Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Áras an Chontae, Roscommon

Contact: Patricia Bohan  Email:; 090 66 37172


No. Item


Adoption of Minutes

-       Budget Meeting of 22.11.2017

-       Plenary Meeting of 27.11.2017


Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

                SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of the Budget Meeting held 22.11.2017


 On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

                SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED to adopt the minutes of the Plenary Meeting held 27.11.2017




Matters Arising

Additional documents:


There were no matters arising.


Management Report

-        November 2017

Additional documents:


Members noted the Management Report for November 2017.


Disposal of Lands - Housing

-        0.1727 Ha in the Townland of Moyvannan in the Barony of Athlone South

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

SECONDED by Councillor Cummins

It was AGREED that the Council consent to the disposal of lands pursuant to the provision of Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001.  Particulars of the land which the County Council proposes to dispose of:-


The land: 0.1727 Ha in the Townland of Moyvannan in the Barony of Athlone South

The persons from whom the land was acquired: Patrick Cunningham, Moyvannan, Athlone

The person to whom the land is to be disposed: Mary Flaherty, 2 Ashfield, Castleblakeney, Co. Galway

Consideration: Acquire 0.1727 Ha. in the Townland of Moyvannan in the Barony of Athlone South





Lease Agreement - Community

-       2.60 ha. incorporating Boat Training Centre Premises and surrounding lands (Athlone Baysports) at Barrymore Td., Hodson Bay, Athlone, Co. Roscommon

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED that the Council consent to the lease of lands pursuant to the provision of Section 211 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 and Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001.  Particulars of the land which the County Council proposes to lease:-


The land: 2.60 Ha at Barrymore Td., Hodson Bay, Athlone Co. Roscommon (incorporating Boat Training Centre Premises and surrounding lands)

The persons from whom the property is to be leased to: Athlone Baysports Ltd of Hodson Bay, Athlone, Co. Westmeath

The Consideration proposed in respect of the lease: €10,000 plus VAT per annum

Term of Lease: 9 years and 9 months


Presentation by LEADER

Additional documents:


The Cathaoirleach introduced Ms. Martina Earley CEO and Mr. Tomas Beades, Operations Manager of Roscommon LEADER Partnership.


Mr. Beades made a presentation to the members on the progress achieved to date in Roscommon and Nationally in relation to the 2014-2020 programme:


·         Roscommon total allocation €8.85m, Project Funding of €6.58m in relation to the following themes: Economic Development - €3.6m, Social Inclusion €2.4m and Rural Environment €0.6m.

·         Details of application process for projects that fall into the following sub themes:

o   Rural Tourism

o   Enterprise Development (Food, social enterprise and Creative Industries)

o   Broadband

o   Rural Towns

o   Basic services in hard to reach communities

o   Rural Youth

o   Water resources (lakes and rivers, amenities etc.)

o   Bio-diversity

o   Renewable Energy

·         Grant Aid and be in respect of capital, Training, Analysis and development and marketing.

·         Minimum level of funding in Roscommon is €5,000 and Maximum varies from €30k to €200k with rate of aid from 50% to 90% depending on type of project

·         LEADER can fund individual, micro, small and medium enterprises and matching funding from other publicly funded sources is permitted providing it does not derive from an EU fund

·         To date the sum of €417,218 is committed from Budget of €6.581m. The approval expected to somewhat increase in 2018 as projects move from assessment to approval stage.

·         Challenge to simplify aspects of programme. The programme is being modified by a series of actions to allow for streamlining of process including IT enhancements.

·         Nationally 535 projects in sum of €14m has been approved.

·         There are 139 projects on the system all at various stages of planning and development in Roscommon

·         A total of €500k has been approved for projects and it is anticipated that by Q1 2018 this figure will increase to €1million.


Further anticipated developments for the scheme include:

·         Community Groups availing of procurement officer

·         Development of the Shannon Erne Pilgrim Way

·         Separate pot of money for food projects – encourage an artisan niche.

·         Breakfast briefings in six towns commencing Q1 2018; Roadshows around county will commence; 2018 guidelines on food projects will issue


The Members welcomed the presentation and made the following comments:


·         LEADER should bring roadshow to venues around the county

·         Some groups have been told that LEADER funding is last resort

·         Will Shannon Erne walkway go further south than Athlone?

