Agenda item



Resolutions from other Local Authorities:

20th June, 2022 – Resolution, Cork City Council

That Cork City Council supports the City and County Managers Association in their clear view that the additional specialist staffing resources identified by them need to be in place in 2022 to ensure that local authorities realise our ambition to deliver transformative change and measurable climate action across our cities and counties.

20th June, 2022 – Resolution, Cork City Council

That Cork City Council write to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O'Brien TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke TD, and to all other local authorities in Ireland to reaffirm the motion of no confidence in the board of An Bord Pleanála passed by this Council on 13 July 2020.

23rd June, 2022 – Resolution, Kerry County Council

That Kerry County Council write to the Minister for Health, Mr. Stephen Donnelly, the Oireachtas Health Committee and the HSE, CEO Mr. Paul Reid, as well as our Regional Health Board and local hospitals, requesting that the provision of Long Covid Clinics is retained and expanded.

24th June, 2022 – Resolution, Donegal County Council

That Donegal County Council write to the Department and ask that they consider changing Culture Night in September to Culture Weekend for future years.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to write to the Department ask that they consider changing Culture Night in September to Culture Weekend for future years.


24th June, 2022 – Resolution, Donegal County Council

That Donegal County Council write to Minister Heather Humphreys, Department of Social Protection, Rural and Community Development to request that recently arrived Ukrainian Nationals would qualify for the TÚS scheme.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Shanagher

SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED to write to Minister Heather Humphreys, Department of Social Protection, Rural and Community Development to request that recently arrived Ukrainian Nationals would qualify for the TÚS scheme.


27th June, 2022 – Resolution, Cork County Council

That Cork County Council write to the Minister to seek a subsidy for the Irish fishing fleet to offset cost increases in fuel, and to reduce excise duties on diesel.

30th June, 2022 – Notice of Motion, Limerick City & County Council

That Limerick City & County Council write to the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, the Oireachtas Health Committee and the HSE CEO Paul Reid, requesting that the provision of Long Covid Clinics is retained and expanded.

1st July, 2022 – Notice of Motion, Limerick City & County Council

That, Limerick City and County Council call on the Government and the Minister for Housing to declare a housing emergency and to use emergency powers to introduce a moratorium on evictions similar to Covid emergency measures until the Minister for Housing raises the income thresholds for social housing supports for a three-month period with an option to review thereafter.


Other Correspondence:

20th July, 2022 – Local Adjustment Factor LPT

Notice of consideration of setting a Local Adjustment Factor for the Local Property Tax with the invitation of public submissions open to August 26th 2022.



Original text