Agenda item

Strategic Infrastructure Development application under Section 37E of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

·         Proposed Seven Hills Wind Farm Development


·         Proposed Seven Hills Wind Farm


Senior Planner Mary Grier outlined the process for a strategic infrastructure development, as it is sent directly to An Bord Pleanala for a decision. Roscommon County Council, as a prescribed body is a consultee in the process.

This application relates to the construction of 20 No. wind turbines, a metrological mast, onsite substation and underground cabling, 110kv grid connection to proposed ESB substation in Monksland, 2 new accesses off the R363 and upgrading of the existing access and 2 temporary construction compounds and associated works. The location of the project is Dysart/Brideswell.

The strategic justification for the project includes a legal commitment from Ireland to limit greenhouse gas emissions, the Energy White Paper requirement to increase Irelands’s energy security, the need to diversify Irelands energy sources and increase renewable energy output, wind energy is cost effective power production and increased energy.


The Members, by resolution, may add to the Chief Executives recommendation but the Council is not the decision maker. The Chief Executive is recommending in principle that the proposed development be endorsed subject to An Bord Pleanala undertaking an EIA, and an AA and the inclusion of certain conditions, in the event of granting planning permission:  Grid Connection cabling in the road verge, not the carriageway, detailed cable route specifications to be agreed with RCC; appointment of a designated liaison engineer, a dust monitoring plan and an environmental monitoring plan to be agreed with RCC and payment of development contributions and annual maintenance contribution for roads.


The members discussed the proposal as follows:

·         The members accepted the proposals in the County Development Plan but are not happy with the setback distances for turbines – this was rejected by the OPR.

·         This proposal has raised significant issues and divided the community in Dysart

·         Free electricity should be afforded to households within 3km radius of the turbine.

·         It is unacceptable that wind turbines can receive planning when such a large part of the community is against them.

·         There is no mention of children with autism and the effects of turbines

·         There is clear evidence that the world is burning up and like it or not, emissions have to be reduced and renewable energy accepted

·         How will complaints be dealt with regard to turbines i.e. shadow flicker and noise? Mechanisms must be put in place and compensation for the community.

·         Setback distances are a problem and the effect on water bodies such as turloughs have not been addressed

·         Over 80% of this area are served by the South Roscommon water supply scheme and the effect on Killeglan springs has to be addressed.

·         No issue with wind energy but turbines should be erected at sea

·         Agree with the points raised regarding noise, shadow flicker and those with sensitivities. An Bord Pleanala should check files of previous  planning applications

·         An Bord Pleanals should address all concerns including the environment comments on wildlife

·         The height of the turbines are of concern.

·         Will there be a cable constructed on the regional road – it should be brought on the hard shoulder to ensure no deterioration of the road.

·         Wind energy has to play a large part of renewable energy and would prefer to see turbines on every hill rather than the consequence of no electricity in the future while accepting that people have legitimate concerns regarding turbines.

·         There should be relocation allowance for anyone that lives within 10x height of turbine. This is a private company and will receive benefits and measures should be in place for proper compensation.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Keogh

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED that if this project proceeds any household within a 3km radius of a turbine receive free electricity


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fallon

SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh

It was AGREED that in the event of a wind turbine being erected, that there will be an independent agency available, when issues arise, to immediately identify the problem and get an immediate solution.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Naughten

SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh

It was AGREED that if the development goes ahead, the maximum height of the turbine should be 120 m and that the fund in place be increased to €500k for local community projects


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Kilduff

SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED that anyone that lives within the distance of 10x height of a turbine should be entitled to seek relocation compensation equivalent to the value of their current property, should it be affected by the turbine.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED that setback distances of the turbines be 1.5km


The Director of Services Mr. Tiernan confirmed that the last resolution is not in compliance with the county development plan. He welcomes all of the points raised and An Board Pleanala will have to take account of everything submitted in making their decision. The resolutions passed will be an addendum to the Chief Executives report.


Original text