·         If money is allocated but not spent by 2020, will there be extension in deadline to complete projects?

·         Perception that application process too difficult

·         If value of the project is greater than €100K, there are professionals to help manage the project – with the help of matching funding this may be an option for some schemes.

·         The open call allows more flexibility and this is positive

·         Would like to see more funding to small rural communities that are sometimes bypassed

·         Would like to see development of Rathcroghan as it has huge potential. Is there a possibility of Ballaghaderreen walkway?

·         Important that small rural communities are included and there needs to be close engagement to encourage  ...  view the full minutes text for item 179.17


Refugee Resettlement Programme 2018

-        Derek Caldbeck, Director of Services

-        Martina Earley, CEO Roscommon Leader Partnership

Additional documents:


Mr. Derek Caldbeck, A/Director of Services for Housing gave the members a presentation on the Refugee Resettlement Programme and the rehousing of refugees in County Roscommon. He explained that this is a separate issue to the Emergency Response orientation Centre (EROC) in Ballaghaderreen:


·         Roscommon County Council will be the lead agency to coordinate the resettlement of Syrian Refugees in county Roscommon. The Inter Agency working group will commence work on the project in Quarter 1 2018.

·         The refugees will be resettled from an EROC, not necessarily the Ballaghaderreen one,  and having been processed and granted official refugee status that will give them the same rights as Irish Citizens. A total of 90 people will be settled representing 18 families and half of which will be children.

·         A presentation will be made to the SCP as the project progresses


Martina Earley CEO of Leader Partnership told the members that LEADER has been working with the Ballaghaderreen town team in facilitating weekly craft classes and traditional foods in collaboration with ‘An Chistin’ of Castlerea at the EROC centre. Many of the refugees are highly skilled but with no formal papers as The GRETB and AIT have combined to try to address this in 2018. There is also a purpose built childcare facility at the EROC.


The Chief Executive said that we are now ready for the Syrians to be relocated in County Roscommon and we need to show them our welcome, and need to make them feel fully integrated.


The members discussed the matter as follows:


·         Department of Justice promised that all facilities would be in place for the Syrians in the EROC in Ballaghaderreen and this is not the case.

·         Has there been a screening process?

·         Are the Syrians coming to Ballaghaderreen and if not where will they be housed? Ireland are taking a total of 4,000 refugees and this means we will have 10% of the total intake in Roscommon.

·         The services need to be put in place, and in particular with regard to health and education. The refugees are welcome but the county needs additional resources to cope.

·         Are schools supported regarding the language barrier?

·         There are currently 240 people in the EROC in Ballaghaderreen – will any of them be rehoused from there?

·         This may be an incentive to complete unfinished housing estates.

·         The leisure centre was not opened in the Abbeyfield Hotel as promised on 8th December.

·         The members had initially been told that the refugees would spend six months in the EROC and then rehoused around the country– has the criteria changed?

·         What funding has the Department given to Roscommon County Council to rehouse the refugees?


Mr Caldbeck replied as follows:

·         There will be 18 families arriving from EROC centres around Ireland and this may include Ballaghaderreen.

·         There are medical representatives on the working group

·         All refugees are screened initially in Greece and subsequently on arrival in Ireland by Gardaí.

·         The Inter Agency Group will decide on where they are housed and part of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 180.17


Speed Limit Review for County Roscommon

Additional documents:


Cllr Kathleen Shanagher, Chairperson of Economic and Enterprise Development including Roads SPC presented a report to the meeting on “Changes to speed limits on regional and local roads and the introduction of the 30km/ph speed limit in Housing Estates”.

This has been agreed between Elected Members and the Roads Section of Roscommon County Council.  Written approval of the TII is required before Bye-laws can be drawn up for approval by the Elected Members.  TII proposed moving 50km and 60km per hour speed limits closer to towns and villages.  While speed limits were on display for public consultation there were many objections to TII proposals from the public and members.  TII examined the submissions but only made minor amendments.  The Roads Section met with TII and their Consultants but this meeting failed to resolve the matter.  As the Council does not have the authority to introduce new speed limits without the written approval of TII it was agreed by the SPC that the existing speed limits would remain in place on National Roads. 


