Agenda item



Drainage works at Clonakilla

Cllr. Keogh requested if it is possible to lay pipes from Mulveys to the cross river. 


Upgrade of Route for Walkers

He also requested that the bushes be cut back and some gravel to be put down on the disused road currently used by walkers.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that there are two personnel on gateway scheme who are full time cutting grass at Monksland.


Drainage and Resurfacing at Cluain Broc

Cllr. Keogh advised that there was a commitment given to complete these works at Cluain Broc.  Diarmuid advised that it could be considered in next year’s roads programme.


Ceathruna gCloc

Cllr. Keogh advised of complaints about speeding at this estate and is requesting that signage be erected to slow down motorists.  Diarmuid advised that there is a scheme underway and that this estate is included in that scheme.   



Parkway Site 

Cllr. Naughten advised that no works have been carried out to date.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that a schedule of works has been prepared to send to Corporate Services to serve on owners.  Estimated cost of works is €25k.  Cllr. Naughten asked if the notice could be served immediate and pursued vigorously.   


Monksland Treatment Plant

Cllr. Naughten inquired if the treatment plant is adequate to cater for on-going expansions.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that Irish Water have carried out a study to plan for future development.  This is now the responsibility of Irish Water Capital Schemes. 


M6 Motorway

Cllr. Naughten advised that this is an on-going issue and inquired if there was any response from TII.  Ms Majella Hunt, Director of Services advised that there has been no response from TII to date.   



Cllr. Naughten proposed that LEADER be asked to give a presentation on the current status of the LEADER program at the next available Plenary Meeting.  Cllr. Ward would like to see LEADER hosting information nights in Monksland, Moore, Dysart and Taughmaconnell to inform communities of grants available.


Flooding at Lough Funshinagh

Cllr. Fallon advised that there is one residence that has not had their front entrance restored following the flooding and is requesting that same be completed as soon as possible. 


Land for Sale at Hodson Bay

Ms. Majella Hunt, Director Services informed Members that the Council was approached to purchase 140 acres of land which is for sale for €2.5m at Hodson Bay, Kiltoom, Athlone, Co. Roscommon.  On the basis that the land is mainly zoned as green belt, which prohibits development, the Council is not disposed to purchase at this point in time.


The Members made the following comments:

·     No amenities in South Roscommon and this area has huge potential for flora, fauna, walk-ways and trails and the development of a tourist product.  

·     Real crisis with traffic and parking at Hodson bay.  Hodson Bay has outgrown this location and Bay Sports is very successful.

·     This is a strategic location and should work with new owners to develop walk-ways and scenic routes. 

·     Great project for Hodson Bay if we could all work together.

·     Parking and road network into Hodson Bay not up to standard.

·     €2.5m is too expensive as development is restricted, can consider negotiation with owner to purchase at considerably less figure.  

·     Discuss with Destination Athlone as this is the type of infrastructure required for city status.  

·     Members requested that the Council re-consider the decision not to purchase.  Enhancing this amenity for South Roscommon is what should be done. 


Ms. Hunt advised that the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) is only one issue.  Environmental and flooding issues need to be considered also, making the price prohibitive. 


Next meeting is scheduled for Friday 22nd September 2017 at 3 p.m. 



Original text