Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Áras an Chontae. View directions

Contact: Patricia Bohan  Email:; 090 66 37172


No. Item


Tribute to the late Mr. Patrick Moylan RIP - Former Member of RCC

Additional documents:


The Cathaoirleach paid tribute to the late Pat Moylan who was a former Member and Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council and the longest serving member of the Council from 1960 to 1999.  The Cathaoirleach offered her sympathies to the Moylan family on the passing of Pat and his late wife Mary, who died two weeks earlier on 9th January.  At the request of the Cathaoirleach and as a mark of respect the meeting was adjourned for five minutes.  Ardheis go raibh a anam dílis.


Adoption of Minutes

-       Plenary Meeting of 18th December 2017

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen

                SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of Plenary Meeting held 18.12.2017. 



Matters Arising

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Cllr. Shanagher noted that LEADER have a Community Liaison Worker assisting Town Teams with applications for grants and would like to see this service extended to all Community Groups. 


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

                SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to send a letter to Roscommon Leader Partnership seeking a Community Liaison Officer to work with all community groups in addition to working with the town teams. 


Management Report

-       Quarter 4 2017




Additional documents:


Members noted the Management Report for Quarter 4 2017.


Disposal of Land - Rescinding of Resolution 113.17 dated 24th Oct 2017 (Community & Enterprise)

·         0.1984 ha. at Ballyboughan Industrial Estate, Ballyboughan Townland, Roscommon


Additional documents:


The Meetings Administrator informed the meeting that Solicitors acting for Eddie Naughton and Enda Naughton have requested that the land in the Townland of Ballyboughan, Roscommon be sold to Naughton’s Farm Machinery Limited.  Roscommon County Council confirmed that disposal of this land is subject to the passing of a Resolution by the Council rescinding Resolution dated 24/10/2017, which agreed that the Council consent to the dispoal of 0.1984 hectares (Site 11) in the Townland of Ballyboughan, Roscommon to Eddie Naughton and Enda Naughton.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen

                SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED that the County Council of the County of Roscommon does hereby rescind in its entirety its Resolution dated 24th October 2017, which approved the disposal of land 0.1984 hectares (Site 11) at Ballyboughan Industrial Estate, Ballyboughan Townland, Roscommon to Eddie Naughton and Enda Naughton.




Disposal of Land - Community & Enterprise

·         0.1984 ha. at Ballyboughan Industrial Estate, Ballyboughan Townland, Roscommon


Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that the Council consent to the disposal of lands pursuant to the provision of Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001.  Particulars of the land which the County Council proposes to dispose of:-


The land:  0.1984 ha. at Ballyboughan Industrial Estate, Ballyboughan Townland, Roscommon

The persons from whom the land was acquired: Eircom Ltd., Harcourt Centre, 52 Harcourt St, Dublin 2.  Joseph Kelly, Tremane, Co. Roscommon

The person to whom the land is to be disposed:  Naughton’s Farm Machinery Ltd.

Consideration:  €35,000 plus VAT

Conditions: None




Disposal of Land - Community & Enterprise

·         0.473hA at Demesne Td., Castlerea, Co. Roscommon

Additional documents:


Cllr. Fitzmaurice disclosed to the meeting that he is a Director of Enterprise Castlerea.  He withdrew from the meeting and did not take part in any discussion or consideration on this matter.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen  

SECONDED by Councillor Creaton

It was AGREED that the Council consent to the disposal of lands pursuant to the provision of Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001.  Particulars of the land which the County Council proposes to dispose of:-


The land:  0.473 hectares at Demesne Townland, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon

The persons from whom the land was acquired: IDA Ireland

The person to whom the land is to be disposed:  Enterprise Castlerea Company Limited by Guarantee.

Consideration:  €15,000

Conditions: None





Lease of Lands - Community & Enterprise

·         2.519hA at Elphin Td., Elphin, Co. Roscommon

·         0.02hA at Frenchpark Courthourse, Corskeagh Td., Frenchpark

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Byrne

SECONDED by Councillor Cummins

It was AGREED that the Council consent to the lease of property pursuant to the provision of Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001.  Particulars of the property which the County Council proposes to lease:-


The Property:  2.519 hectares at Elphin Townland, Elphin, Co. Roscommon

The person(s) to whom the property is to be leased to: The Commissioners of Public Works (OPW).