Eugene Dwyer, Head of Roads informed the meeting that TII want to move speed limits in closer to towns and villages and in some cases the public and Members wanted them moved out.  Without the approval of the TII the Council cannot change speed limits.  The SPC recommended that the existing speed limits remain on National Roads where TII are looking for changes, and approval was sought from Members to apply to TII to make changes.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen

                SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

It was AGREED to apply to TII seeking their approval to make changes to speed limits.


The following comments were made:

·         Disappointment with TII for not accommodating changes at certain black spot areas, noting in particular an area at Lecarrow and Ballybay School and Church

·         There are areas in the County where the TII do not see a need for changes, however the Road Safety Authority are constantly reminding about road safety.

·         Looking forward to meeting with the TII tomorrow to discuss numerous issues.  

·         TII want to speed up commuter times and have the speed limit at 60kmph throughout the towns and villages including Roscommon Town. 

·         All Members are in favour of 50kmph in the interest of the communities and this is the recommendation that is going forward to the TII.

·          Seek periodic speed limits at Schools such as Cloverhill, Carrick NS West of Ballinlough and Clooneyquinn NS. 


All members thanked Eugene Dwyer and his staff for their response during the recent adverse weather conditions.  Mr. Dwyer was very complimentary of the Outdoor Staff, the General Service Supervisors but in particular the drivers who made themselves available to grit roads on four occasions some nights and once during the day.  He noted that the most dangerous element was the condition of footpaths in the towns and suggested that a review of this should take place.   Members asked if Salt Bins could be provided, but Mr. Dwyer advised that due to insurance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 181.17


Extension of Standing Orders

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen

                SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to extend Standing Orders after 5.30pm


Annual Service Delivery Plan 2018

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

                SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to adopt the  Annual Service Delivery Plan 2018


Update on Ireland West International Trade Centre - Rhode Island

Additional documents:


Mr. Martin Lydon, A/Director of Services gave a brief update to Members on the activities of Ireland West International Trade Centre in Providence Rhode Island. 

Roscommon County Council contributes €20,000 per annum to the project along with Sligo, Leitrim, Mayo, Galway and Clare County Council. Roscommon have a number of clients participating in the programme such as artists, furniture markers, a small whiskey distillery, Logistics Company and a company offering Health & Safety Services as well as an ICT Company involved in Website Development.  A number of businesses are using the Trade Centre as their business address.  One of the key elements from this project has been the opportunity to forge key relationships on a political and economic level.  A trade delegation from Rhode Island included parts of this region in its itinerary on a recent visit.  The Rhode Island Company that works on our behalf has leased a building in Castlebar recently which will lead to deeper engagement between the Centre and this region.    


Audit Committee

-        Audit Committee Report on Annual Financial Statement 2016 and the Local Government Auditor’s Report pursuant to Section 121 of the Local Government Act 2001.

-        Audit Committee Annual Work Programme 2017

-        Audit Committee Annual Work Programme 2018



Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

                SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to adopt the Audit Committee Report on the Annual Financial Statement 2016 and the Local Government Auditors Report pursuant to Section 121 of the Local Government Act 2001.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to adopt the Audit Committee Annual Work Programme 2017



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

                SECONDED by Councillor Callaghan

It was AGREED to adopt the Audit Committee Annual Work Programme 2018



Transport Infrastructure Ireland - Recent Developments

Additional documents:


N5 Ballaghaderreen Bypass to Scramoge Road Project.


The Chief Executive informed the members that the TII has recently granted Roscommon County Council approval to publish the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and associated documentation and submit the development consent application to An Bord Pleanála in respect of the N5 Ballaghaderreen bypass to Scramoge Road project. This is a major national road project in County Roscommon which extends from the eastern end of the Ballaghaderreen bypass to Scramoge, a distance of approx.34km.


N61 Coolteigue

The Chief Executive also informed the members that confirmation was received from the TII that funding is in place for the N61 Coolteigue project, which will proceed to construction early next year. The Council are in the process of appointing the Resident Engineer staff.


Chief Executive Business

Additional documents:


Resignation of Mr. Derek Caldbeck, A/Head of Finance and Director of Services:


The Chief Executive informed the Members that, with regret, he had accepted the resignation of Derek Caldbeck last Thursday. Mr. Caldbeck is taking up a position of Director of Finance, Procurement and Assets in the Irish Prison Service. This is a major achievement for him personally but he will be a huge loss to Roscommon County Council and Friday 12th January will be his last day here. The Chief Executive paid tribute to Mr. Caldbeck’s contribution to the Council in various roles since he joined 16 years ago and wished him the best in his new career.


