Agenda item

Presentation on Housing - Mr. Greg O'Donnell Action SEO

-       Refusal Rates on Social Housing


Mr. Greg O’Donnell, Acting SEO of Housing Unit made a presentation to the members on the ‘Numbers and reasons for Refusal of Offers of Social Housing’.


·         If there is a refusal of two reasonable offers of different housing over a one-year period, there is a one year suspension from the housing list.

·         “Reasonable” is defined as “meets accommodation needs and requirements”.

·         There is no reliable information available at National Level as there are no NOAC performance indicator measurements in this area.

·         Headline figures as follows:

o   In 2016 there were 156 offers and 45 refusals (29%); In 2017 191 offers and 27 refusals (25%)

o   Athlone area has the highest demand and least number of refusals

o   Athlone has 50% of total social houses

o   89% of Housing list are in private accommodation

·         Reasons for refusal:

o   Remain in private rented accommodation (HAP or RAS) - 36%

o   Concern over anti-social behaviour – 9%

o   Change of Area of Choice – 11%

o   Offer withdrawn – 9%

o   In applicant’s view offer is unsuitable – 30%

o   Size of accommodation – 6%

·         Refusals will have increased importance

·         Concern Housing list will increase as HAP increases

·         Critical voids are turned around as soon as possible


The following discussion took place on this presentation:


·         The Cathaoirleach of the Housing SPC asked that this presentation be made to the Plenary meeting.

·         Refusals camouflage the real list and the Council must act as soon as possible to get houses filled.

·         There are genuine reasons for refusal

·         Issue with storage heaters in our stock and the cost of running them and older council houses are very hard to modernise.

·         Private houses are getting more scarce and the cost of rental is increasing.

·         Need to look at 3bedroom vs 1& 2 bedroom houses

·         Are people interested in being on the housing list as they appear to have to be on it to qualify from housing assistance payments.

·         Are there proposals to undertake construction in Monksland?

·         We must set a target to clear our housing list in next 3 to 4 years as it could double in time

·         Is it only after a house is offered that the housing department is told it is not wanted?

·         People are not able to afford high rents and more affordable houses must be built

·         Work with SEAI to improve standards of Council houses.

·         In the last Management report, it stated that there were 502 applicants on housing list and 300 of those in private rented accommodation. All of these people are I need of accommodation as they cannot be considered as having secure long term housing. It would be interesting to know how many of those in private rented want to stay there long-term and not want a Council house.

·         Request an update on storage heater survey at a future meeting.

·         No houses for rent in South Roscommon


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

SECONDED by Cllr. Doherty

It was AGREED to include the following question on the next Housing List survey – Does the applicant wish to remain in long term private rented accommodation?


Mr. O’Donnell replied as follows:

·         Housing Unit are generally not currently purchasing houses with storage heaters but many houses that were built to rent have storage heaters.

·         The Council need more 2 bedroom houses for letting

·         Applicants must be on the housing list if they want to get rent supplement

·         RAS – housing need is deemed to be met once an applicant is on RAS but can transfer back

·         Agreed it is becoming difficult to interpret the housing list

·         There is an overreliance on the private market and the Council are competing in this market

·         Cavity wall insulation has been completed on most council houses

·         Voids are less than 3.5%.


Original text