Agenda item

Athlone Boundary and Ireland 2040


The Chief Executive presented the draft jointly prepared scoping report on the implementation of the Athlone Boundary Review Committee’s recommendations to the Members. The report is in response to the letter of 30th December 2016 from the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. The Chief Executive and the Westmeath Chief Executive have signed off on the document to be presented to each Council for approval.


On 16th March Roscommon County Council made a submission under the National Planning Framework 2040 clearly setting out the Vision for Athlone - to be a Regional City in the Midlands.  ‘Destination Athlone’ has also made a submission under the National Planning Framework.   This is a public document and is endorsed by relevant parties including Roscommon and Longford County Councils.


In this scoping report, two very important developments have been included which neither the Boundary Committee nor the Department had considered i.e. the implications of the Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework and the  joint retail strategy which warrant the preparation of a Regional Economic and Spatial Strategy.  This document states clearly that it would be most beneficial if the Department recognises under the National Planning Framework the potential of Athlone as a centre of growth by appropriate designation as a regional growth centre.


The report was submitted to both Corporate Policy Groups and the full Council in both Roscommon and Westmeath today and in the spirit of good cooperation and confidentiality it was not possible to circulate it earlier. There are many controls build into this document, the Members have full control over the process and everything will revert back to the Members for approval.


Cllr. Keogh advised the meeting that the Fianna Fáil grouping met in relation to this issue.  The document was first circulated at the Corporate Policy Group meeting held this morning and Members have not had an opportunity to consider the content in its entirety.   Cllr Keogh was of the opinion that the last paragraph of Mr. Paul Lemass’s letter of 30th December did not impose a strict deadline.


In the circumstances having regard to the content of the correspondence:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh on behalf of the Fianna Fáil Group

                      SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

that the matter be deferred to the April meeting of the Council so that full consideration can be given to the content of the reply that is being prepared, full consideration be given to the submission from Roscommon County Council in relation to the Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework and more importantly that full consideration and a briefing be given by the Elected Members of Athlone Municipal District to the Save Roscommon Committee to give the Committee the opportunity to have any additional input into the submission before it goes to the Department.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh on behalf of the Fianna Fáil Group

                       SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton

that a letter be written to Assistant Secretary, Paul Lemass, to advise this matter has been deferred to April meeting of County Council. 


A discussion ensued and Members made the following comments:

  • Need to clarify if there is a deadline of 31st March
  • Any merit / value to extend this to another meeting
  • The Members have had no chance to examine the contents
  • All documents should issue with the Agenda for the meeting
  • This matter should go to the Save Roscommon Group for comment
  • This document gives Roscommon a great position, is positive, enhances the position of Monksland and Bealnamullia
  • The executive was not in a position to issue the draft report before this date
  • It is an issue for the full council and not just the Athlone MD


The Chief Executive responded that Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework changes the context for every boundary issue in the country.  There is nothing new in the response except the National Planning Framework and the Economic and Spatial Strategy. Out of respect and confidentiality, the document did not issue sooner but it is important to meet the deadline of 31st March. 


Cllr Ward stated that he would not do anything to jeopardise the work that has been done in relation to the boundary and in response to the proposal by Cllr Keogh, Cllr Ward put forward a counter proposal:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward 

                 SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

That this issue be adjourned to next Thursday at 11.00 a.m. if this suits Members.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Cummins

                       SECONDED by Councillor Murphy

It was AGREED to adjourn the meeting for ten minutes


On resumption of the meeting Cllr. Ward stated that he would withdraw his counter proposal to allow Councillors time to read and absorb the draft report and time to meet the Save Roscommon Group .He asked the Fianna Fáil group to consider a date to meet before 24th April.  He stated that he would organise a meeting with the Chief Executive and officials on the matter.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward 

                      SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

         It was AGREED that the Counter Proposal be withdrawn


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

                      SECONDED by Councillor Connaughton


It was AGREED that

  • The matter be deferred to the April Plenary Meeting
  • A meeting be organised with the Save Roscommon Group
  • A letter is written to Mr. Paul Lemass to confirm the deferral of the submission.




Original text