Agenda item

Update on Irish Water


Mr. John O’Rourke, Senior Engineer in Water Services gave a presentation to the Members on the current and recent projects in Water Services Unit under the Service Level Agreement with Irish Water:


The main points of the presentations were as follows:


·         Roscommon County Council act as agents of Irish Water under a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that commenced on 1st Jan 2014 for period of 12 years.

·         An Annual Service Plan (ASP) with set and measurable Key Performance Indicators for the operation of water services. A total of 82 KPIs in 2018 that are monitored monthly and reported quarterly. In 2017 achieved a 97% compliance with KPI’s and every year IW ask to reduce headcount and budget for same work.

·         Measures under ASP grouped into Learning & Growth, Customer, Internal process/compliance and Financial. Meet Bi Monthly with regional office in Castlebar.

·         Budget 2018 – 82 FTE staff; €8.4m cost to be recouped for Staff €4.4m, Goods & Services €2.4m, Energy €1m, overheads and capital office payroll. This represents 14% of Councils overall budget.

·         Capital Expenditure on Water schemes since 2014:

o   €25m on Boyle Ardcarne RWSS, South Roscommon RWSS (Killeglen and Lisbrock) North East RWSS, Castlerea Urban and Regional, Ballyfarnon RWSS, Ballinlough Lough Glynn RWSS Roscommon Central RWSS.  These works removed 20,000 and the EPA Remedial Action List from Boil Water Notices

o   Current upgrade on North Roscommon RWSS at cost of €5m and Grangemore WSS are only remailing schemes on Remedial Action List.

o   Water Conservation Programme is ongoing at cost of €5m


·         Monksland Sewerage Treatment plant has undergone process upgrades recently and tender documents have issued for upgrade of inlet work and construction of storm overflow tank.

·         Ongoing Capital Scheme upgrade works include:

o   Roscommon Town Main Drainage Scheme

o   Roscommon Town Serwer and Manhole Rehabilitation Contract

o   Boyle WSS extension to Grangemore

o   Castlerea WSS Phase 2 – extension from Williamstown (Lough Mask supply)

o   Ballaghaderreen WWTP upgrade

o   Monksland and Boyle Drainage Plans

·         Capital portfolio works include satellite dewatering, flow monitoring and sampling programme, small mains rehabilitation programme, District Metering and reservoir cleaning programmes.

·         Other works ongoing on the water network include planned watermains rehabilitation; lead pipe replacement, find and fix programme, first fix programme and non-domestic water replacement.

·         Asset Transfer to Irish Water involve a total of 226 assets of which 79 have been transferred by end of 2017

·         There is a considerable onerous process involves in the Take in Charge of group water schemes i.e. semi private schemes connected to the public network – there are a total of 96 schemes.

·         The Rural Water Programme funds water conservation upgrades to Private group water schemes – schemes with their own supply. Roscommon is now part of a pilot scheme for developing source protection plans to improve the safety and security of drinking water.

Members thanked Mr. O’Rourke for his very informative presentation and discussed the following:


·         How soon will the water supply from Lough Mask come to Castlerea?

·         Good news that we have no boil water notices and €35m spent is substantial sum. Whether assets are active or inactive, Roscommon County Council should insist all assets are transferred to Irish water unless it’s land we can use.

·         First fix Scheme would be of benefit to older people

·         Would like to stay with the current water supply in Castlerea as it is good and the urban and rural schemes as is were due an upgrade – is the solution now to bring Lough Mask water?

·         Need to make efforts to reduce Unaccounted for water(UFW). Roscommon County Council received bad press for water quality but it was down to lack of money and this has now come through Irish water.

·         We should not we worried about the ending of SLA in future as IW are getting good value for money.

·         Concerns about capacity of Monksland Wastewater treatment plant to satisfy potential future demands.

·         Legacy issues with Veolia and metering now that Irish water have taken over this contract – there are people with bills that were working out solutions with Veolia and are now in limbo with their bills.

·         Welcome the connection of Cavetown supply to Boyle regional scheme as there has been quality issues for number of years.

·         Irish water recently stated they expect to be an entity in their own right in a couple of years time – is this the situation?

·         Will staff costs continue to be covered by Irish Water?

·         Is there regulation on use of chlorine in water – some houses have very heavy taste

·         Concern about inconvenience of having to having to ring call centre in Cork to report leak – can one not ring the Council directly?

·         Are there any water schemes under pressure in Roscommon as result of the current drought? Are there concerns about schemes in the future?

·         Ongoing concern about farm and domestic supplies combined and the outstanding issues with from when Veolia were in charge are not being taken on board by Irish Water.

·         Some public not aware North East Scheme is off the boil water notice. Does the installation of filters not minimise the necessity for chlorine?

·         Do we know what 5 of people are paying for water? Is this fair in relation semi-private schemes?

·         Compliment the staff working in water Services on behalf of Irish water.


Mr. O’Rourke responded as follows:

·         Billing is handled now exclusively by Irish water and we no longer regarding payments etc. and only those with non-domestic connections pay water charges now.

·         We do not any water supplies under pressure currently. There was an issue with the Grangemore supply but with network management carried out by the caretakers, the supply is adequate.

·         The Lough Mask to Ballinlough supply is now in operation and consultants have been appointed to design the extension to Castlerea although the completion is not expected for some 2 – 3 years. Irish water has decided to go with this option rather than upgrade the current Castlerea Scheme(s).

·         The ‘First Fix’ Initiative is being run by Irish Water and anyone interested should contact IW Customer Services directly.

·         The staff in Water Services are still employed by Roscommon County Council but the budget to pay their wages comes from Irish water. IW are a significant contributor to our budget The SLA is not due to finish until 2025 but it is unclear what will happen before then or after that.

·         There is chlorine in the supply and it’s important that there should be as this is the final phase of disinfecting the water after it leaves the plant and before it gets to the customer.

·         Lough Gara is an unusual source as the supply for Ballaghaderreen – there is a highly complex process being put in place at the moment to upgrade the plant and deal with the taste and odour issues.


Pat Murtagh updated the members on the status of Irish Water as it has been decided by the Government that it will be a stand alone utility, separate from Ervia and that this will be done by 2023. No decision has been made yet on the status of the Service Level Agreements with the Local Authorities. The Minister has set up a structure within the WRC to look at structures etc. but this is at a very early stage.


Original text