Agenda item


3.23    Question: Tarmonbarry Village to Corraun National School

What is the update on the progress with the design works for the new footpaths and public lighting project from Tarmonbarry Village to the local National School in Corraun and connecting the three new housing estates along the Ballytoohey Road to the School and Village?  €80,000 was allocated in 2022 through the Active Travel Funding Programme and a top up of €20,000 in the 2023 Fund?



4.23    Question – Tarmonbarry Village Centre – Councillor Tom Crosby

What is the current progress for the macadam overlay in Tarmonbarry Village where the existing surface is carved up with road crossings and broken surfaces causing a major noise nuisance from the heavy traffic and safety concerns for the residents and visitors to the village?



3.23 Question 1:  Tarmonbarry Village to Corraun National School – Councillor Tom Crosby

What is the update on the progress with the design works for the new footpaths and public lighting project from Tarmonbarry Village to the local National school in Corraun and connecting the three new housing Estates along the Ballytoohey Road to the School and Village?  €80,000 was allocated in 2022 through the active travel funding programme and a top up of €20,000 in the 2023 fund.



Roscommon County Council has engaged Consultants with a view to developing an Active Travel scheme consisting of new footpaths and public lighting from Tarmonbarry Village to the local National School at Corraun on the L1416. Funding of €20,000 was received in the 2023 Active Travel allocation to progress the design of the scheme. The project is currently at Stage I: Scheme Assessment, Concept Development, Options Selection and Preliminary Design.


The Options selection and preliminary design reports are due to be completed by the middle of May 2023 for submission to the National Transport Authority for Stage I approval.  Once approved, this will allow the scheme to progress to Stage II. (Statutory Process and detailed design).


Mr. Greg O’Donnell gave an update stating that at the under Active Travel, allocation capped at €2m and this will be largely go for the Ballaghaderreen Regeneration Project.


Two options were presented as follows:

Option 1:  Footpath & cycle path on both sides of road €5m towards consultation, €4m for CPO, giving a total of €8.7m.


Option 2: Shared pedestrian path 3m wide with 1.5m verge on one side, grass verge on opposite side €3.6m consolation, €491,000 CPO giving a total of €4m.


Councillor Tom Crosby welcomed that the scheme is at this stage and asked if other funding could be obtained to subsidise the short fall or from the Transition Fund.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell clarified that this walk/cycle way scheme comes under Active Travel but will investigate if any other funding is available from Transition Fund.


Councillor Tom Crosby stated that Tarmonbarry School is approx. 3kms from village with four housing estates along route.  Development charges were to be towards footpaths, etc.   This is a very busy road and scheme would allow children to walk or cycle safely.  He asked could scheme be done over two phases.


Councillor Valerie Byrne agreed costs are very high and concurred with Councillor Tom Crosby that the development charges money could be for phase 1 footpaths.


Councillor John Cummins asked why criteria for footpaths changed from 2m wide.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that NTA has developed guidelines for cycle and walk-ways giving very descriptive details.  Pathways are generally wider than before as they incorporate cycle ways.  He clarified that Option 2 above is for both footpath and cycle way with the CPO cost being mainly towards the purchase of old farm buildings along route.


Councillor Valerie Byrne stated that when Active Travel was first introduced, it was aimed at bringing towns up to standard. For example, in Elphin footpaths cannot accommodate cycle ways, but are “shovel” ready.



4.23 Question - Tarmonbarry Village Centre – Councillor Tom Crosby

What is the current progress for the macadam overlay in Tarmonbarry Village Centre where the existing surface is carved up with road crossings and broken surfaces causing a major noise nuisance from the heavy traffic and safety concerns for the residents and visitors to the village?



There are currently no plans to carry out resurfacing works in Tarmonbarry as the Council has no allocation from TII under any of the road improvement funding mechanisms to carry out works.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline informed meeting that an application has been made to TII for Cat B funding which this project would come under. There was no allocation in 2023 but will be resubmitted for 2024 funding.  Denis Whyte will apply again.  In the meantime, patching unit will carry out any necessary repairs.





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