Consideration:  €100 per annum

Term of Lease: 99 years


The Property:  0.02 hectares at Frenchpark Courthouse, Corskeagh Td., Frenchpark, Co. Roscommon.

The person(s) to whom the property is to be leased to: Roscommon Integrated Development Co. Ltd. t/a Roscommon LEADER Partnership, The Shambles, Market Street, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon

Consideration:  €100 per annum

Term of Lease: 6 years



Report by Head of Finance and A/Director of Services - Mr. Martin Lydon

-       Feasibility Study on the Mid Shannon Wild Park and Lough Ree

Additional documents:


Feasability Study - Mid Shannon Wilderness Park and Lough Ree

Mr. Martin Lydon, Head of Finance and A/Director of Services outlined that the Roscommon Tourism Statement of Strategy was agreed by the Elected Members and it was agreed as part of that strategy that we would concentrate more on the River Shannon and the water based facilities within the county.  The Lough Ree and the Mid Shannon Wilderness Park is a project that aims to use Bord Na Mona lands which traverse Longford and Roscommon to bring Lough Ree to life.   Mr. Lydon gave an overview of the feasibility study as follows:


·         This is a regional project -  a joint project between Waterways Ireland, Bord Na Mona, National Wildlife Park Service, Longford County Council, Offaly County Council, Westmeath County Council and Roscommon County Council.

·         The plan would bring together some Bord na Mona land that traverses Longford and Roscommon and make the most of the natural environment whilst at the same time addressing environmental issues. Escape is what will be offered to tourists - making the most of the countryside. Rewild and Reactivate blueways, greenways and link these to key areas in the county to develop a tourism product that is different.

·         It will be called ‘At the Spirit Level’. The target is to develop something that Failte Ireland is able to take on similar to WAW and Irelands Ancient East.

·         Creating a new market space and in the process make the competition less relevant.

·         Focus on Lough Ree Islands, Inner Lakes and Peninsulas.

·         Partners are key to the project to prioritise infrastructure investment and to link it together.

·         Use of state owned lands making it easier to deliver the project overall.

·         Communities and landowners will have a role to play in the development of wild places.

·         Steering group established to maximise the benefits for everyone.

·         Roscommon County Council is a key driver of this project and Waterways Ireland a key player.

·         Need to extend membership of Community wetlands forum and link in with kayaking and angling clubs.

·         Access to Rindoon, Portrun and Hodson Bay is essential.

·         Athlone is a key hub to the project

·         Need to improve our accommodation offering.



The members discussed the presentation as follows:

·         This is a project that is very welcome and a coordinated approach is well overdue.

·         When is the Shannon Blueway likely to link up to Carrick?

·         Concern regarding the Athlone and Hodson Bay and the provision of a cycleway – this could open up huge opportunities and hopefully businesses will buy into it.

·         This project lends itself nicely to the Kilteevan project i.e. the Rural Recreation Development Officer

·         This is timely and necessary and has the potential to put Roscommon amenities centre stage. Rindoon is a very important asset and it is important to develop although it would be expensive

·         Need access to the Dublin Galway cycle routes

·         Consider the previous Notice of Motion regarding making the River Hind navigable

·         Our biggest asset is the River Shannon and we have  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.18


Presentation on Housing - Mr. Greg O'Donnell Action SEO

-       Refusal Rates on Social Housing

Additional documents:


Mr. Greg O’Donnell, Acting SEO of Housing Unit made a presentation to the members on the ‘Numbers and reasons for Refusal of Offers of Social Housing’.


·         If there is a refusal of two reasonable offers of different housing over a one-year period, there is a one year suspension from the housing list.

·         “Reasonable” is defined as “meets accommodation needs and requirements”.

·         There is no reliable information available at National Level as there are no NOAC performance indicator measurements in this area.

