Agenda item

Chief Executive Business


Mr. Shane Tiernan, Deputy Chief Executive provided an update for the Members on the Knockcroghery to Ballymurray N61 Project.


·         It is 5 years since the inception of the project, to develop a 14km new road from Ballymurray to Lecarrow and it is currently in Phase1&2. The estimated cost of the project is €80m.

·         Since April 2021 the TII have stated that further development of projects will be contingent in their inclusion in the new National Development Plan 2021-2030. When the new NDP was released in October last there was no mention of the N61.

·         The Council officially sought approval from the TII to move to Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) at the end of 2021. Confirmation has been received from TII that they are not in apposition to give approval at this time as allocations for major road projects are being made according to the priority set out in the revised NDP and the limited exchequer funding they have for these projects.

·         Some funding €300k will be allocated to the project under the minor funding programme for 2022.  While this could be used to prioritise a section (2-4km) of the new road to complete, it would not make any sense to do unless all of the work is completed in one project as the new road is all offline. It is considered more prudent to spend this money on specific upgrade works on sections of the existing road.

·         The TII have outlined to the Council priorities of roads to be funded as per the NDP and notes considerable restraints on funding for 2021-2025 and set out the basis under which funding will be allocated for Major Schemes going forward  - the N61 will not be considered for progressing any earlier than 2026 and more likely it will be 2030.

·         The Council have asked the consultants to look at the project to consider is sections of the road could be prioritised, but this is unlikely to have a favourable outcome as most of the new road is off line and railway crossings are included.

·         The Chief Executive and Director of Services have recently met with the TII at the highest level and have made very strong representations in relation to approval of the scheme but unfortunately as it stands it is not approved to proceed any further.



The Members expressed their disappointment and frustration at the update:


·         Over the years there have been a number of motions on safety issues on the N61 and in particular the section at Ganleys to St Brigid’s turnoff. There are a substantial number of houses, a school and church on the busy road that no footpaths or pedestrian crossing.

·         The N61 needs to be upgraded its full length and in fact a new road from Athlone to Boyle to join the N4 is necessary.

·         The Council needs to get clear direction as to when or what will be done.

·         What are the implications for the sterilisation of the lands?

·         Safety measure on the road are a priority in any case

·         WE cannot have unsafe roads that are still used as heavy carriageways with huge volumes of traffic that has far exceeded its capacity. This decision is disheartening and unacceptable.

·         We need to write to the Minister for Transport and the Government regarding the following:

o   How much has been spent to date on the project?

o   Who made the decision to remove the project from the NDP? The most recent update is that this project was to proceed to Planning.

o   Roscommon has been bypassed as a county and has lost the opportunity to link Athlone to the West of Ireland. The project must be reinstated in the NDP

·         This has been discussed at length in the past and we have received no resolutions from the TII

·         A lot of time was spent on the plan. There is a gap in rural transport and by improving our roads and consequently public transport there will be less cars on the roads. More investment is required in Local Link and it should be expanded.

·         There is no other county that has a county town with no proximity to a National Primary route -  we will not get the necessary funding unled this road is upgraded.

·         If we are ambitious, we need a full scale motorway – there are 250 openings onto the N61

·         If Athlone is a regional growth centre, this road needs to be upgraded.

·         The N60 is also ignored for funding

·         What is the position with a meeting with the TII?

·         If we get €360k for upgrades on the road, it is important that this be used.


The Director replied that a lot of work has been undertaken on the project to date. A traffic study is underway and will inform the traffic volumes. A resolution was passed at the CPG meeting this morning to request that the TII come to Roscommon to attend a meeting to discuss the N61.


The following resolutions were proposed:


It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Kilduff

And SECONDED by Cllr. Ward that a Letter be written to the TII to reconsider their decision on the N61.


It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Leyden

And SECONDED by Cllr. Cummins that a letter be sent to the Minister for Transport and the Taoiseach regarding the following:

·         How much has been spent to date on the N61 project?

·         Who made the decision to remove the project from the NDP? The most recent update is that this project was to proceed to Planning.

·         Roscommon has been bypassed as a county and has lost the opportunity to link Athlone to the West of Ireland. The project must be reinstated in the NDP.


It was PROPOSED by Cllr. Cummins

And SECONDED by Cllr. Ward that consideration be given by the TII to upgrading the N61 current status to a National Primary Route.




Original text