Agenda item

Report by Head of Finance and A/Director of Services - Mr. Martin Lydon

-       Feasibility Study on the Mid Shannon Wild Park and Lough Ree


Feasability Study - Mid Shannon Wilderness Park and Lough Ree

Mr. Martin Lydon, Head of Finance and A/Director of Services outlined that the Roscommon Tourism Statement of Strategy was agreed by the Elected Members and it was agreed as part of that strategy that we would concentrate more on the River Shannon and the water based facilities within the county.  The Lough Ree and the Mid Shannon Wilderness Park is a project that aims to use Bord Na Mona lands which traverse Longford and Roscommon to bring Lough Ree to life.   Mr. Lydon gave an overview of the feasibility study as follows:


·         This is a regional project -  a joint project between Waterways Ireland, Bord Na Mona, National Wildlife Park Service, Longford County Council, Offaly County Council, Westmeath County Council and Roscommon County Council.

·         The plan would bring together some Bord na Mona land that traverses Longford and Roscommon and make the most of the natural environment whilst at the same time addressing environmental issues. Escape is what will be offered to tourists - making the most of the countryside. Rewild and Reactivate blueways, greenways and link these to key areas in the county to develop a tourism product that is different.

·         It will be called ‘At the Spirit Level’. The target is to develop something that Failte Ireland is able to take on similar to WAW and Irelands Ancient East.

·         Creating a new market space and in the process make the competition less relevant.

·         Focus on Lough Ree Islands, Inner Lakes and Peninsulas.

·         Partners are key to the project to prioritise infrastructure investment and to link it together.

·         Use of state owned lands making it easier to deliver the project overall.

·         Communities and landowners will have a role to play in the development of wild places.

·         Steering group established to maximise the benefits for everyone.

·         Roscommon County Council is a key driver of this project and Waterways Ireland a key player.

·         Need to extend membership of Community wetlands forum and link in with kayaking and angling clubs.

·         Access to Rindoon, Portrun and Hodson Bay is essential.

·         Athlone is a key hub to the project

·         Need to improve our accommodation offering.



The members discussed the presentation as follows:

·         This is a project that is very welcome and a coordinated approach is well overdue.

·         When is the Shannon Blueway likely to link up to Carrick?

·         Concern regarding the Athlone and Hodson Bay and the provision of a cycleway – this could open up huge opportunities and hopefully businesses will buy into it.

·         This project lends itself nicely to the Kilteevan project i.e. the Rural Recreation Development Officer

·         This is timely and necessary and has the potential to put Roscommon amenities centre stage. Rindoon is a very important asset and it is important to develop although it would be expensive

·         Need access to the Dublin Galway cycle routes

·         Consider the previous Notice of Motion regarding making the River Hind navigable

·         Our biggest asset is the River Shannon and we have not previously developed a strategy around it. Cycleways can be developed from Shannon to many other villages in the county.

·         Website should show linkages to other important resources in the county

·         Need to look at developing the roadway into St Johns Wood in agreement with landowners.

·         Compliment the development of Centreparcs at Ballymahon

·         There is a good feel to the Report and it capture what we have to offer. The key is in linking this to the existing facilities in the county. We can develop this as an ecotourism project – an escape from the modern world and its fast pace.

·         Will we get same funding as Wild Atlantic Way?

·         The concept of the Islands is an exciting one and it offers something different.

·         Why is there no mention of Ballyleague on the map?


Mr. Lydon responded as follows:


·         Even though some of the islands come under the remit of other counties, we have the best access points.

·         Agree that the linkages are vital to incorporate from County Roscommon’s perspective

·         BearaBreifne, Heartlands, Suck Valley Way need to link in and Hodson Bay is seen as the centre of Ireland.

·         The Shannon Blueway – there is now an excellent relationship with Waterways Ireland and will look at extending routes such as Carrick to Lough Key.

·         There is initial funding of €1million and there could be up to €30million available for a project of this nature.

·         The issue of Ballyleague can be looked at but Lanesboro is included and this is a joint project with a number of local authorities including Longford County Council.



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