Agenda item

County Roscommon Tourism Statement of Strategy 2017 - 2022

(Report from SPC Chairperson)


Councillor Shanagher, Chairperson of the Economic Development and Enterprise Support (including Roads & Culture) SPC presented to the Members the County Roscommon Tourism Statement of Strategy 2017-2022 for adoption.


The Statement of Strategy and the Tourism Strategy that is proposed will develop as one cohesive document setting out local priorities and goals for the next six years. Tourism is an important economic driver in County Roscommon generating approximately €42.8m in revenue.  The Statement of Strategy that is put forward for adoption sets out a clear roadmap for growing the sector in the years ahead.  The strategy aims to develop quality tourism experiences that meet and preferably exceed the needs and expectations of visitors.  Roscommon County Council is working with partner agencies, the tourism trade and communities throughout the county in a collaborative, coordinated and measured approach.


Members welcomed the Statement of Strategy and the following issues were raised:

  • A Tourism Officer is required for the county
  • The work of the Suck Valley Development Co-Op was complimented
  • Develop accessible tourism
  • Build on the success of Cuisle Holiday Centre
  • Preserve Edenville House for the future
  • Many attractions are supported by the Council - Lough Key Forest and Activity Park, Bay Sports, King House, Rathcroghan, Rindoon and  Strokestown House
  • Roscommon should tap in to the success of Clonmacnoise and should try to benefit from the number of visitors that visit Clonmacnoise each year
  • Develop the potential of the River Shannon, access to the river should be improved
  • It is important that the proposed Beara Breifne Way goes ahead
  • Link up the waterways and cycle route and build on the success of existing walking and cycling routes
  • A feasibility study is required on the River Hind
  • Castlerea Rose Festival, Elphin and Strokestown not featured
  • Clonalis House is not being promoted enough
  • The potential Castlerea should be tapped into, it is the birthplace of Douglas Hyde and Oscar Wilde’s father
  • Elphin and Strokestown not featured
  •  Not sufficient support from Fáilte Ireland – there should be a designated fund
  • Better management of funding, currently small sums of money is being allocated to community groups through Town Teams, Village Renewal and LCDC Scheme
  • There should be a new Lakeland brand for the counties that fall outside Ireland Ancient East and the Wild Atlantic Way
  • The county has spectacular waterways and heritage sites 
  • The county should be marketed to its full potential – drone footage to promote the county, utilise Facebook
  • South Roscommon has much to offer – Athlone town, Shannonbridge, Glendeer Pet Farm, award winning Derryglad Folk Museum, should be included in the work programme
  • The threat of industrial wind farms is a threat to tourism.


Martin Lydon, A/Director of Services, responded as follows:

  • The Council has engaged with Fáilte Ireland and a meeting is scheduled with them
  • Feedback from this meeting will be communicated to the Strategic Policy Committee
  • The Council has not been approached regarding any proposed industrial wind farms and therefore not in a position to comment.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Shanagher

                       SECONDED by Councillor Dineen

It was AGREED to adopt County Roscommon Tourism Statement of Strategy 2017-2022



Original text