Agenda item

Notice of Motion

-        Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward - 14/17

-        Notice of Motion from Councillor Leyden - 15/17

-        Notice of Motion from Councillor Connaughton - 16/17

-        Notice of Motion from Councillor Kilduff - 17/17


14.17.    Change System of Home Help Hours

                Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward - 14/17

“I am calling on the Minister for Health Mr. Simon Harris TD, the Government and the HSE to change the present system of putting people on waiting list for a number of months for home help hours after they have been assessed and approved by the HSE. I am also calling for increase home help hours from two and quarter hours per week to seven hours per week.”


This motion requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Ward outlined the necessity of his motion to reflect the fact that even though a person may have a medical condition, have an assessment carried out and have the home help hours granted, they are put on a waiting list. These people need attention and support immediately and should not have to be on a waiting list that could vary from three to eight months. Home help means keeping people in their own homes and is also a much cheaper alternative to nursing homes. As the home help hours were reduced, it is also desirable that they be increased to previous levels as it is impossible to provide for the needs of the person at the current hours.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Ward

              SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Health Mr. Simon Harris, and to the Head of the HSE, Mr. Tony O’Brien to end the system of a having waiting list for home help hours once approved for, and to increase the hours form two and a quarter to seven per week.





15.17.    Home Care Support Scheme

                Notice of Motion from Councillor Leyden - 15/17

“That Roscommon County Council support increased home help hours and home care packages through the Home Care Support Scheme to be made available in County Roscommon.”


This motion requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Leyden outlined the fact that the number of home help hours have decreased by 1.58million as the number of older people in the community has increased by 18% since 2010. As Roscommon has an aging population, this is an acute issue for the county that needs to be challenged. We need a person centred approach to community care and to move away from nursing homes by providing adequate care with home help and to increase the number of packages available in county Roscommon. Cllr. Leyden asked the members on the HSE committee to ask why Roscommon are not getting sufficient number of home care packages.


Cllr. Kilduff confirmed that they already have such a motion in for tomorrow’s meeting, but only the member that submitted the motion can speak on it so there is no debate. Cllr Keogh asked that Standing Orders of the HSE meeting be questioned to allow each member of the committee to speak and requested that a report from the HSE meetings be circulated to the members so they are fully briefed.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

              SECONDED by Cllr. Kilduff

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Health Mr. Simon Harris, and call on the Government and the HSE to release the number of hours needed in County Roscommon and increase the number of home care packages available.


16.17.    Verge Trimming

                Notice of Motion from Councillor Connaughton - 16/17

“That Roscommon County Council provide sufficient funding from 2018 to ensure all roadsides in the county are trimmed annually (including hedging) in the interest of safety to the public. The option of full privatisation to a large number of contractors should be considered as the current number of outdoor staff is not sufficient to carry out the proposed increased workload.”


Landowners are responsible for the cutting, trimming and maintenance of roadside trees and hedges which are a hazard or potential hazard to road users or interfere with the maintenance of the road. A public road means from fence to fence and includes grass margins. It is the policy of the Council to carry out hedge trimming where it is required to facilitate road works or safety works only.


The Council also carries out verge trimming.  This operation is targeted at the most heavily trafficed roads and at junctions where sight distance is impeded by vegetation.  Each Municipal District Engineer examines the budgets and local situation and takes whatever action considered necessary within the resources available.  The trimming of verges is done during the spring and summer months. It will not be possible, having regard to the resources available, to carry out this work on all local roads.  Priority will be given to locations where sight distances are restricted by vegetation.


Hedge and verge cutting operations in the county are partially privatised.  The service is carried out through the hire of machinery and driver or the hire of machinery with a Council driver. The funding of hedge and verge trimming is financed from road maintenance allocations which are not adequate to meet all maintenance requirements. These limited allocations also fund pothole repairs, drainage etc.

Cllr. Connaughton stated that this is now the single biggest issue from his constituents. He has been told on many occasions that this is a funding issue and perhaps 25% of income from the Sliabh Bawn Windfarm rates can be put aside to deal with the problem of overgrown hedges. He estimated that €300k could fund all of the work that has to be done (4,000km) and proposed this be allocated.  He stated he would not support any Budget that will not take into account work to be done on roads and hedges. He quoted a letter from the Minister of Transport in 2013, Mr. Varadker where he stated that Local Authorities are responsible for getting hedges and verges cut.

Other members supported the motion with the following comments:

·         Dangers to cyclists and cars at various locations throughout the county especially on narrow roads

·         No issue with what is being done but current system is not working so it needs to be reassessed

·         Costs of hedgecutting could be paid per km cut as opposed to per hour would be better value for money

·         In the interests of road safety need private contractors in addition to the work done by the Council

·         Need clarification on who is responsible for what as grass is cut but not tops of hedges.

·         Concern that those in rural areas are not getting value for property tax

·         Welcome LIS scheme reintroduction but very small allocation for this year

·         Need joined up thinking and work with the community and the Department of Agriculture and all of the local stakeholders.

·         There needs to be an assessment of value for money in relation to hedgecutting and a new system to be put in place.


In reply the Chief Executive stated that the landowners are responsible for hedges and trees and the law is clear on this as the Local Authorities are responsible for small fraction of trees as most are inside the boundary. With regard to the Notice of Motion, the members will have the opportunity to address the funding during the Budget discussions. He raised the issue of Health and Safety compliance for contractors and asked if hedge cutting should be fully privatised and pointed out the difficulties this would bring.

Cllr Connaughton stated that he is putting forward the proposal of spending €300k as he wants to ensure the works are done, whether by the Council or if necessary by private contractors. Cllr Keogh outlined the directives from the Department in 2013 regarding where dangers persist, the Local Authority can direct works to be done and asked have any notices been issued to landowners directing them to cut hedges?

The Chief Executive agreed that the issue of verge trimming/hedgecutting warrants a longer answer and he would arrange that the Head of Roads make a presentation on the matter at the next Plenary Meeting in view of the forthcoming Budget. He reiterated the increasing costs Health and Safety requirements add to the works.


17.17.    An Garda Síochána Recruitment Process

                Notice of Motion from Councillor Kilduff - 17/17

In light of technological developments and indeed the widespread use of social media both of which are extensively used and sometimes abused Roscommon County Council calls on the Minister for Justice to develop robust screening and selection processes for recruitment and graduation to An Garda Síochána in order to ensure that only individuals with the right character, integrity and moral compass are allowed to enter the force.”


This motion requires a resolution of the Council.



On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Kilduff

              SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to write to the Minister for Justice requesting to develop robust screening and selection processes for recruitment and graduation to An Garda Síochána in order to ensure that only individuals with the right character, integrity and moral compass are allowed to enter the force.


It was also AGREED that a copy of the letter be forwarded to Ms. Josephine Feehily, Head of the Joint Policing Authority.

Supporting documents:


Original text