The members also paid tribute to Mr. Caldbeck – his hard work on behalf of Roscommon County Council his approachability and help to the members on the Roscommon MD in particular and complimented him on what he had achieved not only in Roscommon but in securing his new position and wished him well in his future career.


Mr. Caldbeck thanked everyone for their good wishes. He said that he had joined Roscommon County Council as Financial Management Accountant in 2002 and it has been a great honour and privilege to work here. He thanked the CE for the opportunity of Acting Director for the past two years and the members for trusting him and helping him during his enjoyable 15 years in the Council. He thanked the Management Team for their guidance and assistance over the past two years and while he will be sad to leave, he is looking forward to a new chapter in his career.



EPA Review of Local Authority Environmental Enforcement Performance for 2014-2016


The Chief Executive informed the Members that Roscommon County Council received an “Excellent” overall grade indicating a very good performance with a number of areas of strength. This is above the national average assessment of ‘Above Target’. He said that this was a good example of a team working together and paid tribute to the Environment Team led by Majella Hunt and Kieran Madden. This sends out a message to Industry that Roscommon takes our Environmental duties seriously.


The members welcomed the report and paid tribute to all involved in securing this excellent environmental status for the county.



Additional documents:


·         Letter from the Courts Service dated 8th December, 2017, regarding the refurbishment of Roscommon Courthouse.

·         E-mail of acknowledgement from the Office of Dr. Katherine Zappone TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, dated 11th December, 2017, regarding the National Planning Framework – Ireland 2040.

·         Letter acknowledgement from the office of Micheál Martin TD dated 5th December, 2017, regarding Athlone receiving City status.

·         Letter from the office of Denis Naughten, T.D., Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment, dated 6th December, 2017, regarding the Sliabh Bawn project and other matters relating to wind farm development.

·         Letter from Joe Lynch, Office of Gerry Adams, T.D., dated 7th December, 2017, regarding  Athlone receiving City status as part of the National Planning Framework.

·         E-mail from Marianne Brosnan, Office of Denis Naughten, T.D., Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment dated 5th December, 2017, regarding the finalisation of the National Planning Framework.

·         E-mail of acknowledgement from Marianne Brosnan, Office of Denis Naughten, T.D., Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment dated 5th December, 2017, regarding the National Planning Framework.

·         Letter from Mark Carlin, Director, Forest Operations, Coillte, dated 1st December, 2017 regarding logging activities at Sliabh Bawn.

·         Letter to Marc Mcloughlin, Sliabh Bawn Power DAC, C/O Coillte CGA, dated 20th October, 2017, requesting logging of timber at Sliabh Bawn cease.

·         Letter to Simon Harris T.D., Minister for Health dated 4th December, 2017 regarding temporary mobile units for knee and hip operations.

·         Letter of acknowledgement from Office of Gerry Adams, T.D., dated 5th December, 2017, regarding City Status for Athlone as part of the National Planning Framework.

·         Letter of acknowledgement from Niamh Redmond, Office of Eoghan Murphy, T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government dated 4th December, 2017, regarding revision of “Taking In Charge”.

·         Letter of acknowledgement from the office of Simon Harris, T.D., Minister for Health dated 4th December, 2017, regarding Notice of Motion.

·         Letter from Carlow County Council dated 20th November, 2017, regarding the Notice of Motion calling on the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine to address a number of issues in relation to the farming community and rural Ireland.

·         Letter from Galway City Council dated 12th December, 2017, regarding the Notice of Motion calling on the Minister for the Environment to address a number of issues in relation to paint disposal.



Councillors Conferences - Payment/Attendance

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

            SECONDED by Cllr. Connolly

It was AGREED to adopt the list of payments for attendance at conferences as circulated to the members.


Notice of Motion

-        Motion No. 20.17 from Cllr. Naughten

-        Motion No. 21.17 from Cllr. Doherty

Additional documents:


20.17.    Local Improvement Scheme - Notice of Motion from Councillor Naughten

That Roscommon County Council open up the Local Improvement Scheme for new applications from January 1st 2018 to ensure the County is in a position to avail of funding that might be offered under this measure throughout the year.



