Agenda item

Notices Of Motion

3.24:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Micheál Frain for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That the council explorer the possibility of installing traffic calming measures in built up areas, such as on Pound Street/ Sligo Road area of Ballaghaderreen.



4.24:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Leah Cull for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That this council install speed ramps on the Gurteen road out of Boyle (R294)




3.24:   Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Micheál Frain for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That the council explorer the possibility of installing traffic calming measures in built up areas, such as on Pound Street/ Sligo Road area of Ballaghaderreen.




Regeneration and active travel works in Pound Street are already in progress and the narrowing of the running lanes along with other enhancement works will have a traffic calming effect. 


A number of specific locations should be submitted for consideration to apply for possible funding under Active Travel, Road Safety or whatever other funding is available to Roscommon County Council. 


Cllr. Frain welcomed response and that it would be dealt with under Active Travel. 


He raised the issue with location of speed camera vans on the by-pass and asked if the speed van could be located closer to the town which would be more effective and that the current location was affecting sight lines. He also stated that Garda should seek input from the Fire Service, of which he is a member, which can provide data on accidents.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that this issue was raised at the recent SPC meeting.  Roscommon Co Council have no input on the location site of speed vans.  Van locations are dictated by Garda based on collision history data.  However, RCC has made suggestions to local Superintendent and Cllr. Crosby suggested this could be raised at the Joint Policing Committee.


Members raised the following issues:


Cllr. Byrne raised issue regarding speed control in towns and how traffic could be slowed down.  She stated that more speed vans and pedestrian crossings are required.


Cllr. Moylan stated that Mockmoyne area has a problem with speeding cars.  N5 – villages and towns – speed limits are different – is there different criteria.  How are speed limits determined in different towns?


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that TII have set travel times between urban centres.  There is a Speed Limit Review to take place in 2025.  Change is difficult on urban roads and has to be done for all locations.  He believes that the changes will likely be from 50km/h to 30km/h, 60km/h to 50/40km/h but on a case-by-case basis.


Cllr. Moylan sought clarification on road markings i.e. solid line, short/long dotted lines and why some areas, e.g. outside schools, have dotted lines.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that where sight distances allowed, markings were changed to long dotted lines.  This was to facilitate overtaking of slow moving traffic, e.g. agricultural machinery.


Cllr. Callaghan – Pound St Ballaghaderreen - speed limits, safety, etc. 50km/h however drivers do 80km/h on that stretch of road and this is the problem.  Driver behaviour and how to get driver engagement.


Cllr. Byrne stated that a lot of people don’t know what the different dashes on road mean.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that TII look after the road marking contracts but will discuss with Senior Engineer to see if Council can have an input.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that Pound Street should improve under the AT Project.  Members should provide details of other locations on N5 for putting forward for funding.



4.24   Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Leah Cull for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That this council install speed ramps on the Gurteen road out of Boyle (R294)




This long straight 50 km/h section of the R294 to the west of Boyle was referenced previously.  Decision should be evidence-based so we need to monitor speeds first and see if exceedances are disproportionate. 


Cllr Cull stated that speeding on this road was the main issue for people during her campaign.


There followed discussions on possible solutions, e.g. parking build outs, pedestrian crossing, footpaths, table top ramps, pillow ramps, etc.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that as a regional road, traffic has to be accommodated.  He suggested members should look up the Traffic Management Guidelines Chapters 6 & 7 which details traffic management options for existing and new areas. (DTO New Cover (


He stated that RCC will look at appropriate measures available but that information on the speeds on this road would need to be gathered first.  He asked that the Boyle Area prioritise this for possible inclusion in the Traffic Calming Scheme 2025.



Original text