Agenda and minutes

Venue: Loughnaneane Suite - Áras an Chontae, Roscommon. View directions

Contact: Neal Geraghty  Email:

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There were no declarations of interest from the Members.



Adoption of the Minutes

Roscommon Municipal District Meeting – 19th January, 2023

Roscommon Municipal District Special Meeting – 22nd February, 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Fitzmaurice

            SECONDED by Cllr. McDermott

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Meeting of 19th January, 2023


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Leyden

            SECONDED by Cllr. Shanagher

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Roscommon Municipal District Special Meeting of 22nd February, 2023



Matters arising from the minutes


·         A request was made for the Public Realm Part 8 maps to be updated to reflect the amendments agreed at the February meeting and for them to be made available for public viewing.

·         An update was requested on the project for the stretch from Hannon’s Hotel to Roscommon Golf Club

·         A query was raised regarding feedback from the TII on Castlerea town

·         An update was requested on the upgrade of the public car parks in Roscommon town especially the marking of the Castle Street car park

On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Shanagher

            SECONDED by Cllr. Leyden

It was AGREED to install lighting in the Castle Street car park and the laneway leading on to Lanesboro Street


Majella Hunt, Director of Services and John Mockler responded to the issues raised -

·         The maps will be amended to reflect the changes and circulated when they are ready

·         The Part 8 will be advertised in April for the Active Travel project from Hannon’s Hotel to the Golf Club

·         The TII are working on a design that will create the safest environment for Castlerea town and then they will prepare drawings in advance of proceeding to a Part 8. 



Draft Roscommon Municipal District Road Works Scheme 2023 as part of the Schedule of Municipal District Works


John Mockler, Senior Engineer presented the Draft Schedule of Municipal District Works for 2023 including the Roads Programme 2023.  John explained that he was still in discussion with the Department to achieve a balanced distribution across the three Municipal Districts for the climate change adaptation works.  A general discussion regarding the Draft Roads Programme took place.  The members welcomed the funding for 2023 and raised the following issues –

·         The budget for street cleaning and the need for a new street cleaning policy in Castlerea with the debris blown off the footpaths prior to the roads being swept

·         The need for resurfacing works on the N60 from Meelickaduff to Ballinlough

·         Some roads in boggy areas such as Kiltybranks are not lasting and mesh is required to prevent them from collapsing

·         Request for additional works in Castlerea town to address the increase in flooding in recent years

·         Request for an increase in discretionary funding

·         Welcome the funding for the low cost safety scheme at the Walk and query regarding expected timeframe for the works

·         Call for additional funding to upgrade footpaths

·         Acknowledgement of the great work carried out by the Tidy Towns groups and TÚS workers


John Mockler, Senior Engineer and Majella Hunt, Director of Services responded to the issues raised –

·         The street cleaning expenditure for Castlerea will be monitored in 2023

·         The proposed works at the Walk are currently out for tender and hopefully the ramps will be installed during the Summer

·         The footpaths are looked after by the Roads & Transportation Department and they are working to identify and address dangerous sections.  The grant money is for the most part is for the upkeep of the roads and not footpaths or street cleaning and the Department are very precise regarding what can be charged to grant jobs

·         It is the responsibility of all people to keep the area in front of their house or business clean and tidy


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Dineen

            SECONDED by Councillor Leyden

It was AGREED by all the members to adopt the Schedule of Municipal District Works including the Roads Programme for the Roscommon Municipal District for 2023.



Roscommon Town Approaches & Movement Study

The study presents a comprehensive analysis of the current transport situation in the town and proposes potential solutions to improve transport conditions across the network for walking, cycling, bus, rail and car drivers.


John Freeman, Senior Executive Engineer presented the study as prepared by Aecom.  The study presents a comprehensive analysis of the current transport situation in the town and proposes potential solutions to improve transport conditions across the network for walking, cycling, bus, car and rail services.  The study puts forward suggestions for Roscommon County Council to consider as part of the future planning for Roscommon town.  The measures put forward aims to help with traffic and create a more suitable environment for walking and cycling.  However, funding will be needed to carry out the proposed solutions. 


The members welcomed the study and made the following observations-

·         Traffic congestion around schools and the prospect of getting a relief road from the N60 across to the schools

·         The extent on how much the information in the study will be incorporated into the Local Area Plans

·         If this same study will be carried out for Castlerea town


Majella Hunt, Director of Services and John Mockler, Senior Engineer responded to the issues raised:

·         The regeneration team have been working with the Roads Department and have already used some of this information and suggestions to ensure that the Part 8 for the Public Realm was not in contradiction to the Movement Study

·         As regards Castlerea Town, the National Transport Authority provides money for doing mobility plans

·         We intend to seek funding from the NTA to carry out a feasibility study on providing a pedestrian crossing across the railway line which will help link all the schools


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

            SECONDED by Councillor McDermott

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council write to the National Transport Authority requesting them to provide an update on the Connecting Ireland Transport Plan for Roscommon Town and outline their undertaking to deliver the scheme.



Set timeframe for Roscommon Muncipal District Fund 2023


The members discussed the Municipal District Funding Scheme for 2023 and agreed to advertise it in the coming weeks allowing three to four weeks for submitting online applications.



Feedback from the Town Team Meetings


Cllr. Leyden gave an update from the Roscommon Town Team:

·         The Ranelagh Sculptor Project Committee have sought an extension and hope to have it finished by June

·         A few new members have joined the Roscommon Town Team and they are actively encouraging community groups to get involved


Cllr. Dineen and Cllr. Fitzmaurice gave an update from the Castlerea Town Team:

·         New projects are being discussed for Castlerea town and ideas are being explored

·         Castlerea Town Team are working on improving the signage for Castlerea town

·         They are applying for funding for additional benches for Somers Park


Majella Hunt, Director of Services informed the members that the findings of the Town Teams review will soon be available.  She reminded members that last year’s accounts need to be finalised and the work plan for 2023 needs to be submitted by 31st March, 2023.  A new staff member will take over as the Liaison Officer in May and Jackie Keegan is filling this role in the interim.



Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy


There were no votes of congratulations or sympathies.





The following items was raised under AOB:

·         The bad condition of Circular road in Roscommon town

·         Enquiry when tenders for road works programme will be back

·         Query on how we could improve the tendering process for verge trimming

Neal Geraghty, A/Municipal District Co-ordinator responded to the issues raised:

·         The re-surfacing of Circular road will hopefully commence in late April and all of this work will take place at night time in accordance with our terms and conditions of re-instatement

·         The tenders for the roads programme will be back at the end of next week

·         As regards the hedgecutters we are restricted to the terms and conditions associated with the public procurement process on



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Shanagher

            SECONDED by Councillor Leyden

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception the Convent of Mercy team that won the All-Ireland Junior D Camogie title in Rathdowney.


The clear felling of eleven acres of public forest between the Golf Links and Mote Park was discussed and the great work carried out by Mote Park Conservation group was acknowledged. 

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Leyden

            SECONDED by Councillor Shanagher

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council write to the CEO and MD of Coillte to express their concern at the manner in which Coillte recently clear felled 11 acres of public forest at Mote Park and request that a detailed plan be prepared for the current and future sustainable management of Mote Park forest. Roscommon Municipal District also appeals to Coillte to consider the input and suggestions of all relevant stakeholders in the formulation of this plan.



Date of next Roscommon MD Meeting


It was agreed that the next meeting of the Roscommon MD will take place on 18th May, 2023 at 2 pm.



Original text