·         Headline figures as follows:

o   In 2016 there were 156 offers and 45 refusals (29%); In 2017 191 offers and 27 refusals (25%)

o   Athlone area has the highest demand and least number of refusals

o   Athlone has 50% of total social houses

o   89% of Housing list are in private accommodation

·         Reasons for refusal:

o   Remain in private rented accommodation (HAP or RAS) - 36%

o   Concern over anti-social behaviour – 9%

o   Change of Area of Choice – 11%

o   Offer withdrawn – 9%

o   In applicant’s view offer is unsuitable – 30%

o   Size of accommodation – 6%

·         Refusals will have increased importance

·         Concern Housing list will increase as HAP increases

·         Critical voids are turned around as soon as possible


The following discussion took place on this presentation:


·         The Cathaoirleach of the Housing SPC asked that this presentation be made to the Plenary meeting.

·         Refusals camouflage the real list and the Council must act as soon as possible to get houses filled.

·         There are genuine reasons for refusal

·         Issue with storage heaters in our stock and the cost of running them and older council houses are very hard to modernise.

·         Private houses are getting more scarce and the cost of rental is increasing.

·         Need to look at 3bedroom vs 1& 2 bedroom houses

·         Are people interested in being on the housing list as they appear to have to be on it to qualify from housing assistance payments.

·         Are there proposals to undertake construction in Monksland?

·         We must set a target to clear our housing list in next 3 to 4 years as it could double in time

·         Is it only after a house is offered that the housing department is told it is not wanted?

·         People are not able to afford high rents and more affordable houses must be built

·         Work with SEAI to improve standards of Council houses.

·         In the last Management report, it stated that there were 502 applicants on housing list and 300 of those in private rented accommodation. All of these people are I need of accommodation as they cannot be considered as having secure long term housing. It would be interesting to know how many of those in private rented want to stay there long-term and not want a Council house.

·         Request an update on storage heater survey at a future meeting.

·         No houses for rent in South Roscommon


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Doherty

It was AGREED to include the following question on the next  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.18


Presentation on Roscommon Public Participation Network (PPN)

Additional documents:


Ms. Brenda McNicholas, Public Participation Network (PPN) Co Ordinator made a presentation to the members on the current working of the scheme which provides a forum for community and voluntary groups in local democracy. Also in attendance were Michael Kelly and Vincent Moran.


·         The PPN is funded jointly by the Department of Rural and Community affairs and Roscommon County Council. The groups are aligned to one of three pillars – Community, Social Inclusion or Environmental and they must choose a Municipal District to also align to.

·         There are currently 320 groups in the PPN from all over county Roscommon and this facilitates eligibility to avail of Council grants. This number of groups continues to grow.

·         The group has a county plenary meetings and can nominate representatives to boards, committees, etc. It provides training to members, updates on policies and plans and collaborates with other groups.

·         The system uses linkage groups and feed into wider linkage groups.

·         There is two- way communication between the committees and the PPN

·         The secretariat is a flat structure with no chair and they implement the decisions of the plenary meeting who meet twice a year

·         Roscommon PPN is a pilot site for creating a wellbeing statement and they are currently working with Roscommon MD.

·         Ongoing initiatives from PPN include – PPN promotion, primary school’s competitions, Volunteer awards, Dementia task group, Life Suicide Prevention Action Plan, Information hub for social media, capacity building and training, representative elections to groups (the most recent call was for representatives from PPN on the Drug and Alcohol Taskforce eliciting a great response)

·         PPN have an annual work plan, over 100 staff from RCC were trained on the workings of the PPN, they are involved in consultations, circulation of notices and help with outline of grant schemes.


The members welcomed the presentation and made the following comments:

·         PPN is a wonderful mechanism for disseminating information to the community.

·         There should be equal representation for each Municipal District.

·         There can be a crossover of training with GRETB

·         People should be aware of legal responsibilities when they sign up to groups – clear guidelines on insurance

·         Economic Development SPC changed to 6pm in future to facilitate the representatives from PPN.


Ms. McNicholas responded as follows:

·         No crossover in training with GRETB but perhaps with Leader Partnership but they regularly meet.

·         There is equal representation at each M.D. – each community has two seats.

·         The training is based on the MD depending on where the majority are.

·         Vacant Seats are advertised

·         It is hoped to run workshop sessions for groups in February in collaboration with Community Section of the Council.





