Agenda item

Matters Arising


Lough Funshinagh

Cllr. Ward requested an update in relation to Lough Funshinagh, and inquired if there was any progress in relation to funding from Office of Public Works.  The C.E. advised that he had no update but expecting correspondence in the next two weeks.


Castlerea Fire Station

Cllr. Dineen requested an update in relation to Castlerea Fire Station. 

The Chief Executive advised that the Council is making arrangements for the re-opening of the Fire Station at the earliest opportunity and applications have been received for the post of part time retained fire fighter.  Following the recruitment process, training of successful applicants will take place at the earliest possible opportunity.  Appointment and training of a Station Officer and Sub-Station Officer are required to be in place before the station can re-open and return to operational duties.  Roscommon County Council has endeavoured to complete a number of staff related processes prior to and since the fire station closed.  These processes fall within a number of workplace and industrial relations frameworks and we can’t predict a date for their conclusion. The Council made the decision to close down the fire station in Castlerea on 20th January when the number of staff available to work from the town fell to a compliment of four.  This decision was made in consideration of the statutory duty of care to our employees under the Health & Safety and Welfare at Work legislation.  In response to the closure of Castlerea Fire Station, Roscommon County Council activated alternative Fire Brigade arrangements.  Fire Service resources from Ballyhaunis, Ballaghaderreen, Elphin and Roscommon Town have dealt with all requests for assistance in Castlerea and surrounding areas.  The availability of efficient fire service for Castlerea continues to be in place.  The process for members seeking emergency assistance in the Castlerea area remains unchanged.  The 112 / 999 emergency contact numbers continue to be in place.  The Chief Executive advised that he is fully committed to the re-opening of Castlerea Fire Station and noted that he has been carrying out comprehensive improvement works to the fire engine, equipment and the fire station building during this closure.  All of these are significant parts of our commitment and investment to the future provision of a fire brigade response based at Castlerea and assured all that it will be returned to service the first chance he gets. 


The members made the following comments:

·         Welcome the announcement from the Chief Executive and his commitment to re-opening the fire station in Castlerea.

·         Seek confirmation that the positions of Station Officer and Sub-Station officer are vacant.

·         Members appealed to Chief Executive to do everything in his power to re-open station as soon as possible and take whatever action is necessary in order to achieve that.

·         How many applications were received for the position of Fire Fighter?

·         If no candidate qualifies for the position what is the next step given that the winter months are imminent?

·         Is the Chief Executive confident that he can appoint a Station Officer and Sub-Station officer from existing staff at Castlerea Fire Station?

·         It is important to point out that Councillors have been working hard to resolve this issue since the station closed and because they are not debating this issue on social media does not mean they are not doing their best to get the station opened.

·         Fires on Frenchpark Road and Ballymoe Road highlights the dangers of not having a fire station.  


The Chief Executive responded as follows:

·         The positions of Station Officer and Sub-Station officer are vacant.

·         Three applications were received for the post of fire fighter and if unsuccessful in the process, it will be advertised more extensively again.   

·         The Chief Executive advised that the appointment of a Station Office and Sub-Station Officer are both open to interview and suitability requirements although there is no guarantee of filling the positions from existing staff, he is hopeful of doing so. 


Original text