Agenda item

Update on the Ballaghadereen Public Realm Plan


Ms. Majella Hunt, Director of Services introduced the update on the Ballaghadereen Public Realm Plan.  Ms. Majella Hunt, Director of Services stated that the plan is now at Category 2 Stage of Rural Regeneration Development Funding (RRDF) which means that a detailed scheme is being prepared which will then be lodged as a Part 8 Application in readiness for the application being progressed for Category 1 Funding.   It is hoped to get planning by the end of November 2021   Ms Nollag Wyte, Administrative Officer praised the Ballaghadereen Town Team for their involvement in the project stating there would be further consultation and information sessions including on line webinars in the coming week

MsNollag Whyte introduced consultant Mehron Kirk.  Mr Kirk presented the design brief for the plan.  He stated that the objective of the plan is to create a new public square which will support the functioning of the town, encourage businesses to thrive and enhance the streets and spaces for the people.   Mr. Kirk informed the elected members that the feedback from the consultation which has taken place has  highlighted concerns over parking availability in the town and on the street.  Mr. Kirk added that consultation is ongoing with public webinars taking place in the next week, a public display of the plan to increase public awareness and keep them updated on progress.  

 Cllr Liam Callaghan thanked Mr. Kirk for the presentation.  Cllr Callaghan asked that a copy of the plans would be circulated to the Councillors to look at more closely.  Cllr Callaghan stated that the plan would enhance the town but that the issue of car parking would be hard to resolve.  Cllr M. Mulligan stated that the removal of parking spaces would impact on customer parking and on deliveries.  Cllr Mulligan stated that the plan was not practical, over 60 car parking spaces would be lost and the car park at@ the Plots’ is not a viable solution.  Cllr Mulligan stated he would not be supporting the plan.  Cllr Crosby concurred with Cllr Mulligan on the importance of adequate parking and stated that if this issue is addressed he would support the project

Mr. Kirk responded to Cllr Mulligans concerns stating that the area called ‘the Plots’ is a short walk and the 35 parking spaces which will be displaced by the plan will be balanced out by the creation of 72 spaces at ‘the Plots’.  Mr Kirk stated that having spoken to traders the consensus would seem to be that they would prefer a turnover of cars using the spaces available rather than cars which would be parked for the duration of the day.  He also stated that loading and disabled spaces will be reinstated in a similar location to the existing ones.

Cllr V Byrne complimented the plan but queried how restaurants and shops would be able to receive deliveries.  Cllr Murphy welcomed the plan but agreed with Cllr Byrne about the difficulty in relation to deliveries.  Cllr Murphy emphasized the importance of consultation.

Cllr John Cummins stated that it is good that so many groups have been consulted and emphasized the importance of a plan which is informed by the community and traders.  Ms Majella Hunt, Director of Services acknowledged that parking is an issue.  Ms. Hunt, Director of Services stated that National Policy and Schemes are about the enhancement of a towns centre and town centre living.  The focus is on placemaking’.  Ms Hunt, Director of Services stated that change is not easy adding that consultation is the key.

Cllr Liam Callaghan thanked Ms. Majella Hunt, Director of Services and Ms Nollag Whyte, Administrative Officer and the consultants for their presentation.

Mr. Shane Tiernan, Director of Services stated that the objective of Central Government plans is to reduce carbon contribution and the Councils plan must capture this.




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