Agenda item

Evaluation of Municipal District Funding Applications 2018.






At the outset of the meeting Ms. Cáit Kenny gave an update on the current position of all

approved applications from 2016 and 2017 schemes.  Arising from this Members requested

that the following groups be contacted for an update on their current applications:

·         Bealnamullia Handball Club

·         Brideswell Pattern Festival


Ms. Majella Hunt, Director of Services informed the meeting that Kiltoom Parish

Council have withdrawn their application.  She outlined that the total amount of funding

available to be allocated today is as follows:


Athlone MD Funding Scheme 2018:                        €85,000

Carryover of Unallocated Funds from 2017:         €15,000

Total Funding to be allocated:                                   €100,000


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to adopt the allocations under the Athlone Municipal District Project Funding Scheme 2018 as follows –


·         Moore History Group                                                                     €2,000

·         Curraghboy Handball Complex                                                   €9,000

·         St John’s Community Centre                                                      €8,000

·         Culleen Hall                                                                                        €4,000

·         Monksland Community Ltd                                                         €10,000

·         Roscommon Sub Aqua Club                                                        €5,000

·         Drum Heritage Group                                                                    €7,000

·         Cuisle Holiday Centre                                                                     €25,000

·         Clan na nGael GAA Club                                                                                €10,000

·         Suck Valley Way Dev Co.                                                               €10,000

·         Donamon Castle Committee                                                       €3,000

·         Castlecoote Tidy Towns                                                                                €3,000

·         Waterways Ireland, Athlone Triathlon                                    €4,000



Moore History Group

A total of €2,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works: 

·         Restoration of Old School Registers and Fireproof Safe.



Curraghboy Handball Complex

A total of €9,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works: 

·         Replace 4 No. Radiators

·         Widen front doorway to accommodate wheelchair access

·         Replace 4 No. windows

·         Install Disabled Toilet



St. Johns Community Centre

A total of €8,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works: 

·         Install 2 x new energy efficient heaters and lighting in training room

·         Fit out shower and bathroom area

·         Partition of meeting rooms



Culleen Hall

A total of €4,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works: 

·         Provide Fire Emergency Door

·         Improvement to Flat Roof



Monksland Community Centre

A total of €10,000 was approved with the following conditions:

·         Successful application for funding from SEAI.



Roscommon Sub Aqua Club

A total of €5,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works: 

·         Replace Boat



Drum Heritage Group

A total of €7,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works:

·         Re-suface of Carpark



Cuisle Holiday Centre

A total of €25,000 was approved as matching funding for a Leader application for this project.



Clan na Gael

A total of €10,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works:

·         Construct enclosed playground within club grounds



Suck Valley Way Development Co-Operative

A total of €10,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works:

·         Upgrade and renovate the visitors Centre

·         Replace Oil Boiler

·         Add internal glazing panels

·         Remove patches of damp plaster

·         Upgrade the kitchen

·         Create Secure Display cabinets

·         New carpet for upstairs meeting rooms

·         Upgrade Security System



Donamon Castle Committee

A total of €3,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works:

·         Install additional lighting to the avenues around the castle



Castlecoote Tidy Towns

A total of €3,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works:

·         Christmas Lights



Waterways Ireland TriAthlone

A total of €4,000 was approved towards the cost of the following eligible works:

·         Traffic Management


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED that quotations for works are submitted prior to grant approval.



The following applications were not allocated funding as follows:




Tisrara Sports Park

CLÁR Funding 2018


Curraghboy NS Fundraising Committee

Considered ineligible as project completed.


Dysart Community Centre -


CIS Scheme 2019

Taughmaconnell Community Council


Project at Preliminary Stage and application incomplete.

St Brigids Community Walking Club

Considered that there is a commercial element to this project.  






Original text