Agenda item

Multi-Annual Rural Water Programme - Update


Ms. Catherine Finlay, A/Senior Executive Officer in Water Services gave a presentation to the Members on the Multi-Annual Rural Water Programme:


·         9% of people have drinking water supplied by group water schemes and a further 10% from private wells

·         29% of households are not connected to a public wastewater service.

·         The Multi-annual funding approach for rural water was first developed in 2016 with the policy objectives of water quality, water conservation and future proofing supplies.

·         €75m committed nationally to date. Roscommon received funding of €2.861m for 2019-2021.

·         The programme provides funding under a range of measures:

o    Source Protection for group water schemes - €351k

o   Public Health Compliance €814k

o   Enhancement of existing schemes including water conservation (10 schemes) €1.431m

o   Transition of existing group water and group sewerage schemes to public water sector (Irish Water) €247k

o   Community Connections (Crosshill)  €22k

o   Individual Well Grants and in site wastewater treatment systems – funding is demand led

o   Total Expenditure to date €2.037m


Mr. John O’Rourke, Senior Engineer updated the members on advance funding for Wastewater collection treatment needs for villages and settlements without access to public wastewater services. The preparation for submission of bids is now underway for what will be a demonstration project. An essential component is a feasibility study and a community public consultation process. There are seven candidate villages in Roscommon. The results of the investigations will result in a recommendation to the SPC for discussion.


The Members welcomed the presentation:

·         Acknowledged the work of the water and waste water caretakers around the county

·         Acknowledged the funding available to Roscommon under the rural water programme and the amount of valuable work being carried out by group water  schemes

·         There is great bio-diversity work being carried out by the schemes and the Mid Roscommon scheme in particular who won a European Award for their initiative.

·         All un-sewered towns and villages should be considered for funding and should identify potential sites for treatment plants

·         The 15% contribution from the Council is too much – it should only be 5%

·         The Crosshill extention is good value for money.

·         Irish Water charges for connections can be vary considerably and should be standardised


In response to queries raised Mr. O’Rourke advised:


·         The provision of extensions to existing schemes is the preference to constructing new water schemes. Roscommon is very proactive in this area and Crosshill is the first such scheme in the country.

·         The Wastewater Collection Treatment Needs for Villages and Settlements Scheme is a great scheme and we should aim to get the first one that is best suited for the project approved first and work on progressing the remainder as soon as possible after.

·         The 15% contribution is a Department decision


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Cllr. Callaghan

It was AGREED that Castleplunkett would be an ideal candidate for funding in respect of advance funding under the MARWP 2022-2025 Wastewater collection and treatment needs for villages and settlements without access to public waste water services.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

SECONDED by Cllr. Kilduff

It was AGREED that Brideswell should be selected for funding in respect of advance funding under the MARWP 2022-2025 Wastewater collection and treatment needs for villages and settlements without access to public waste water services.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED that funding should be sought to acquire sites for treatment plants in all villages that have no waste water treatment plants. This will enable these villages to be ready for investment when approved for such facilities.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fallon

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to write to the Department to request that the terms and conditions of the Individual Well Grant for rural houses be extended to newly built houses.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr Crosby

SECONDED by Cllr. Mulligan

It was AGREED to write to Irish Water to implement standardised water connection charges.







Original text