Agenda item

Any Other Business



Cllr Tom Crosby raised the following items:

·         School at Cloonfour – update on funding application

Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that funding has been reallocated for Cloonfour.  Works should commence in 3-4 weeks. Lights update – solar lights, road markings, etc.

·         Rooskey Regeneration Scheme – 1 small section of footpath at the Community Centre needs to be completed

Mr. Ivor Kilcline confirmed that this has been agreed and that section in front of Centre will be concreted in next 4-5 weeks.

·         Update on N5

Greg O’Donnell stated that there is no further update since last meeting.  He confirmed that one valid tender had been received and was evaluated by the RDO. Council hopeful that contract will be procured in Q4 2023.  Department of Transport had to look at re applying for the funding for this project due to the higher costs involved which has well exceeded original estimate  If contract awarded in 2023, work should commence early 2024.


Post meeting update:

On 26th September 2023, Cabinet announced approval of the N5-Scramogue Road project for €450m.


Boundary Fences on N5: Cllr. Liam Callaghan stated that there are issues regarding the division of land and that some farmers not happy – boundary fences should all be put back in place.


Cllr. Valerie Byrne had the following issues:

N5 CPO Payments: Cllr. Valerie Byrne asked if all CPO payments sorted and

that this would need to be resolved before Q1 2024. 


Traffic Noise N4 Boyle Side:road surface noise on the N61 from the soccer pitch to its junction with the N4 had increased – could be linked to surface and/or speeds?


Survey of Rivers in County– when is this being done.  Local rivers need cleaning especially with the recent increase in rail fall.  Land flooding, rivers overflowing.  Can a list of rivers under the control of Roscommon Co. Council be obtained and can members get a schedule for the other rivers under OPW and why some rivers are done, and others not.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline responded and stated that Roscommon Co. Council is not responsible for all rivers in County.  There is a set amount.  Roscommon Co. Council make returns on those rivers to OPW annually.  A list of rivers under OPW will be obtained for next meeting.


            Greg O’Donnell stated that in relation to maintenance of rivers, there has been a change of thought in that rivers should be left untouched so as not to accelerate the flow of water to somewhere else.  Draining allows river to flow faster. EPA water reports indicate that JCB cleaning drains or creating drains on farm land causes more damage.


Cllr. Valerie Byrne stated that it is back then on the farmer which is not good enough.  Land affected by flooding, cost implication very unfair to farmers.



Ivy on Roadside Trees:  Trees alongside roads being destroyed by ivy – can anything be done? Very expensive on landowners to carry out maintenance works, e.g ESB, Eir, traffic management, etc.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that the maintenance of trees is the responsibility of the land owner.  Roscommon Co. Council can work with farmers e.g. in instances where roads are closed for road works, this is an opportunity for farmers and other land owners to get work done along roadside hedges and ditches.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed meeting the problem of ivy growing on trees was raised at the SPC meeting with Environment Section.  Issue of ivy to be treated in same vein as ash die back.


Newly appointed Area Engineer:  new Area Engineer very welcome to Strokestown Area and look forward to working with him.



Cllr. Michael Mulligan

Local Bridges:  Cllr Mulligan noted local bridges (breakwaters/battlements) were in poor condition and needed attention.


Cllr. John Cummins had the following issues:

N61 overlay project at Shankill– issue with road sides not built up.  Cars and lorries going in.  Also, a few houses are still waiting for accommodation works in front of their houses.  Why was road side build-up done with gravel and not clay as on regional and local roads?


Mr. Kilcline explained that edge filling/drainage with gravel finish on the N61 is per TII standard for road finish which must be adhered to.


Drainage works at 2 houses on N61:   welcomes that works are about to commence.


Cllr. Valerie Byrne added that drainage works completed at four houses -

3 no one living in them. 1 who live in not done. Was promised to be done early Sept but no date


Mr. Ivor Kilcline requested Cllr. Byrne & Cllr. Cummins to send him details of the above and he will follow up. 


Cllr. Liam Callaghan had the following issues:

Doonshanville Bell Tower:  He welcomed funding being made available for Consultants to review structure. Hopefully funding will cover their costs.

Complimented work done on N5 Bellanagare section – standard at front of houses, including drainage finished very well and to a good standard.


Cllr T Crosby raised the following:

Flooding in Strokestown

3 business premises, 1 residential badly flooded.  Insurance Companies do not pay out on 2nd incident or future incidents. Needs to be urgently attended to – what can be done?


Mr. Greg O’Donnell proposed to look at main drain which takes all the waste and Mr. Ivor Kilcline will review.

Recent flooding due to level of rainfall intensity.  Existing drainage system cannot cope with that volume.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that water came from car park and property at back of Percy French hotel – land to river privately owned. He stated the importance of gully and SW sewer maintenance in light of intensity of recent rainfall events.


Greg O’Donnell stated that if anyone had any measures or suggestion regarding these issues, to please forward and Roscommon Co Council would review.


Part 8 Strokestown Public Realm Enhancement Project

·         Returned drawing solutions

·         Less hard surfaces to facilitate drainage

·         Maybe less car parks but not a big reduction.




Original text