The Department of Rural and Community Development is expected to provide funding for Local Improvement Schemes (LIS) in 2018 for the improvement of local non-public roads. The Grant Allocation for Roscommon County Council has not yet been announced.  Roscommon County Council advertised for Expressions of Interest for 2018 on December 12th 2017. Forms are available on the website at and in the Area Offices. The closing date for receipt of applications is 31/1/2018.




21.17.    Glyphosate Weed Killers - Notice of Motion from Councillor Doherty

That Roscommon County Council prohibit the use of glyphosate base weed killers and other toxic herbicides not to be used in all public places including footpaths, road verges, council estates and amenity areas and that instead the Council would use alternative organic based methods for all weed control.  We are all aware of the seriousness of the invasive species Japanese Knotweed, but studies have concluded that the long term use of glyphosate weed killers does not actually kill Japanese Knotweed.



Glycophospate is preferred option as per chemical control in Chapter 7 of the NRA Guidelines attached. The DTTAS are currently liaising with the TII to identify Japanese Knotweed on National Roads. This programme is due to be extended to Local and Regional Roads in the next phase. TII contractor is Greentown Environmental.


                The following points were raised by memebers with regard to the motion:

·         No issue with its effectiveness in relation to Japanese Knotweed

·         However it’s important to note that glycophosphate has been approved for use on farms and would like to think that it’s very important from that perspective. It’s licence for use on farms has been extended for the next 5 years by the EU and there is currently nothing to replace it.

·         Difficult to know if organic based methods will be as effective.

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Cummins

                               SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council prohibit the use of glyphosate base weed killers and other toxic herbicides not to be used in all public places including footpaths, road verges, council estates and amenity areas and that instead the Council would use alternative organic based methods for all weed control. 



Conferences Training December 2017

Additional documents:


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

SECONDED by Cllr. Connolly

It was AGREED to adopt the list of payments for attendance at conferences and training as circulated to the members.


Votes of Congratulations and Sympathy

Additional documents:


Votes of Sympathy were extended to:


·         The family of the late John McCann who passed away in Chicago and who was a member of the Roscommon Association in Chicago. Cllr. Callaghan paid tribute to John McCann on behalf of the members. He had been to the forefront in welcoming visitors from Roscommon County Council to Chicago and had been a regular attendee at the Roscommon Association Dinners in County Roscommon.



Any Other Business

Additional documents:


Flexi Leave:

The Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Leyden asked the Chief Executive for update, if there is one, on the Labour Court response in relation to the LC Recommendation on the Flexi Leave Working Scheme.  The C.E. informed the Cathaoirleach that the matter continues to be before the Court and as such he has no comment to make.


Fodder Shortage:

Cllr. Nigel Dineen asked for the agreement of the members to send a letter to the Department of Agriculture and the Taoiseach to support the farming community financially because of the difficulties of fodder shortage.


Castlerea Fire Station:

Cllr. Dineen asked the Chief Executive if there was any progress on when the station would be opened. Cllr. Fitzmaurice asked how many applicants had applied for the vacancies the station and if there was any further update.


The Chief Executive stated there are three vacancies to be filled. Interviews will be held in the New Year and until all vacancies are filled, the station will not open. He said that he has no control of outside factors and this leads to inevitable consequences, however he looks forward to the station being open.


The General Registrars Officer:

Cllr. Fitzmaurice stated that he had been contacted by a number of staff members concerned about the reduction in services at the office in Roscommon. Three senior posts that were vacant at the office have been filled in Dublin. There are 35 staff in the office and a guarantee is needed that the GRO will remain in Roscommon with no reduction in service.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Fitzmaurice

                SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Social Protection to ensure that the General Registrar’s Office remain in Roscommon town, with no reduction in staff and services and that senior staff be replaced.


Members made the following contributions to the debate:

·         The Cathaoirleach said that decentralisation is important to the town

·         Cllr. Ward said that a letter should be sent to all local Oireachtas members.

·         Cllr. Callaghan stated that a business review was conducted on the office and no staff will be relocated. The Asst. Secretary visited the office last friday and gave assurances no jobs were to be moved.





Original text