and totally unsuitable for their needs.”  


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-


“There is no national funding scheme to replace electric storage heaters in local authority houses.  Costs associated with retro-fitting heating systems are significant and Roscommon County Council’s maintenance budget does not have the capacity to include the replacement of functioning heating systems as it continues to be overspent year on year with routine maintenance works. 

Tenants who find electric storage heaters expensive may petition for traditional oil fired or solid fuel central heating systems, however, in the event that electric storage heaters could be replaced, replacement options are likely to be limited to electricity-based, low carbon emission options such as air-to-water which can prove to also be expensive depending on the level of insulation and size of house etc.   

Members may wish give consideration to provide for funds to be allocated as part of the 2018 budget process for such a scheme but it should be noted that such funds would have to be diverted from other services and it would also require administrative and technical resources to assess, administer and oversee”


Cllr. Fitzmaurice stated that a number of local authority houses in his region have electric storage heating. This was particularly relevant for systems installed in older people’s dwellings who were receiving an electricity allowance.  However current housing occupants are finding that this system doesn’t meet their needs and is not affordable.  Cllr. Fitzmaurice is appealing to council to upgrade some of these heating systems on a yearly basis, and believes that following discussions with Eco Smart, there are some grants available nationally to Local Authorities, up to 50%, to assist with funding.  Some of the houses affected should be dealt with on an annual basis and money put aside in the budget.


Members noted the following:

  • People on a fuel allowance can apply for up to 80% grant.
  • When were the heaters last serviced?
  • Seek a special allocation from Government to upgrade the heating systems – concept of storage heating is outdated
  • Write to SEAI to extend their scheme to houses owned by County Councils where tenant is in receipt of social welfare. Same concept should apply to council houses as private houses
  • There is a grant of 35% from SEAI to cover a range of measures for local authority houses
  • Interested to know how many of our houses have storage heaters for next meeting


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fitzmaurice

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Housing for funding to apply for the deep retrofit pilot programme to replace storage heating and grant aid from the SEAI as a top up.


Mr Caldbeck clarified that the reply given should have stated that there was no 100% funding available.  Roscommon County Council will look at any funding scheme available however any shortfall in grant funding would have to be funded by the council. There are no extensive records on the type of heating systems in our 1,400 houses and the housing unit will endeavour to clarify this information to enable an informed decision to be made at budget time.


It was the suggested by the Cathaoirleach that this matter be referred to the Housing SPC as the matter needed to be further explored. Cllr. Cummins, Chairperson of the Housing and Corporate SPC stated that an audit be carried out of the houses in the possession of the Council to define what type of heating Systems are required. It will take some time to do this but the information is needed going forward before any decision is made.



Original text