Agenda item

Any Other Business


 National Roads 2018 Current Expenditure Allocations

Cllr Kilduff referred to letter circulated from TII in relation to cuts in the National Road Ordinary Maintenance Allocations, which he described as unacceptable.  He noted that a reduction of up to 30% in our budget is worrying and queried how we are going to finance this.  All members expressed their dissatisfaction with the proposed reduction and queried what impact the decrease of 17% minimum would have on the 2018 Budget, passed by Resolution earlier this month and asked for Head of Finance to clarify the situation.


Derek Caldbeck clarified that when we passed our budget it was based on last year’s road allocations.  He said we do not have sight of money available to us in 2018 when budgets are being prepared. All details will be available in March when members are deciding on the Roads Programme and expenditure will have to be adjusted taking account of what funds will be  available.   


The C.E. noted that the reduction relates to the Ordinary Maintenance element only and advised Members that the budget takes account of unknown elements and is hopeful that we get more funding in other allocations from TII.  We won’t know final figures until after Christmas.  This is the nature of how we get our funding, it is worrying and advised that he has drafted a letter to Department and a strong letter from Members may help to influence this as well.


The Members made the following comments:

·         Concern of how we can finance this reduction

·         These cuts are on top of ten years of austerity cuts.

·         Did TII not request a three year plan and is that plan not submitted? 

·         People are tax compliant and we are leaving them without a road network.

·         How did our Oireachtas members in the county allow this to happen?

·         This is worrying given the state of some roads in the County.

·         What amount of money does a 17% reduction equate to?

·         Include this item on the agenda for meeting with TII on 19th December?

·         Include this allocation as an agenda item at the December Plenary Meeting?

·         What is the Geo App?

·         What is the update with IPB funding that was to be spent on roads?

·         Can this item be included on the Agenda for December meeting to clarify figures?


The Chief Executive responded as follows:

·         The GEO App allows for surveys to be carried out by Technical Staff on various aspects of the national road network whereby we can seek additional funding for localised improvement works to pavements or other infrastructural deficits.  

·         Our funding from TII is made up of several income streams such as winter maintenance, route lighting, etc.  and it is important to emphasise that it is not 30% across all income streams.  An analysis of the figures will be made and circulated to Members. 

·         In relation to IPB monies, this has not as yet been forthcoming as there is an issue with the Department of Expenditure and Public Reform on how that money can be spent.  Progress is being made but not finalised as yet.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

                SECONDED by Councillor Byrne

It was AGREED to write a letter to Minister for Transport stating that the members of Roscommon County reject the letter of Allocation of Roads Funding received from TII and seeking a new allocation.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

                SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED to write a letter to all Ministers stating that the cut in Roads Allocations for 2018 is unacceptable as the roads are in a poor state and Minister of Transport must be unaware of the cuts by the TII.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fitzmaurice

                SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to write a letter to Minister Naughten, Senator Hopkins and Senator Feighan requesting they ensure that the 2018 Allocation level of Roads funding for Roscommon County Council is maintained from 2017.  


Re-Opening of Leisure Centre in Abbeyfield Hotel EROC

The Chief Executive circulated a letter he received from Dept. of Justice and Equality informing him that the Abbeyfield Leisure Centre is due to re-open on the 8th December 2017.  This is a joint initiative between the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration and the owners of the EROC (Next Week & Co Ltd.), both of whom are providing funding to the project.  It will be run by local gym owner George Fitzgerald.  The CE wished them all the best of luck with this new facility.


Members welcomed the re-opening of the Leisure Centre facility and the Cathaoirleach acknowledged the work of SICAP programme in County Roscommon.


Minimum Wage and Pobal

Cllr. Byrne outlined to the meeting that the Minister for Social Protection announced a 50c increase in the minimum wage. Form 1st January. However Pobal will not fund this increase in the minimum wage to the employees working with Community groups, who will themselves have to fund it. These community groups are not-for-profit, social enterprises or community businesses that deliver services and create employment for people from disadvantaged groups and cannot afford this sudden and unexpected financial burden and the consequences of this increased burden will be felt by the most vulnerable in our society. 


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Byrne

                SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to write a letter to Minister for Social Protection informing them that the wage increase announced them must be allocated to Pobal for distribution to all community groups to pay employees.   A copy of this resolution to be circulated to all Local Authorities.


Fr. Padraig Devine

Cllr. Callaghan said he was approached by number of people to invite Fr. Padraig Devine, founder and international chair of the Shalom Centre for conflict resolution and reconciliation in East Africa to a meeting of Roscommon County Council to outline his experiences and the work he is doing.  He is a native of Frenchpark and recognised around the world.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Callaghan

                SECONDED by Councillor Creaton

It was AGREED to write a letter to Fr. Padraig Devine inviting him to a meeting of Roscommon County Council to outline his experiences and the work he is doing.    


Cllr. Connaughton informed the meeting that Roscommon Solstice Choir and St. Brigids Community Choir are holding a fundraiser in the Sacred Heart Church on next Sunday.  All proceeds will go to Fr. Padraig Devine’s Shalom Centre. 


Alzheimer Society of Ireland

Cllr. Kilduff referred correspondence received from Sligo County Council in relation to extra funding for the Alzheimer Society of Ireland and would like to support this resolution.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

                SECONDED by Councillor Byrne

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Health, Simon Harris, T.D. seeking extra funding for the Alzheimer Society of Ireland in future health budgets.




Original text