Agenda item

Notice of Motion

There are two Notice of Motion:


4.21 – Cllr. Crosby -  Footpath Improvement Works in Cortober


5.21 – Cllr Murphy - Flashing Warning Lights on the Strokestown to Tulsk Road


4.21                       Notice of Motion from Cllr. Crosby

Would the Director of Services inform the meeting of the proposed locations and the type of works for the footpath improvements in Cortober Village which were funded from the recent announced of €50,000 allocated from the Active Travel Investment Program 2021 and confirm that the €30,000 that has already been granted to Cortober will make a total investment in the footpath infrastructure to €80,000


I understand that agreement was in place with the Cortober Residents Association for footpaths extensions from the Railway Station to join the existing footpaths at the Shannon Gael Estate and that the widening of the existing footpaths out from the railway station would be a priority, an approximate date when the works will commence.



The €50,000 allocated from the Active Travel Investment Program 2021 is essentially an approval in principle and is subject to a detailed application which will be deemed to satisfy the criteria and constraints of the Active Travel Scheme.  The preparation of this application is currently in progress.

It is likely that the entirety of the €50000 will be spent on the provision of a footpath on the Croghan Road R370.  The provision of a footpath on the entirety of the R370 as far as Shannon Gael Estate is contingent on acquisition of lands under compulsory purchase but we would envisage providing a footpath along the frontage of ESB lands opposite the railway station with the €50000 and completing the works when compulsory purchase is determined. 

The €30000 which was previously allocated under the Low Cost Accident Remedial Measure scheme was spent on the provision of a pedestrian crossing and ancillary works on the R368 at Lunney’s garage.

We anticipate that the detailed Active Travel application will be prepared in the next three weeks.

Cllr Crosby stated that more clarity is required as to where the €50000 will be spent if it is approved.  Cllr Crosby asked if there is a proposal to widen the footpath at the railway station in Carrick on Shannon as far as Shannon Gael estate.  Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator responded by stating that the process had begun 3 years ago with an application under the LCARM scheme.  At that time the acquisition of land did not proceed and following a meeting with residents and limited by the constraints of the scheme it was decided to reroute €30000 to install a pedestrian crossing.  The figure of €50000 is an allocation, in principal only, and an application for this funding will be prepared over the next number of weeks.  It is proposed to carry out works in front of the ESB compound with a footpath from the junction at the R368.

Cllr Valerie Byrne noted that she made representations on this and the Council have said previously that they would look into the work required on the footpaths near Shannon Gael and that the residents have been informed.

Cllr Crosby stated that Councillors had received notice of an accident at the new pedestrian crossing at Cortober.  Cllr Crosby asked if the crossing needed to be reviewed.  Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator responded by saying that the crossing fulfills requirements and regulations and traffic flow is being monitored.  Cllr Crosby asked about the possibility of installing ramps.   Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator said the matter would be looked at.

The motion was PROPOSED by Cllr Crosby, SECONDED by Cllr. Byrne and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED



5.21                       Notice of Motion from Cllr. Murphy



I propose the motion that we write to TII requesting the installation of flashing speed signs on the Tulsk rd. out of Strokestown on the N5 ,between Brogan’s Garage and the entrance into the Cloonslanor residential area in an attempt to slow down the traffic here.




The provision of signage on a National road is entirely under the auspices of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and the County Council has no discretion in this regard.


We have been actively engaging with the TII Road Safety Officer since 2019 with a view to providing additional Vehicle Activated Signage at this location.  We have carried out a speed survey in support of our efforts to secure such signage and the results show frequent and sometimes alarming exceedances.


The response of the TII to date has not been encouraging but should this motion be supported we will have no problem in writing to inform them of the resolution of the meeting.



Following agreement amongst elected member discussion took place on 5.21 Notice of Motion without the Notice of Motion being read out due to an interrupted broadband signal.

Cllr Murphy agreed with the reply given.  Cllr Murphy stated that the TII need to be contacted and something put in place to alert drivers and get them to slow down at this area.  Cllr Byrne and Cllr Callaghan supported Cllr Murphy.   Cllr Crosby also supported Cllr Murphy suggesting a slight amendment to Cllr Murphys Notice of Motion to include work to improve sightlines.

Mr. Michael Conlon, Municipal District Co-Ordinator stated that if a resolution was passed then Roscommon County Council would be happy to write to the TII.

The motion was PROPOSED by Councillor Murphy, SECONDED by Cllr Byrne and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED.




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