Agenda item



  • The members acknowledged the input of the Rural Recreation Officer regarding the applications for walk ways and welcomed the funding allocated to County Roscommon.
  • The members also thanked all the staff of Roscommon County Council who contributed to the fine results achieved at the IBAL awards recently.
  • Concern was express regarding a tree felling licence that was submitted recently by Coillte for an area at Mote Park.  The application should be invalid as the townland was stated as Ballymartin Beg instead of Derrydonnell.  Mote Park is an important amenity area and for that reason

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

            SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED to write to the Chief Executive to request that he places a Tree Preservation Order on Mote Park and in particular the area of Derrydonnell.

·      The lack of name plaques for housing estates within the Roscommon Municipal District was raised and

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Shanagher

            SECONDED by Councillor Leyden

It was AGREED that the Roscommon County Council check that all estates have name plaques.

·      The bad state of the footpaths in Roscommon town and the town park was discussed.  Eugene Dwyer reported that an Engineer was appointed to survey all footpaths and prioritise areas for carrying out works.  He agreed that wheelchair users will be taken into consideration when works are being planned.

·      The problem of sweeping small areas such as footpaths in the town was discussed and on the

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Councillor Leyden

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council should purchase 2 multi use petrol sweepers, one for each town.

Eugene Dwyer confirmed that he would look into this and that he had already requested Ivor Kilcline to look into purchasing this type of equipment.

·    A further discussion took place about the dangerous condition of the footpaths in Roscommon town due to the snow before the Christmas.  Councillor Leyden was disappointed that more was not done to clear the footpaths at such a busy time for businesses within the town.  She requested a plan is put in place that will see footpaths cleared in the towns if we have snow in future. 

·    Councillor Fitzmaurice requested that the IT Department provide a link on facebook that will show a map of the roads being salted

·    A discussion took place surrounding the whole area of who is liable if Roscommon County Council were to give out salt for spreading as some other Local Authorities currently do this.  Eugene Dwyer explained that we are still awaiting clarity on this from the Attorney General.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

            SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was agreed to write to Minister Naughten and request that he follows this up with the Attorney General

·      Eugene Dwyer reminded all the members to discuss their road work priorities with Eugene Sheerin and Anthony McDermott so that the Roads Programme for 2018 could be compiled.

·         Cllr. Dineen expressed thanks for the lights at Granlahan

·      Cllr. Leyden requested an update on the speed monitor at Cloontuskert and Eugene Dwyer confirmed that people are speeding through Cloontuskert.  John Mockler confirmed that he met with the Local school and agreed to apply for funding under Clar for vehicle actuated signs. 





Original text