Agenda item

Update on Towns and Villages Renewal Scheme 2018 and Residential Occupancy Pilot


Majella Hunt, Director of Services updated the Members on the 2018 Town and Village  Scheme:

·         Following a Competitive National tendering process, Roscommon received approval for seven projects to the value of €880,000.

·         80% Funding with 20% matched funding requirement and projects to be completed in 2019

·         The projects were borne out of consultations with local groups and the loan just approved will facilitate these and other schemes in the future.

·         Athleague - €100,000 for village enhancement works

·         Ballaghaderreen - €100,000 for study on feasibility plan for Park Area, tourism signs enhancements works of Shambles, landscaping and community gardens.

·         Boyle - €200,000 for link from town centre to tourism assets including part demolition of Royal Hotel and its external refurbishment, creation of Civic space and development of riverside promenade.

·         Monksland - €200,000 develop a community park area with activities for youth.

·         Roscommon - €100,000 for uplighting of castle, Loughnaneane Parking, signage and Abbey entrance enhancement

·         Rooskey -€100,000 for enhancement of street buildings, enhancement of quayside, repairs to bridge parapet wall and enhancement of village

·         Strokestown - €100,000 to enhance building frontage, facilitate community market Square and provide permanent lighting of Strokestown Park House gates


Ms. Majella Hunt also updated the members about the Residential Occupancy Pilot Scheme for Boyle just announced:


·         Six Rural towns from six counties, including Boyle, have been invited to develop innovative proposals to encourage more people to live in rural town centres.

·         Each town to receive €100,000 to engage with local communities and businesses to look at practical solutions that can be delivered to increase numbers living in rural towns.

·         This study will take place over the coming months as all local groups will be asked to engage.


The members discussed the two initiatives as follows:


·         Acknowledgement that a lot of work is being done behind the scenes to facilitate such projects.

·         Local consultation with all stakeholders is important.

·         Recent progress in Athleague with great community involvement.

·         Monksland struggling to build community but can avail of new opportunities now being presented

·         New funding will benefit all towns and those not included this year such as Frenchpark, Rooskey and Elphin should be included next year.

·         Funding of almost €1 million is significant and there is a new sense of optimism in Boyle with Rural Regeneration funds and also this pilot scheme to look at town residency

·         What is the Abbey entrance enhancement project?

·         Town teams working well and a great mechanism for funding and projects such as “Light up the Roscommon castle” is excellent but lack of coach parking must be addressed.

·         The proposed plans for Boyle 2040 gives great confidence to the area and we hope this will be a ‘flagship town’ while the setting up of the town teams have been a great mechanism for getting funding.

·         Looking forward to the development of the Royal Hotel Site in Boyle and the “New Boyle” as this will have knock on effect to adjacent villages.

·         Great tourism potential in the Rooskey, Elphin, Tulsk and Strokestown areas that should be developed.

·         Welcome the project for Rooskey but it is even more important with the new playground developed on the Leitrim side, that need for a pedestrian bridge is crucial.

·         Important that no village is left out of the funding process.



Ms. Hunt thanked the members for their positive feedback and replied to queries raised:

·         Proposals for both Elphin and Frenchpark were submitted but not successful and will be looked at again.

·         The entrance into Roscommon Abbey needs to be upgraded to allow improved accessibility.

·         The executive is looking at the constitution of the Town Teams for the future and appealing for further participation and collaboration of the Members and groups.



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