Agenda item

Any Other Business


Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD), Roscommon Hospital

Cllr. Byrne raised the issue of the proposal to move the Sterilisation Unit from the Hospital from 1st October to Ballinasloe. This is purported to be a temporary measure but the fear is that if it is moved, it will not be returned. This should not be happening as the unit is safe and just because it is old, does not mean it is not doing its job correctly.


Cllrs, Connolly, Leyden, Creaton, Fallon, Doherty, Keogh, Kilduff, Mulligan and Shanagher all spoke in favour of the motion. Cllr. Creaton stated that he has put this question for discussion at the HSE forum tomorrow (Tuesday 25th Sept).


Cllr. Connolly stated that the X-Ray unit is not working in the hospital at the moment and there is delay in receiving this service.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Valerie Byrne

            SECONDED by Cllr. Domnick Connolly

It was AGREED that a letter should be sent to Minister Simon Harris T.D., Minister Denis Naughten T.D., Michael Fitzmaurice T.D. and Eugene Murphy T.D requesting that the Government ensure that the Sterilisation Unit not be moved on a temporary basis from Roscommon Hospital to Ballinasloe Hospital on 1st October and that the sum of €1.4million be provided in the forthcoming Budget to upgrade the sterilisation department in Roscommon Hospital.


Primary Care Centre, Boyle. 

Cllr. Doherty raised the matter of the recent opening of the Primary Care Centre in Boyle by Minister Harris and although this is a welcome development, the people have been kept in the dark as to what facilities will actually be available in the Centre.


On The PROPOSAL of Cllr. Doherty

              SECONDED by Cllr. Cummins

It was AGREED that a letter be sent to Mr. Tony Canavan, Chief Officer, HSE to outline the details of the facilities that will be available in the Primary Health Care Centre in Boyle and more specifically the timescale of the introduction of the facilities.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Kilduff

            SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh

It was AGREED that a letter be sent to the HSE to inform them that when there is an official event taking place in the County (of Roscommon), that as the first citizen of the county, the Cathaoirleach be officially recognised at the event.


Area offices:

Cllr Mulligan asked the Chief Executive if the Area Offices in Ballaghaderreen, Castlerea and Strokestown are to be closed in the future. In the Ballaghaderreen Area there is no engineer and a reduction in outdoor staff.

The Chief Executive replied that there are no plans to close these offices at this point in time.


Castlerea Fire Station:

Cllr. Dineen asked for an update on the reopening of the Castlerea Fire Station. He said that there was a fire in the town environs two weeks ago and thankfully there was no loss of life or severe damage. He asked when will the new recruits be trained and when will the station open?

Pat Murtagh, Acting Director of Services informed the meeting that initial recruit training will take place in November and draft proposals are being prepared to get the Castlerea Fire Station open. The next stage will be the appointment of officers and the mobilisation of the fire station.


The Chief Executive said that in the past two years there were fifteen incidents in the Castlerea area including eight chimney fires and five 5 false alarms and the last incident was a fire in a shed where there was no immediate threat to a loss of life.  The training requirements are onerous and it is imperative that everyone is adequately trained. The fire station was closed because circumstances dictated it had to be done and he will insist on co-operation between all staff so as not to put anyone in danger. The Chief Executive is fully committed to re-opening the station while acknowledging it has taken some time to get to this point he is confident of getting through the next stage far quicker.


Tidy Towns:

Cllr. Shanagher informed the meeting that the results of the Tidy Towns 2018 were announced earlier today and Roscommon received the following awards: Gold – Castlecoote, Keadue and Roscommon town; Bronze – Tarmonbarry and Clontuskert; Commendation and Special Diversity Award for Ballintubber; Special Endeavour Award  for Portrun; Athleague and Kilteevan were runners up in the Community Walkway Sustainable Development category while a commended hero award was bestowed on Margaret Nugent of Rooskey Tidy towns.


Cllr. Leyden congratulated Castlecoote on winning the county Roscommon title and noted that they were only two marks behind the overall winner, Listowel. Cllrs. Keogh and Naughten congratulated the towns and villages and noted the assistance of the County Council to the groups.


The Cathaoirleach reminded the members that the Roscommon Volunteer Awards were launched recently and local community activists can be recognised in these awards.


The Chief Executive acknowledged all of the work undertaken by the tidy towns and community groups and congratulated everyone involved in the successes of today and confirmed that the Council will continue to support the efforts of all involved.


Harmac of Castlerea:

Cllr. Fitzmaurice informed the meeting that Harmac of Castlerea was celebrating 20 years in Roscommon with the official opening of their extension next month.


Budget 2019:

The Cathaoirleach informed the members that the Council’s Budget 2019 Budget meeting will take place on Wednesday 21st November at 10.30 am.


Original text