Agenda item

Presentation from Iarnród Eireann - 'Enhancing Customer Services'


Ms. Jane Cregan, Events and PR Manager and Mr. Eddie Fitzpatrick, District Manager gave a presentation to the Members in relation to proposed Iarnród Éireann reorganisation to meet changing customer demands.  The new focus is to provide outstanding customer service throughout journey focussing on:

·         Move to On-line and ticket vending machines for payments

·         Onboard customer service representatives.

·         Station Customer Service

·         A mix of manned and self-service stations

·         Revenue management – better match of supply and demand

·         Preparing local implementation plans for each station

·         Update public representatives as local implementation plans finalised


Following the Presentation, various issues were raised by the Members:

·         Overcrowding is an issue that needs to be looked at.

·         Charge for car parking at Boyle station is forcing cars onto street and super valu car park.

·         Welcome onboard customer service reps.

·          Any scope to develop a service from Knockcroghery during off-peak times.

·         Breakdown on regional basis regarding use of vending machines.

·         Don’t want to implement policy that is biased to rural Ireland.

·         Anti-social behaviour on Dublin to Westport route with hen and stag parties.

·         Castlerea Station – no staff, waiting room or toilets with reliance on vending machines and poor signage outlining this leading to poor customer experience and fines.

·         Issue with car parking at Cortober during peak times.

·         Reserved seating is hard to locate.

·         Lack of tea/coffee services.

·         Policy to serve no alcohol on board trains.

·         Minimum level of staff should be retained at station to avoid incidents occurring.

·         Issue with parking and clamping at Athlone station.

·         Can you purchase an integrated ticket – Rail, Luas, Dublin bus.

·         Sequencing of level crossings – gates come down a long way in advance of train arriving. 

·         Move to self-service stations is disappointing.

·         Cost of train ticket is expensive.

·         Propose vending machine on train to purchase tickets to avoid fines. 

·         Any plans to close agricultural land crossings?


Ms. Cregan replied to issues raised as follows:

·         Better booking system will help with overcrowding and ensure trains are operating at capacity.  Single line track in Roscommon, with freight going up and down.

·         Revenue from car parking at Boyle station goes back to generating new car parks but will consider this further

·         Will provide members with regional breakdown regarding use of vending machines.

·         Knockcroghery is outside of our remit and would need to be raised with NTA.

·         Line speed 45 – 75 mph – barriers will be down for shorter period of time.

·         Hen and stag parties not exclusive to Sligo and Westport.  Some trains are alcohol free but would have to find a balance.  Customer service will help with this issue.

·         Castlerea Station is fully staffed most of time, staff out sick with illness.  Commit to get issue with signage rectified. 

·         Athlone Town Council looking at availability of land for additional car parking.  Currently looking at proposal for changing structure of road. 

·         Iarnrod Eireann offer heavily discounted fares off-peak and early booking.

·         Project setup to improve seat reservation system, very successful so far.

·         Normally not an issue with catering but will bring this to the attention of catering company.

·         Integrated ticketing – no unlimited ticket available but leap card allows you to travel on Dublin bus and LUAS.  The proposed new machines will facilitate leap cards.

·         Statistics show fewer bookings at stations.

·         There would be technical issue with vending machines on board trains.  Revenue protection has been clamped down on in last five years.  At moment RPV issue fines only, this policy will change.

·         Assistance will be given at station from the onboard customer service personnel who will get off train to help families and people with mobility issues.


The Cathaoirleach thanked Ms. Cregan for her presentation and Mr. Eddie Fitzpatrick, District Manager, Iarnród Eireann, for attending the meeting.



Original text