Agenda item

Report from Director of Services - National Planning Framework - Ireland 2040


Martin Lydon, A/Director of Services gave a presentation to the members on the Draft National Planning Framework 2040 that was recently published.


·         Legislative backing for the document.

·         Creation of the Office of Planning Regulation will have an important role

·         Link to the National Investment Plan – need to ensure our Development Plan and L.A.P.’s link into this Plan in the future. This will have a big impact on the type of funding that will come into the county in the future including Towns & Villages funding.

·         Identification of Metropolitan Areas of Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick and Galway – this is where major investment will be channelled.

·         Opportunity to make much more of marine resources and the need to tackle carbon intensity

·         Bring brownfield sites back into use.

·         Population growth of North, West and Southern Regions to match growth in the five named metropolitan areas. Weakness in growth of North West Region. – 9 counties with a pop increase of 150,000 to 170,000 but 45,000 of this is earmarked for Galway City area. There will be provision for 110,000 jobs.

·         40% of housing to be delivered within the existing cities/towns/villages.

·         Definitions of Rural and Urban to be enforced – large towns >10,000. In Roscommon we have no towns of this size so all towns in Roscommon will come under the small town/ village category.

·         Must start planning for the doubling of the Over 65 population in the country.

·         This document will determine the population in Roscommon up to 2040 and while Roscommon is not named specifically, the document has a strategy of links to areas of major urban centres

·         Unsure if Monksland population figures growth belongs to NWRA or Midland as yet. This dictates the level of growth allowed for under the Plan. This could allow Monksland to grow by up to 40% depending on the area it is in.

·         Small towns are allowed growth of 15% i.e towns < 10k.

·         Between now and 2040 the plan allows for growth of 880 people, however our  CSO figures for 2014 – 2020 we included this same projection over only the next 6 years.

·         Some good things in plan as there is clear road maps – we need to be ready to apply for grants

·         Sustainable rural housing guidelines will remain relevant. There will be an emphasis on tackling vacancy and dereliction.

·         Smart growth initiative – what we are doing already but link in future to improve towns.

·         There will be decisions to be made in our County Development Plan process regarding zoning.

·         Deadline for submission on Draft Plan is 12 noon on 3rd November.


The Chief Executive also addressed the members:

·         The Document has significant implications but also includes positive statements

·         Reinforces the need to look at vacant properties in the county

·         Plan will create difficulties for one off housing.

·         Need to comply, and be part of growth framework

·         There are contradictions in the plan

·         When it is legislatively adopted, it will be referred to in all of our decisions


The members discussed the draft document as follows:

·         Encourage everyone to make submission by the deadline of 3rd November

·         Increase in stamp duty, vacant site levy all retrograde steps

·         Need applications for LIS opened again

·         Plan is disaster for rural communities. If there is no designated city adjacent to Roscommon we cannot grow.

·         This plan is a stark warning for places like Roscommon as it concentrates on growth of designated cities and jobs will consequently follow there.

·         Need for proper broadband, upgraded railways and roads in order to facilitate growth and jobs.

·         Vital that Athlone is included as a designated city. Closest regional cities are Galway and Sligo or Letterkenny – these are too far away.

·         Need for upgrading of National Primary roads in adjacent to the county

·         How futureproof is the plan re implications of Brexit?

·         Call on our local TD’s to look closely at the Plan and look for more Regional Development – why have they not got more of an input to this plan

·         There is no thought put into regional development – there is nothing in this plan for Roscommon or the Midlands.

·         All members should make a submission



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

            SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh


It was AGREED to reject the Draft National Planning Framework Plan 2040 because there is nothing in this plan for County Roscommon.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fallon

            SECONDED by Cllr. Connolly


It was AGREED write to all parties in Government and individuals and all parties supporting the Government, that they would instruct their Ministers and their Deputies, that in the interest of balanced Regional development, that they would designate Athlone as city status similar to the other five that are designated in the plan as growth centres.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Keogh

            SECONDED by Cllr. Ward


It was AGREED that a joint submission to the Department from the elected representatives of Roscommon County Council in advance of the deadline, assisted by the executive, to formulate the coordinated and articulated response.


The Chief Executive suggested that the submission made previously by Roscommon Country Council was the perfect solution. He will resubmit the document and insist that the Department look it again and implore that they accept it. He will also submit a summary of the members’ response to the draft plan and articulate their feelings on the plan that will be jointly signed by the Chief Executive and Cathaoirleach on behalf of the Members.


Original text