Agenda item



·         Letter from Kildare County Council dated 23rd July, 2018, regarding a resolution that was passed  for Kildare County Council to write to the insurance regulator and all home insurance providers who offer policies within County Kildare, voicing their concern, disappointment and opposition to the apparent misinterpretation of the current Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Studies (CFRAMS) maps by the insurance industry and the fact that this misinterpretation is now affecting house sales within County Kildare.


·         Letter from Donegal County Council dated 26th July, 2018 regarding a resolution that was adopted calling on all relevant Government Ministers to reconsider the current government policy regarding the bundling of public contracts.


·         Letter from Donegal County Council dated 26th July, 2018 regarding a resolution that was adopted calling on the Minister for Education to address the discrepancies which exist in the rates of pay and benefits paid to ancillary staff in our schools and calls for an end to the precarious employment conditions Imposed on theses valuable staff members. Donegal County Council also calls on the Minister to increase the capitation grant paid to schools as outlined in the ‘Action Plan for Education’.


·         Letter from Limerick City and County Council dated 27th July, 2018 regarding a resolution that was adopted calling on the Taoiseach and his Government to legislate to ensure that employees who have a recognised degree would be legally entitled to be paid a liveable wage and that their employers would not obstruct these graduates from being in pensionable and unionised jobs.


·         Letter from Limerick City and County Council dated 26th July, 2018 regarding a resolution that was adopted calling on the Minister for Health, Mr. Simon Harris, TD and the Minister of State with Special Responsibilities for Disabilities, Mr Finian McGrath, TD, bring forward legislation that all Government Grants, Social Welfare Payments and all other State Supports be categorised as non-means tested Universal Payments for people with Disabilities.


·         Letter from Leitrim County Council dated 26th July, 2018 regarding a resolution that was passed calling on the Department of Education and Skills and / or Department of Health to introduce a scheme to provide all teachers and Special Needs Assistants with Occupational First Aid training, encompassing CPR.


·         Letter from Minister Shane Ross, Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport dated 10th August, 2018 regarding the substantial cutbacks in the funding available for State grants for national, regional and local road programmes during the recession.


·          Letter from Transport Infrastructure Ireland dated 17th August, 2018 regarding proposals to upgrade the N61 between Athlone and Boyle, County Roscommon.


·         Letter from Waterford City and County Council dated 17th August, 2018 regarding a Notice of Motion that was adopted calling on the Government, in line with a recent motion, unanimously adopted in the Dáil, to immediately abolish the ‘Loco Parentis’ clause in homecare nursing contracts for sick children.


·         Letter from Clare County Council dated 27th August, 2018 regarding a Notice of Motion that was passed at a Special Meeting of the West Clare Municipal District calling of the Government to enact the Dáil motion passed in November, 2016 in support of protecting and developing the Post Office network and its services.


·         Letter from Sligo County Council dated 18th September, 2018 regarding a resolution that was agreed calling on the Government to intervene to prevent An Post using a very restrictive anti-rural definition of a settlement taken from the Central Statistics office 2016 census report, as part of the criteria for establishing a post office in an area.




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