Chief Executive Business

Additional documents:


Update on Proposed Insurance Retained Capital Release

Mr. Eugene Dwyer, Head of Roads and Transport gave an update to members.  Mr. Dwyer outlined that Irish Public Bodies (IPB) provide Employers Liability & Public Liability insurance cover to Roscommon County Council.  Up to now premiums were paid annually to IPB and as claims were settled during the year, an additional payment would be paid at the end of the year called a retro excess payment and would vary depending on the level of claims settled with the risk falling to the Local Authority on all outstanding claims.    In order to give budget certainty it was agreed with IPB to buyout this retro balance for all outstanding claims and move to a new community rating system of a flat premium payment.  While the new payment will be initially higher under the current premium where Local Authorities reduce their risk over time that will be rewarded with a reduced premium as well. 


Secondly IPB has accumulated surplus capital reserves over the years and a decision has been taken to release this retained funding back to the Local Authorities.  The CPG in June agreed the following:

·         Set aside an amount as a cushion for payments of the additional premium over the next three years.

·         Employ an Assistant Engineer or Technician reporting to the Head of Roads and Transportation to carry out risk management.

·         Carry out works in the form outlined on a priority basis on a county wide basis.


IPB has now confirmed the proposed release of the retained capital reserves as follows:

·         Total payment due to Roscommon County Council is €3,205,000

·         First tranche in the sum of €1.518m is to be processed immediately

·         Remaining balance of €1.687m is to be distributed in four equal instalments of €422k over four years from 2019 to 2022.


As agreed with IPB the sum of €997k is due to IPB for the buyout of the retro and the movement to a flat payment from 1st January 2017.  This will be deducted from the first tranche resulting in a net payment to the Council of €521k approx.


As previously stated there will be increased premiums as a result of the abolition of the retro balances and we need to set aside money for a number of years until we are able to manage our risk and our liability starts to fall.  This will amount to approx €100k per year.  At the present time our ranking is no better than mid table with regard to current risk according to IPB.  Notwithstanding the need to mitigate our risk we have to have regard to future planned improvement works but however there are a number of areas where we can immediately carry out works. Initially surveys will be carried out by the engineer who has been appointed to identify areas of priority for remedial works and works will start this year.   


Members made the following comments:

·         What areas will the remedial works include?

·         Will remedial works include villages as well as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.18


Freedom of County

Additional documents:


The Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Leyden informed the meeting that she was proposing the Freedom of County Roscommon be conferred on Mr. Brian O’Doherty.  She added that Mr. Doherty is renowned in Ireland and worldwide in terms of his contribution to the Visual Arts, born in Ballaghaderreen in 1928 and currently living in New York.        


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

                SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED that Mr. Brian O’Doherty be awarded the Freedom of County Roscommon.



"Rosalie Unit", Áras Naomh Chaoilain, Castlerea

Additional documents:


Cllr. Fitzmaurice said there was great concern in Castlerea over the long term future of the Rosalie Unit and the fact that there are no new admissions to the Unit.  In the past the Unit has had up to thirty patients and this is now down to twelve.   In July 2015 we were given a commitment that it would remain open and be a vibrant facility.  It now appears this Unit, through natural wastage, will eventually be closed down.  There is concern for the future of this unit and demand that the Government re-open admissions, put in an adequate amount of staff, which is currently very low and unfair on both staff and patients.


Cllr. Dineen said concerns were raised eighteen months ago regarding its closure and there was a successful commitment from the Minister that it would remain open.  He will be attending a meeting next Wednesday in Dublin with the Minister regarding this matter.


Cllr. Creaton informed the meeting that Senator Maura Hopkins has arranged a meeting for next Wednesday with Minister Jim Daly, Mr. Tony Canavan from the HSE West, Oireachtas members and three members of Roscommon County Council. 


The Cathaoirleach and all members outlined their support for the Rosalie Unit and hoped for a positive outcome at next Wednesday’s meeting. 



Additional documents:


·         Motion from Wexford County Council resolving that the guidance issued by the Data protection Commissioners should not supercede the public interest role of Councillors.

·         Motion from Waterford City and County Council resolving that it be made an offence for a person or persons to enter the water, that being the sea or river, during a status Red weather warning as a matter of public safety.

·         Letter from Minister for Education & Skills, Mr. Richard Bruton TD regarding the role of religion in school admissions.

·         Letter from Dept. of Health regarding the Home Care Services to support older people. 

·         Letter of acknowledgement from Brenda Howlin, TD., Leader of the Labour Party regarding resolution proposed by Councillor Fallon.

