Agenda item

Adoption Roscommon Diaspora Strategy


The Chairperson of the Economic Development and Enterprise Support SPC, Cllr. Nigel Dineen introduced Mark Conway from Ventura to present the Draft Roscommon County Council Global Rossie Diaspora Strategy. Funding was received in 2016 to complete the strategy and the aim of the Strategy is to strengthen the Roscommon family – contact was made with communities both at home in Roscommon and associations throughout the world with Roscommon connections for their input. He outlined how important it is to work with the Roscommon Associations to promote the county and its heritage. He thanked the staff for their input into the Draft strategy.


Mr. Conway outlined his role in facilitating the process and the scope of the

·         Collaborative journey with Leitrim Longford and Sligo but 4 distinct strategies.

·         64,000 is the population currently living in Roscommon, 10,800 born in the county and living elsewhere, 81,200 born in Roscommon living in UK and 945,000 people in the world with roots in Roscommon.

·         The Diaspora is to be seen as an asset and a responsibility. There is no one single diaspora, it is made up of varied communities, individuals etc. Emotion lies at the heart of the strategy

·         Most emigrants going to EU followed by UK and USA/Australia and peak ages for people leaving is early twenties so we are sending away our best educated and connected people and Construction is at the heart of emigrants.

·         The GAA is central to where people connect when abroad – 95% of connection back home is through social media and the place people chose to go is where they already know someone.

·         Important is quality of life as to why people come back

·         Categorisation of diaspora – the established diaspora who left in 50’s to 90’s; the millennials who left in 2000’s; those who live in Dublin region and the affinity diaspora e.g. Brazilians who lived here and now gone home.

·         The themes to the strategy – developing the Roscommon Brand i.e. a ‘Roscommon Pin’ and ‘Roscommon Passport’ is being developed; developing business opportunities – can work there but live in Roscommon; culture heritage and sport – when diaspora visit they come for festivals and fairs etc.  and those want to know ‘Who am I?’ and finally the GAA – visit every 5 years to New York and London – this trip can be tapped into.

·         Digital Connectivity – live streaming and central county website to include all things Roscommon.

·         Encourage everyone to be proud to be from Roscommon, promote and share all things Roscommon, invest in your home town or parish, keep in contact.


The Members welcomed the Strategy:

·         Roscommon Day is a great idea. The town teams could get involved in a ‘Who do you think you are?’ and introduce a high profile person to start.

·         The Town Twinning is an important initiative to keep alive – we expect people to travel to Roscommon but it is equally important to travel there

·         Very important to include all of the county and its attractions

·         Welcome the initiatives in the Strategy including the Roscommon Pin – it gives a unique identity

·         There is a long term benefit in linking with the diaspora abroad but we must also welcome people hers

·         Homecoming Weekend in October bank-holiday weekend is a good idea. It’s very important to highlight our festivals and Fairs as people want to visit when something is on. Roscommon County Council keep links with New York, Manchester and Birmingham Associations.

·         For those who left Ireland in 2010 and want to return, we need to look at pension entitlements etc.

·         Very interesting opportunity to tap into the East Coast Diaspora


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Dineen

SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED to adopt the Draft Global Rossie Family Diaspora Strategy


Original text