Agenda item

Presentation by LEADER


The Cathaoirleach introduced Ms. Martina Earley CEO and Mr. Tomas Beades, Operations Manager of Roscommon LEADER Partnership.


Mr. Beades made a presentation to the members on the progress achieved to date in Roscommon and Nationally in relation to the 2014-2020 programme:


·         Roscommon total allocation €8.85m, Project Funding of €6.58m in relation to the following themes: Economic Development - €3.6m, Social Inclusion €2.4m and Rural Environment €0.6m.

·         Details of application process for projects that fall into the following sub themes:

o   Rural Tourism

o   Enterprise Development (Food, social enterprise and Creative Industries)

o   Broadband

o   Rural Towns

o   Basic services in hard to reach communities

o   Rural Youth

o   Water resources (lakes and rivers, amenities etc.)

o   Bio-diversity

o   Renewable Energy

·         Grant Aid and be in respect of capital, Training, Analysis and development and marketing.

·         Minimum level of funding in Roscommon is €5,000 and Maximum varies from €30k to €200k with rate of aid from 50% to 90% depending on type of project

·         LEADER can fund individual, micro, small and medium enterprises and matching funding from other publicly funded sources is permitted providing it does not derive from an EU fund

·         To date the sum of €417,218 is committed from Budget of €6.581m. The approval expected to somewhat increase in 2018 as projects move from assessment to approval stage.

·         Challenge to simplify aspects of programme. The programme is being modified by a series of actions to allow for streamlining of process including IT enhancements.

·         Nationally 535 projects in sum of €14m has been approved.

·         There are 139 projects on the system all at various stages of planning and development in Roscommon

·         A total of €500k has been approved for projects and it is anticipated that by Q1 2018 this figure will increase to €1million.


Further anticipated developments for the scheme include:

·         Community Groups availing of procurement officer

·         Development of the Shannon Erne Pilgrim Way

·         Separate pot of money for food projects – encourage an artisan niche.

·         Breakfast briefings in six towns commencing Q1 2018; Roadshows around county will commence; 2018 guidelines on food projects will issue


The Members welcomed the presentation and made the following comments:


·         LEADER should bring roadshow to venues around the county

·         Some groups have been told that LEADER funding is last resort

·         Will Shannon Erne walkway go further south than Athlone?

·         If money is allocated but not spent by 2020, will there be extension in deadline to complete projects?

·         Perception that application process too difficult

·         If value of the project is greater than €100K, there are professionals to help manage the project – with the help of matching funding this may be an option for some schemes.

·         The open call allows more flexibility and this is positive

·         Would like to see more funding to small rural communities that are sometimes bypassed

·         Would like to see development of Rathcroghan as it has huge potential. Is there a possibility of Ballaghaderreen walkway?

·         Important that small rural communities are included and there needs to be close engagement to encourage projects.

·         GAA clubs do not qualify for LEADER funding but community facilities such as walkways around pitches should be considered.

·         Time to concentrate on villages as towns have benefited from funding in recent years, however procurement process needs to be streamlined better.

·         If a group receives sports capital funding can they receive a top up from LEADER?

·         Is the Sullivan Beara Walk included?


Mr. Beades responded to queries as follows:

·         There is €417,000 approved but not yet spent but letters of offer are currently being signed.

·         Sports Capital funding has now changed to fund specific parts of projects as previously it had been a % of the total project that was funded. Mainstream sport is not funded such as dressing rooms but perhaps meeting rooms that are used by community could be. LEADER is currently drafting letter to the Department of Sport to get clarity on whether they can part fund projects.

·         Animation projects are difficult to do because of paperwork.

·         Leader has appointed a staff member to work with town teams.

·         Most projects fall under the Economic Development and Social Inclusion themes. Leader is encouraging other themes to work quicker to get the 50% funding allocated so there can be a reallocation of uncommitted money

·         There are a number of projects at the €200k cost ready to commence.

·         Community Groups can be funded for projects on public lands


Martina Earley CEO of LEADER told the members that there is a lot happening with regard to the walks. With the appointment of the Tourism Officer, there will be strategic direction to coordinate the Walks and maximise commercialisation. Green cycling is another development being looked at in 2018


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