Agenda item

Notices of Motion

Notice of Motion from Councillor Connaughton - 12/17

Development of River Hind


Notice of Motion from Councillor Kilduff - 13/17

Admissions Policy for Catholic Schools



12.17     River Hind

Notice of Motion from Councillor Connaughton - 12/17

"That Roscommon County Council seek funding to conduct a feasibility study to make the River Hind navigable from Roscommon Town to Portrunny Bay where it meets Lough Ree/The River Shannon in the interest of increasing tourism and recreation in the County."


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

The Tourism Statement of Strategy and Work Programme 2017 – 2022 identifies Lough Ree and the River Shannon as the main priority for Tourism development in the county. A feasibility study in relation to the potential tourism development of Lough Ree and the River Shannon in partnership with Waterways Ireland, Longford, Offaly and Westmeath County  Councils, the  National Parks and Wildlife Service has been tendered. The contract has been awarded and it is hoped to have a report ready for Quarter 4 of 2017. This study will allow the County Council, with its partners, to bid for funding for development of Lough Ree/Mid Shannon, which would include the River Hind.


Cllr. Connaughton welcomed the response and circulated an extract from a ‘Statistical Survey of County Roscommon’ by Isaac Weld in 1832 that references the opening of a water communication between Roscommon and the Shannon via the River Hind and cited the potential benefits for tourism in the county.


Cllrs. Dineen, Kilduff, Keogh, Fallon and Ward spoke in favour of the motion.


Cllr. Shanagher added that the boats used in the filming of “Creedons Shannon” series on RTE were provided locally and the producers of the series have agreed that any filming done locally can be used by Roscommon County Council for tourism promotion in the county.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Connaughton

                SECONDED by Cllr. Dineen

It was AGREED that the notice of motion be forwarded to the contractor in charge of the feasibility study for inclusion for consideration in the study.




13.17     Admissions Policy for Catholic Schools

Notice of Motion from Councillor Kilduff - 13/17

“That Roscommon County Council calls on the Minister for Education, Richard Bruton TD to abandon his proposed admission rule change for Catholic run Schools and instead compels the Department of Education to use the readily available demographic information and local school knowledge to ensure that adequate school places are provided in a responsive rather than reactive manner throughout the country. This approach will ensure that no faith run school is forced to choose between pupils as no faith run school refuses admission to any pupil when adequate provisions are available in the school to meet demand.”


The Meetings Administrator read the following reply:-

This requires a resolution of the Council.


Cllr. Kilduff and stated that Catholic Schools do not refuse admission to students where places are available, and he cannot understand the need for the proposed rule change. Cllrs. Fitzmaurice, Dineen, Ward, Mulligan, Naughten and Fallon spoke on the motion and all agreed that lack of funding to provide enough space in schools is the main problem and this is predominantly an urban matter where there is a deficit of capital investment in school building.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Kilduff

                SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED that a letter be sent to Minister for Education , Mr. Richard Bruton TD calling on him to abandon his proposed admission rule change for Catholic run Schools and instead compels the Department of Education to use the readily available demographic information and local school knowledge to ensure that adequate school places are provided in a responsive rather than reactive manner throughout the country. This approach will ensure that no faith run school is forced to choose between pupils as no faith run school refuses admission to any pupil when adequate provisions are available in the school to meet demand.”




Original text