Agenda item



Resolutions from other Local Authorities:

·         25th January, 2022 - Resolution from Galway County Council

That Galway County Council supports the campaign of Epilepsy Ireland to address long-standing issues that continue to impact on people with epilepsy and their families in Ireland today.

·         14th February, 2022 - Resolution from Sligo County Council

Given that building materials and labour has gone up by more than 60% Sligo County Council call on the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage to increase the maximum grant from €8,000 to €15,000 and from €30,000 to €45,000 for housing adaption grant for people with a disability and to also increase the maximum grant under the older persons grant scheme by 50% to reflect building inflation and also to increase the overall allocation to the county a pro rata amount.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

     SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED to write to Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage to increase the maximum grant from €8,000 to €15,000 and from €30,000 to €45,000 for housing adaption grant for people with a disability and to also increase the maximum grant under the older persons grant scheme by 50% to reflect building inflation and also to increase the overall allocation to the county a pro rata amount.


·         14th February, 2022 - Resolution from Sligo County Council

That Sligo County Council unequivocally supports the retention of a full-time air sea rescue service at Sligo Airport as currently provided by the crew of Rescue 178 and also calls on the Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan T.D. to ensure Sligo Airport is put on a level playing field and supported with the capital investment needed in line with funding given to other airports.

·         17th February, 2022 - Resolution from Sligo County Council

That Tipperary County Council supports the "Women of Honour" campaign for a statutory Commission of Investigation into alleged issues within our Defence Forces surrounding dignity in the workplace, bullying, harassment, discrimination, assault, sexual harassment and sexual assault.

·         22nd February, 2022 - Resolution from Clare County Council

That Clare County Council on the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the Minister for Transport to put in place a system of compensation and indemnity as a component of the licensing system for forestry while also making it a requirement that forestry license holders - prior to commencing licenced forestry activities - consult with the relevant local authority with a view to minimizing damage to the public road network.

22nd February, 2022 - Resolution from Clare County Council

That Clare County Council call on the Minister for Finance to broaden the Household Benefits Package and include exemption from property tax for those people that are under extreme pressure to meet day to day expenses in light of the rising cost of living and their struggle to survive on a very low level of income.

Other Correspondence:

·         15th February, 2022 – Circular from the Department of Transport

Department of Transport Circular RW 2/2022 Regional and Local Road Grant Allocations 2022




Original text