Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
Tel: 090 6637100
Fax: 090 6625599
Email: info@roscommoncoco.ie
Agenda item
The following items was raised under AOB –
· The heavy rainfall in August caused shop premises and private residences to be flooded in Castlerea town. The capacity of the pipework in Castlerea town was discussed and ways to prevent future flooding incidents with requests for a survey of the existing pipework.
· Request for the road sweeper to sweep the streets in Castlerea town more regularly.
· Enquiry regarding the maintenance of Roscommon Town Square and where the budget will come from to ensure ongoing long term maintenance works.
· Compliments for the great work carried out on the footpaths on the Circular road and Lanesboro road.
· Request for more bins to be replaced by the ones with smaller appetures.
· Request for an update on the traffic count and speed survey at the Walk and for it to be placed on the agenda for the next Roscommon Municipal District meeting.
· Request for CIE to be notified that the glass at the bus shelter in Roscommon town is shattered.
· Thanks to the staff of Roscommon Operational area for their quick response to the flooding in Roscommon town especially out the Galway road and request that Roscommon County Council pursue the capacity issue with the pipes at this location with the TII.
· Compliments to everyone for keeping the flowers looking so well at Roscommon Railway Station.
· Requests for another awareness campaign regarding parking in Roscommon town.
· Enquiry if the Municipal District Fund grant could be drawn down based on the invoice instead of a receipt as the group was finding it difficult to source bridging finance.
· Request by Cllr. Waldron that the Cathaoirleach’s of the three Municipal Districts meet to discuss drawing down funds for the River Suck
· Reports of a great summer at Somers Park and the swimming pool in Castlerea with over 15,000 people visiting the pool and great feedback also received from the Cinema night and Eagles Tribute Band events held at Somers Park.
· Request for letter to be sent to the TII asking for continuous white lines to be placed on two stretches of road between Four Mile House and the turn off for Strokestown and at Lisagallon between Cloverhill National School and the bend before the Racecourse to stop cars overtaking and make it safer.
Majella Hunt and Anthony McDermott responded to the issues raised -
· Anthony McDermott, Executive Engineer responded to the issues regarding flooding and explained that all issues with capacity requires design work. We can carry out a survey but we would need a commitment as regards funding for the works.
· Anthony McDermott acknowledged that the survey at The Walk was completed but that any subsequent works also need to be funded.
· Majella Hunt, Director of Services acknowledged all the problems at Roscommon Town Square with vehicle parking and oil spillage from lorries. She agreed to come back to the next meeting with figures for cleaning the area and source a budget for ongoing maintenance. Majella thanked Roscommon Tidy Towns who were instrumental in keeping the area looking so well.
· Majella Hunt, Director of Services stated it was not possible to draw down the Municipal District grant based on an invoice as the terms and conditions of the scheme require a receipt to be submitted.
On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Shanagher
SECONDED by Councillor Leyden
It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception, Carragh Kennedy, St. Coman’s Handball Club. Carragh has become the 8th Roscommon player to win the Minor All Ireland 60 x 30 softball final.