Áras an Chontae
County Roscommon
F42 VR98
Tel: 090 6637100
Fax: 090 6625599
Email: info@roscommoncoco.ie
Agenda item
Election of Leas-Cathaoirleach
In accordance with Section 22(c) and Part V of the Local Government Reform Act, 2014 to elect the Leas-Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council to hold office until his/her successor shall have been appointed in accordance with law.
The Cathaoirleach invited proposals for the election of Leas-Cathaoirleach.
It was PROPOSED by Councillor Ward
SECONDED by Councillor Fitzmaurice
And AGREED That Councillor Kathleen Shanagher be elected Leas-Cathaoirleach.
As there was no other nomination for the office of Leas-Cathoirleach, Councillor Kathleen Shanagher was declared the elected Leas-Cathaoirleach of Roscommon County Council for the coming year.
Adressing the meeting, the new Cathaoirleach thanked all of the Members and his family and friends for their support. This is a unique occasion as it is the first time that a father and son has held the position as the first citizen of the county and he is one of the youngest clouncillors elected to this position. He thanked Cllr. Leyden for her representation on behalf of the Council at home and abroad and congratulated Cllr. Shanagher, who was first elected to the Council with him in 2014, to her position as Leas Cathaoirleach.
His experience as Cathaoirleach of the Athlone Municipal District and GRETB will stand him in good stead for th position and he promided to be fair and impartial and represent everyone at home and abroad.
His hopes for his term in office include:
· Increase tourism in the county with development of Lough Key Forest Park, the River Suck, and seeking to get Roscommon to get a fair share of funding and seeking to make the River Shannon navigable to Roscommon Town
· Roscommon is our county town and needs investment to attract more people to live and work there.
· Calling on Connacht Council GAA to develop Hyde Park to allow Connacht Finals be played in Roscommon town.
· Over the past number of years our health services have eroded and it is time for renewed investment
· Greenway in South Roscommon needs to be fastracked
· Need a special meetring with Oireachtas memebers seeking roads funding
· There is great work done by out community schemes but there is now a need to revise the termms and conditions as many want to remain on their schemes
· Want the current staff dispute resolved without delay
· Hope that there can be more use of the foyer in Aras an Chontae such as a Craft Fair at Christmas.
· Want to see a physical prescence of Athlone I.T in this building
Cllr. Shanagher thanked the members for her nomination as Leas Cathaoirleach. She promised to support the Cathaoirleach and thanked her family for their support and she was delighted to accept this great honour.
The members congratulated Councillors Connaughton and Shanagher on their new positions and wished them well for the coming year.
The Chief Executive acknowledged the significant contribution of Cllr. Leyden as Cathaoirleach and the passion and informed way that she delivered her speeches. He also thanked Cllr. Doherty for her contribution as leas Cathaoirleach and wished the incoming Leas Cathaoirleach Cllr. Shanagher well in her new position. He welcomed Cllr. Connaughton as the new Cathaoirleach and looked forward to working with him in the coming year to assist in fulfilling his ambitions to make the county a better place and deliver what is best for it’s people.