Agenda item

Refugee Resettlement Programme 2018

-        Derek Caldbeck, Director of Services

-        Martina Earley, CEO Roscommon Leader Partnership


Mr. Derek Caldbeck, A/Director of Services for Housing gave the members a presentation on the Refugee Resettlement Programme and the rehousing of refugees in County Roscommon. He explained that this is a separate issue to the Emergency Response orientation Centre (EROC) in Ballaghaderreen:


·         Roscommon County Council will be the lead agency to coordinate the resettlement of Syrian Refugees in county Roscommon. The Inter Agency working group will commence work on the project in Quarter 1 2018.

·         The refugees will be resettled from an EROC, not necessarily the Ballaghaderreen one,  and having been processed and granted official refugee status that will give them the same rights as Irish Citizens. A total of 90 people will be settled representing 18 families and half of which will be children.

·         A presentation will be made to the SCP as the project progresses


Martina Earley CEO of Leader Partnership told the members that LEADER has been working with the Ballaghaderreen town team in facilitating weekly craft classes and traditional foods in collaboration with ‘An Chistin’ of Castlerea at the EROC centre. Many of the refugees are highly skilled but with no formal papers as The GRETB and AIT have combined to try to address this in 2018. There is also a purpose built childcare facility at the EROC.


The Chief Executive said that we are now ready for the Syrians to be relocated in County Roscommon and we need to show them our welcome, and need to make them feel fully integrated.


The members discussed the matter as follows:


·         Department of Justice promised that all facilities would be in place for the Syrians in the EROC in Ballaghaderreen and this is not the case.

·         Has there been a screening process?

·         Are the Syrians coming to Ballaghaderreen and if not where will they be housed? Ireland are taking a total of 4,000 refugees and this means we will have 10% of the total intake in Roscommon.

·         The services need to be put in place, and in particular with regard to health and education. The refugees are welcome but the county needs additional resources to cope.

·         Are schools supported regarding the language barrier?

·         There are currently 240 people in the EROC in Ballaghaderreen – will any of them be rehoused from there?

·         This may be an incentive to complete unfinished housing estates.

·         The leisure centre was not opened in the Abbeyfield Hotel as promised on 8th December.

·         The members had initially been told that the refugees would spend six months in the EROC and then rehoused around the country– has the criteria changed?

·         What funding has the Department given to Roscommon County Council to rehouse the refugees?


Mr Caldbeck replied as follows:

·         There will be 18 families arriving from EROC centres around Ireland and this may include Ballaghaderreen.

·         There are medical representatives on the working group

·         All refugees are screened initially in Greece and subsequently on arrival in Ireland by Gardaí.

·         The Inter Agency Group will decide on where they are housed and part of their remit is to ensure facilities are in place while the Housing SPC will be regularly briefed.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Callaghan

                SECONDED by Cllr. Creaton

It was AGREED to send a letter to Mr. Roycroft in the Department of Justice to give an update on the opening of the Leisure centre in the Abbeyfield Hotel, Ballaghaderereen.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

                SECONDED by Cllr. Connaughton

It was AGREED to send a letter Department of Justice to give an update the operation of the EROC in Ballaghaderreen.


The following points were raised:

·         Is the Inter Agency Group going to decide on where the refugees would be housed? Members would need to know where they will be housed as the process needs to be transparent and if they would be jumping the current housing list.

·         There should be further funds available to house the refugees and it will not be fair if the current Roscommon citizens are pushed down the housing list.

·         Wanted it noted that they want the best for both the refugees and the people of Roscommon already on the waiting list and look forward to further updates from the Inter Agency Committee while they also need to ask questions on behalf of their constituents.


Mr. Caldbeck said that the Council does not receive any updates on the operation of the EROC. We will source adequate housing for 18 families and it will be 100% capital funded as all housing capital programme is centrally financed. Over the past 3 years we have provided a total of 300 houses at a cost of €33m excluding 53 PPP houses. 38% of our housing list is currently represented by non-nationals. There is no danger to those already on our housing list. The committee will make intelligent decisions and recommendations and in the long term, some of the refugees may want to go home.


The Chief Executive said that the State committed to 4,000 refugees and they will be housed around the country and we have 90 people from 18 families to house in County Roscommon and we will do so.


Original text