Agenda item

Carrick on Shannon Flood Relief Scheme- Update

·         Presentation by Shay O'Connor (Senior Engineer Leitrim CC)


Mr. Seamus O’Connor, Senior Engineer, Leitrim Co. Council gave an update to the elected members on the Flood Relief Schemes for Carrick-on-Shannon and Leitrim Village.  A copy of his report was circulated at the meeting.  He informed the meeting that Leitrim County Council is working with Ryan Hanley Consulting Engineers who have completed the hydrological and hydraulic analysis of the scheme areas to determine flood level against which property needs to be protected.  Mr. O’Connor outlined the options available to manage the flood risk and that any options developed must meet the viability criteria with regard to engineering, environment and economic cost.  As part of this process, improvement of the conveyance of the river flow through Jamestown, where canal and weir are located, may reduce flood levels in Carrick-on-Shannon and Leitrim village.  However, the flood relief scheme for Carrick-on-Shannon ends at Jamestown, so further assessments are required outside the scheme area to further develop this potential option.  Consultants looking at further analysis of the river below Jamestown up to Tarmonbarry.  Report will have to be presented to Bord Pleanála.  They will present report on their findings of the impact and effect.  This may lead to a delay of up to 12 months on the Carrick-on-Shannon Scheme and planning application may not be until late 2023, early 2024.  In the interim, possible works to mitigate any possible flooding is being investigated:

·         Temporary flood barrier to protect the houses at Keadew Road, Leitrim Village

·         Improvements to surface water outfalls in Carrick-on-Shannon

·         Upgrade culvert on Knockananima Stream in Cortober which goes under the N4 and is being discussed with TII.


Mr. O’Connor stated that he will keep Councillors updated on the interim works.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed meeting that another Shannon crossing on the N4 Carrick-Dromod project is planned.  Mr. O’Connor stated that Leitrim Co. Council are working with Ryan Hanley Engineers and sharing information with the Flood Relief Scheme.  This project is not likely to impact on flow through Carrick/Cortober section.


Cllr. J. Cummins invited questions from elected members.


Cllr. M. Mulligan asked if environmental groups could have any impact on the completion of the Scheme and would the removal of silt improve the river flow.

 Mr. O’Connor stated that an Environment Impact Assessment is to be carried out and that environment laws must be adhered to. Public consultation which involved discussions with all interested parties has been completed, the outcome of which was positive.

Sediment management was looked at.  Very difficult on River Shannon as it is flat.  Removal of silt would have a low impact on the protection of property and buildings which are the priority over farmland.


Cllr. T. Crosby welcomed scheme which will protect against flooding incidences like occurred in 2009 and 2014.  The ESB control level of river as is their statutory right to maintain Ardnacrusha.  Could this be reviewed?

Mr. O’Connor informed meeting that Leitrim Co. Council is in discussion with ESB.  Information is shared between the National Body for Flood Relief, ESB, OPW and Local Authorities on the management of the Shannon. Legal protocol is set up to manage Lough Allan.  Any change to this would require approval by Oireachtais and Bord Pleanála.



Cllr. V. Byrne asked if every county along the Shannon is working on a flood relief programme?

Mr. O’Conner stated that the the OPW prioritised the areas of greatest potential risk and impact. These areas were referred to as Areas for Further Assessment (AFAs) and include Leitrim, Carrick-on-Shannon, Dromod.  No funding for Dromod.  Areas further down identified that need further assessment.


Cllr. L Callaghan asked that with so many agencies involved, i.e. fisheries, tourism, Waterways Ireland, how is management of the water co-ordinated and how long will it take to get plan agreed/set up??

Mr. O’Connor stated that a national group under the Flood Relief Scheme, has brought these agencies together but each are responsible for their own remit.  Any management of water is done in communication with all relevant bodies. Mr. O’Connor added that the plan may take considerable time due to objections etc.  Provided the plan is passed by An Bord Pleanála, it may take 2 – 3 years, but that is an estimate.


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