Agenda item

Suspension of Standing Orders to Discuss Slieve Bawn Windfarm


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

             SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh

It was AGREED to suspend Standing Orders to discuss SliabhBawn Windfarm


Following a number of representations from the public, Cllr. Murphy highlighted issues concerning noise, flooding, broadbrand and phones for residents living on Sliabh Bawn.  Cllr. Murphy said families cannot sleep in their homes from the noise from nearby wind turbines and is calling on Coillte to investigate and resolve this matter.  Cllr. Murphy also noted that comments made recently by the Chief Executive in criticising local protestors at the opening of the community facility were hurtful, despite this group not objecting at planning stage.  He also said there was an opportunity for tourism development at Sliabh Bawn but the people of the area must be helped out first.


The members made the following comments:

·         A number of members were contacted by the residents in the area regarding the ongoing issues with the Windfarm

·         Welcome to the Sliabh Bawn residents in the public gallery.

·         Back again with the same complaints concerning noise, interference with phones affecting peoples businesses and rights.

·         Current guidelines are out of date and new guidelines around height, noise and shadow flicker are required. 

·         Houses devalued and if they wish to move they would find it very difficult.

·         Protesters were misrepresented, they were there on the day to represent their feelings with the windfarm rather than the development. We live in a democratic society and people are entitled to protest.

·         Comments made by the C.E. were unhelpful and inappropriate and he should apologise. 

·         Coillte recognised there was problems and were working with residents.

·         There is an obligation on Members to ensure issues are addressed in the most expedient way. Roscommon county council will benefit in rates of €1.2m annually from the windfarm and must lead the way in ensuring the people affected are helped.

·         The 2006 guidelines are based on the 1996 UK guidelines and are completely out of line with today’s guidelines. Coillte should take this into consideration and apply the new guidelines to their windfarm.

·         Trees were creating a buffer but since cutting of timber has started, noise levels have increased. 

·         If issues cannot be resolved, compensation should be considered for people who cannot live there any longer.

·         Ongoing issue in relation to wind energy in the county and the messages being sent out that we are wide open for wind energy.

·         There should be an independent study to address the issues. There is new technology than can minimise noise.

·         Motion previously sent to Department in 2014 proposing set back distances of 1.5km but this has been ignored by the various Ministers of the day.

·         The new guidelines will not solve the problems of the Sliabh Bawn residents – the current situation is what needs to be addressed today.

·         Subsidising onshore wind energy is not sustainable in the future.

·         The elected members must work with the residents of Sliabh Bawn to address their concerns.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Byrne

             SECONDED by Cllr. Murphy

It was AGREED to write to Minister for Communications and Natural Resources to introduce proper legislation with regard to windfarms that will allow people to live in their homes without interference.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Connolly

             SECONDED by Cllr. Byrne

It was AGREED that a deputation from the Council and the Sliabh Bawn residents to meet with Coillte and the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment to address the issues that have arisen.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fallon

             SECONDED by Cllr. Naughten

It was AGREED that an independent study be carried out on noise levels and shadow flicker on Sliabh Bawn. 


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

             SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED that in view of the Bill currently going through the Oireachtas in relation to the proposed new Wind Energy Guidelines, a letter be written to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment outlining the wishes of the councillors in County Roscommon that the set back distance would be 1,500m for wind turbines. 


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

             SECONDED by Cllr. Keogh

It was AGREED to call on the Government to introduce noise level guidelines immediately which should be adhered to by all windfarms regardless of age.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

             SECONDED by Cllr. Byrne

It was AGREED to call on the Government asking that the subsidisation of on-shore wind energy be ceased immediately.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Creaton

             SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED to call on Coillte requesting that all logging of timber ceases until the review is complete.


It was AGREED that a copy of all proposals to be sent forward to Coillte and Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.


The Chief Executive responded as follows:


·         The Chief Executive has a much bigger role to play in developing the county and in letting it be known out there that the county is open for business, and open for green energy.  A lot of companies when deciding on where they are going to locate, the first thing they look at is green energy, and is the county open for green energy.

·         The primary purpose of the Chief Executive on the day of the opening of the amenity was to send out a very clear message to people who are willing to invest in the county that Roscommon is open for green energy and that no group of individuals will represent either the whole county, the region or indeed the country.

·         Coillte are fully engaged with the community at Sliabh Bawn and there is a realisation that that engagement needs to continue and also there is a study of the noise being done  and he  looks forward to seeing that completed. 

·         The comments made that day were in the context of the opening of the amenity. Everyone has to be very careful in what they say and what they interpret to be the facts and context.

·         The development at Sliabh Bawn at the moment is fully compliant, is authorised and is a legal development

·         The Chief Executive assured the meeting that when the noise study is completed, and the findings are published and the recommendations made, he will ensure they are implemented.   Also if breaches of planning permission or any finding from an external agency, or any finding from any independent study that may be carried out on foot of the request by yourselves, he will ensure that they are fully implemented to the letter of the law. 

·         He would be making no further comment on the matter


The Cathaoirleach then stated she wanted to reiterate the views of the elected members present bat the meeting . Cllr Keogh stated that it is the remit of the elected members to make policy and make decisions on behalf of the public in cooperation with the executive following consultation.


Original text