Agenda item

Notice of Motion 08.23 - Cllr. Naughten - Verge Trimming in Co. Roscommon


That Roscommon County Council hire in additional verge trimming machines to address the serious safety issue with overgrown verges throughout County Roscommon, which are particularly bad at junctions and bends on the local and regional roads at present. 




“That Roscommon County Council hire in additional verge trimming machines to address the serious safety issue with overgrown verges throughout County Roscommon, which are particularly bad at junctions and bends on the local and regional roads at present”


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:


Firstly, Roscommon County Council wish to remind landowners of their obligation, under section 70 (2) of the Roads Act 1993 as amended, to ensure that “all reasonable steps to ensure that a tree, shrub, hedge or other vegetation on the land is not a hazard or potential hazard to persons using a public road and that it does not obstruct or interfere with the safe use of a public road or the maintenance of a public road”.

Roscommon County Council shall, as always and subject to resources, deploy plant and labour towards the maintenance of verges on roads where the highest risk of accidents exists. Resources shall firstly be deployed to roads with the highest vehicles numbers and then working down in that order. Priority shall be for the maintenance of grasses along junctions, bends and where visibility to signage is obscured. The maintenance of trees and shrubs in the closed season will be considered on a case by case basis and as determined by supervisors in the area.      


Cllr. Naughten welcomed the reply but stated he is aware of landowners’ responsibilities in relation to hedges, however he is receiving representations on a daily basis regarding junctions in particular where line of sight is impaired for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. There is a need to hire additional verge trimmers for the next 6-8 weeks to avoid serious accidents.


Cllr. Ward seconded the motion and appealed for all junctions to be cut back in the coming weeks.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED that the A/Director of Services for Roads and Transportation meet with the Cathaoirligh of the three Municipal Districts to discuss the matter.


The members supported the motion and added:

·         From 1st June all junctions should be kept trimmed.

·         This is an issue in all Municipal Districts.

·         This is a safety issue and must be addressed as it is an annual problem.

·         Issue with macadam being thrown on the side of the road.

·         The Council may need to change their approach to this matter and a Policy must be formulated - in the short term it has to be addressed.

·         A list of priority area should be compiled – every councillor should send a list of roads to be done.


The Chief Executive accepted that this is an annual matter. There is a combination of contractors and direct labour used for verge trimming and work is done as often as can be facilitated. Health and Safety requirements require overtime and he accepted that junctions are a priority matter. Within the budget available, all areas cannot be facilitated and we optimise what can be done.


The A/Director of Services Mr. O’Donnell agreed to hold a meeting and responded:

·         He would welcome a list as suggested by the members but the final determination of a priority list would be for the Roads Section.

·         Some contractors may not be available to carry out the work in the coming weeks as it is a busy season time.


Cllr. Naughten welcomed the outcome of the discussion and the commitment to hold a meeting that should be facilitated by the end of this week. He appealed for additional funding to address the matter.




Original text