Agenda item



·         Letter from Clare County Council dated 10th October, 2018, regarding a resolution that was adopted calling on the Minister for Education and Skills to recognise the important role that outdoor educational centres play in the education and development of our youth by funding all staff salaries of outdoor educational centres directly from department funds.


·         Letter from Deputy Eugene Murphy, dated 8th October, 2018 regarding the Sterilisation Unit in Roscommon Hospital.


·         Letter from Donegal County Council dated 4th October, 2018 regarding a resolution that was adopted calling on An Post and the Dublin Government to reverse their decision to close 17 Post Offices in Donegal and also to reverse their decision to close all the other Post Offices across the state. If the Gaeltacht is to survive it needs these services in the community. This Government is on one hand talking about the importance of saving “An Gaeltacht” and “Rural Ireland”, but on the other hand it is taking away vital services from our community.


·         Letter from Cork County Council dated 1st October, 2018 calling on the Department of Rural & Community Development, expressing its disappointment that Cork County Council was refused 2nd Round funding for 2018 Local Improvement Schemes, on the basis that it did not comply with what it considers are stringent deadlines (end of July) for completion of Round 1 Schemes, which stringent deadlines are not in accordance with normal deadlines (end November) for other Road Grants.


·         Letter from Mr. Tony Canavan, Executive Chairperson, HSE dated 1st October, 2018 advising Roscommon County Council that in accordance with the Health Act 2004, Section 42 all questions must be routed through the three members of Roscommon County Council nominated to the Regional Health Forum West. Also advising that going forward the Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council will be formally be invited to attend any openings or official events and the Cathaoirleach will be acknowledged by one of the key speakers at the given event.


·         Acknowledgement letter from Minister for Health Simon Harris, T.D. dated 28th September, 2018 in response to letter from Roscommon County Council concerning the Sterilisation Unit in Roscommon. The Minister advised that he is having the issues raised, examined and will revert back in due course.


·         Letter from Donegal County Council dated 18th September, 2018 calling on Government to


1.       Enact ‘Private Members Dáil Motion of the 11th November, 2016’. (a call previously supported by Wexford County Council, October, 2017).

2.       Postpone the closure of Post Offices while the Kiwi Post Bank model for the Iris Post Office network is developed.

3.       The results of Donegal County Council motion to be promptly conveyed to the Minister for Communications, Climate action and Environment and Deputy Hildegard Naughton, Chair of Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment.

4.       This motion will be circulated to all Local Authorities.


·         Letter from Donegal County Council dated 26th June, 2018 regarding a motion that was passed given the continued efforts of the Department of Local Government to undermine local authorities and the increased centralisation of power in Ireland, this Council calls on the government to establish and independent convention on the future of local government, that will examine powers, autonomy and funding. In the event of the failure of government to act, this Council calls on LAMA and the AILG to establish such a convention and to seek cross party support.




Original text