·         Email from Tony Canavan, CO, CHO Area 2, HSE outlining the process for making enquiries about matters that fall within the remit of the HSE. 


Notice of Motion

·         Motion No. 01/18 from Cllr. Connaughton

·         Motion No. 02/18 from Cllr. Ward

·         Motion No. 03/18 from Cllr. Fitzmaurice

Additional documents:



Notice of Motion from Councillor Connaughton – 01/08 

"That Roscommon County Council call on The Department of Rural & Community Development to provide funding for Local Improvement Schemes (LIS) early in 2018 to ensure works can be carried out during the summer months. The allocations in 2017 came too late and will not result in value for money. Many successful applicants had to carry out works in the winter months during periods of poor weather. The life span of the works completed will be lessened as a result"



Roscommon County Council has not yet received notification of funding for Local Improvement Schemes in 2018. In the expectation that funding will be provided Roads Section has advertised a LIS with a closing date of 31st January for applications and approximately 30 applications have been received to date. This Motion requires a resolution of the Council.


On the  PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to write to Minister Michael Ring, T.D., Department of Rural and Community Development seeking funding for Local Improvement Schemes early in 2018 to ensure works can be carried out during the summer months.



Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs

Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward – 02/18

“I am calling on the Government to ratify the Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs which was adopted by the Council of Europe on the 9th July 2014 in order to criminalise illegal organ transplantations. The Government has already signed the Convention, but it has not yet ratified the Convention.  In order to establish as a criminal offence the illegal removal of human organs from the living or deceased donors”



This Motion requires a resolution of the Council.


On the  PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

SECONDED by Councillor Dineen   

It was AGREED to call on the Government to ratify the Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs which was adopted by the council of Europe on the 9th July 2014.  It was agreed to send a copy of the Motion to allLocal Authorities and Amnesty International.


Grant for Landowners to Cut Dangerous Trees

Notice of Motion from Cllr. Fitzmaurice – 03/18

Notice of Motion calling on the Government and the Minister for Transport to introduce a grant aid scheme with a maximum of 50? of the cost for landowners (in conjunction with Local Authorities) to remove dangerous trees along public roads in the interest of public safety.



This Motion requires a resolution of the Council.


On the  PROPOSAL of Councillor Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton 

It was AGREED to call on the Government to allocate €50k to a Scheme for all Local Authorities to deal with dangerous and decayed trees on roadsides.   



Councillors Conferences - Payment/Attendance

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

                SECONDED by Councillor Creaton

It was AGREED to adopt the list of payments for attendance at conferences as circulated to the members. 


Votes of Congratulations and Sympathy

Additional documents:


Votes of sympathy were extended to:

·         The Whyte family, Donamon on the death of Des Whyte.

·         The Moylan family, Ballinlough on the death of Pat and Mary Moylan.

·         The Lindsay family on the death of Seán Lindsay, Drumcondra and formerly of Roscommon.

·         The Community of Manchester on the death of Margaret Casserley, Chairperson of Roscommon Association Manchester and her husband Tommie who passed away two days previously.    


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to send a letter to Mr. Len Connell, Secretary Roscommon Association Manchester extending sympathy.  Ar dheis go raibh a n-anamacha.


Any Other Business

Additional documents:


Castlerea Fire Station

Cllr. Fitzmaurice raised the issue of Castlerea Fire Station that has remained closed for one year and requested an update from the C.E. in relation to recruitment of new staff following advertisements at end of 2017.


Cllr. Dineen further queried if the boundaries were going to change within the fire services in Roscommon and will there be new areas designated to fire stations within the County.     


The C.E. stated that he is fully committed to re-opening Castlerea Fire Station.  He said that interviews will be held in the coming weeks and when a full complement of staff is in place and when he is satisfied that everyone can work safely together, he will return to the opening of the Fire Station.  He said it is regrettable that he was forced to close it, a year ago last Saturday. 

In relation to possible adjustments of boundaries, he said the areas designated for fire brigades are on the basis of risk assessment and risk management.  He said there will be minor changes on foot of the risk assessments.  He advised that the Chief Fire Officer will give an update at next meeting.   He emphasised that any changes to boundaries are not as a result of the closure of the station in Castlerea.


Original text