Agenda item

Notices Of Motion

That Roscommon County Council make funds available to put a Pedestrian Crossing in Croghan in the interest of safety by slowing traffic and leaving it safe to cross the road.   Cllr. V. Byrne



Motion from Councillor Valerie Byrne:  That Roscommon County Council make funds available to put a pedestrian crossing in Croghan in the interest of safety by slowing traffic and leaving it safe to cross the road.




Boyle Area Office have looked at this proposal and are including it in the funding application for Safety Schemes 2024.


Cllr. John Cummins raised the issue of speeding traffic through village of Ballinameen and that a pedestrian crossing, similar to one in Ballyfarnon should be installed.  He added that Ballinameen needs a traffic management system such as narrowed traffic lanes, etc.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor John Cummins

SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne

It was AGREED to propose that a pedestrian crossing be installed in Ballinameen as a traffic calming measure.


Greg O’Donnell clarified that the issue in Ballinameen would come under Active Travel and that a study of the traffic situation would need to be carried out.


Cllr. Tom Crosby gave his support to motion raised under the Safety Scheme and he also supported proposal for Ballinameen.  Cllr. Crosby added that there is an issue with the road surface in Tarmonbarry village resulting in road noise for residents on the national primary, especially at night time.


Greg O’Donnell stated that the Tarmonbarry road is on a schedule of works by TII and he will follow up regarding timeline, etc.


Cllr. Liam Callaghan asked what section manages the Active Travel.


Greg O’Donnell clarified that Active Travel comes under the Roads Section.


Greg O’Donnell will give a full update on Active Travel projects in the Boyle MD Area - those at feasibility stage or completed and what projects are being looked at for 2025. Money allocated for 2024 will likely be used on Ballaghaderreen project. Future projects will depend on value for money, population size, etc.


Cllr Crosby noted lack of progress on the Termonbarry to Whitehall ActiveTravel project.

Mr. Greg O’Donnell advised it was a low priority due to the poor cost/benefit ratio; agreed to look at the possibility of doing a portion of the works to link development with Termonbarry.    


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that the Part 8 Plan for Elphin – footpath and roads – is being rolled out.


Councillor Michael Mulligan asked about the Ballaghaderreen Regeneration Project that was passed by Boyle MD in October 2021.  He stated that the Ballaghaderreen Town Team received an update on the Square Project and that the notice from Roscommon Co. Council stated “as per meeting Monday attached Final Plans for Square.”  Cllr. M Mulligan asked for confirmation of this and if there was a second plan different to that passed in October 2021. 


Mr. Ivor Kilcline confirmed there is only the one plan unchanged since that passed in October 2021 and it is currently out to tender.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell agreed to get clarification for Cllr. Mulligan on the actual plan and also confirmed that the plan passed in October 2021 is unchanged


Cllr. Valerie Byrne stated that Active Travel was geared towards the regeneration of small towns and villages but that hasn’t happened and she has written to Minister Humphries.  She stated that Elphin is “shovel ready” – funding needs to be made available.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline confirmed that works will start on roads and footpaths within Elphin village over the coming weeks.


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