Agenda item

Any Other Business


Incident at Flask, Strokestown


Cllr. Callaghan stated there was some disquiet and distress in the community of Strokestown following a recent heavy handed eviction at a house and farm at Flask. There was also a very distressing incident early on Sunday morning when property was burned and security mem attacked.  He called for dialogue to deal with the matter at hand to resolve the situation.


Cllrs. Murphy, Mulligan, Ward, Kilduff, Doherty, Fallon and Cummins and the Cathaoirleach also spoke on the matter as follows:

·         There are at least twelve eviction cases pending in Roscommon currently

·         The Government and the Banks need to start talking about how all of these pending eviction cases are dealt with

·         Need to have an arrangement where people are not evicted from their homes but consideration of a write-down of debt. This was what was proposed by the previous Government.

·         Tenants have more rights than the homeowners in these situations

·         Concern over vulture funds buying debt and evicting anyone who cannot pay – vulture funds paying off vulture funds.

·         There will be a larger increase in homelessness and housing list.

·         Concern about breakdown of confidence in Gardaí and law and order in the country

·         Condemnation of violence in any instance

·         Need for politicians to find a solution to the spiralling numbers of mortgages in default. There are over 14,000 mortgages currently in arrears in the country and a considerable number of people and farmers in great distress.



In response to a question regarding Roscommon County Councils contingency plans for dealing with someone who has been evicted, Mr. Martin Lydon confirmed that the Council becomes homeless in such circumstances have processes and protocols in place.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Mulligan

SECONDED by Cllr Murphy

It was AGREED to call on the Minister for Finance that laws governing mortgages and bad debts be changed to reflect the situation


Cllr Kilduff Statement

Cllr Kilduff congratulated Cllr. Fitzmaurice and Leyden on receiving a nomination to contest the forthcoming Local Elections. He also wished Cllr. Keogh well at the Athlone MD selection convention tonight. With reference to a radio interview six months ago, Cllr. Kilduff stated that contrary to what was said in the interview he did not apologise to Cllr.  Keogh and he will not be apologising in the future.


HSE Forum Report

Cllr. Ward informed the meeting that on behalf of himself, Cllr Creaton and Cllr Kilduff who attend the HSE forum, he wants to make the members aware of the following:

The training allowance in Roscommon was reduced from €32.00pw to €20.00 pw. Galway and Mayo have not seen a reduction in this allowance. He has also been told that a review is ongoing and new service users will get a nil allowance. The waiting list for dental appointments for children is currently 623 in County Roscommon and for example and there are currently no dental services in Ballyforan and Ballinasloe and patients have to travel to Castlerea. With regard to Roscommon Hospital, St Brigid’s ward close from Friday to Monday morning.

The Cathaoirleach and Chief Executive wished all of the members a happy and peaceful Christmas.






Original text