Agenda item

Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023 - 2027


Cllr. John Keogh, Chairperson of the Economic Development and Enterprise Support (including Tourism, Culture and Libraries) Strategic Policy Committee presented the Roscommon Culture and Creative Strategy 2023-2027 to the Council Members for discussion.  He said was part of the Creative Ireland programme and a Government initiative.  The strategy’s main function is to enhance engagement, employment and cultural activity within the local arts sector. He informed the meeting that the strategy was presented to the SPC at their meeting on December 7th and subsequently adopted. The strategy was prepared and co-ordinated by the Council’s Arts Office and he recommended the adoption of the Strategy by the Members.


The Arts Officer Ms. Rhona McGrath detailed the contents of the Strategy which sets out Roscommon’s part in the next Creative Ireland five-year journey through the Creative Communities Pillar. This is a partnership between the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and Irelands Local Authorities. All strategies are approved nationally. The strategy will be delivered by the Council’s Culture and Creativity team.


The themes of Practice, People, Place and Partnership will be prioritised in order to extend opportunities for creative participation, inclusion, cohesion and expression within communities.


Ms. McGrath gave the Members a snapshot of some of the major projects undertaken in the past five years under the previous Strategy:

·         Exhibition of Táin Tapestry

·         ‘Hidden Gem’ exhibition in Boyle

·         ‘See You in the Green’ dance exhibition, which took place on the grounds of Roscommon Castle,

·         Cruinniú na nÓg annual Children’s Festival, taking place on June 10th this year.

·         Eco Showboat which travelled along the River Shannon last year, highlighting the culture and heritage of the area and stopped at two venues in Roscommon.

·         A further projects highlighted include initiatives undertaken by Ballyleague Men’s Shed, the ‘Festival In A Van’ initiative whereby a vehicle was parked outside the county’s Nursing Homes to entertain residents and staff alike as well as the Brothers of Charity Comedy Club.


Ms. McGrath said an ‘open call’ for funding under the Creative Roscommon funding stream will begin before the end of January. New strands have been added due to the allocation of extra funding, including a new outdoor cultural events section, straddling two separate programmes. She also stated that this is the last year of the Decade of Centenaries grants.


The Cathaoirleach Cllr. Crosby welcomed the Strategy and paid tribute to everyone who contributed to the Strategy.


The Members discussed the Strategy:

·         Encourage everyone to read the strategy and avail of the events and opportunities that it presents

·         It is important to embrace the Arts and the Creative Ireland Programme has been a great initiative to bring the arts to the people. The Cruinniú na nÓg festival has been very successful throughout the country.

·         Somers Park in Castlerea has hosted successful outdoor events and we should expand on this. 

·         It is important to promote and highlight artistic events taking place in the county – many more than we think

·         All of the events that are held throughout the county help to promote tourism.

·         Suggest that the call for Creative Roscommon funding should be advertised via the county’s PPN (Public Participation Network)

·         A Creative Community Collective workshop, promoting mental health was held recently and a welcome initiative

·         The future of Roscommon is in unlocking our tourism potential - the county’s representation at an International Angling Show in France as evidence of the importance of showcasing the county’s resources.

·         There is an appetite for outdoor events and entertainment, and a suggestion of the creation of a ‘Music Hub’ where bands to have a facility to rehearse. There are a number of buildings that could be transformed for this.


In conclusion the members noted the strategy and thanked the Arts Officer for her enthusiasm and creativity and her work to promote the Arts in the County.


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