Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Cait Kenny  Email:

No. Item


Adoption of Minutes pdf icon PDF 651 KB

Municipal District Meeting 24.05.2017

Athlone MD Funding Scheme 24.05.2017

Athlone MD Annual Meeting 26.06.2017


Additional documents:


It was PROPOSED by Councillor Keogh

            SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone Municipal District held on 24.05.2017.


Cllr Kilduff raised an issue with item no. 19.17 of meeting held on 24.05.2017, namely taking in charge of road at Crancam as follows:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to commence the taking in charge process at Crancam subject to funding being available as outlined by the Municipal District Co-ordinator.


He informed the meeting that in his opinion it was agreed to commence the taking in charge process at Crancam when funding becomes available, and not subject to funding being available and accordingly he sought the amendment of this minute. 


Majella Hunt, Director of Services outlined that there there is a set budget of €20k for each Municipal District, and there is a significant investment required at this location.  Paul Browne, Executive Engineer circulated detailed costing of works required at Crancam totalling €119,500.  Ms. Hunt advised that some of these works could be prioritised particularly drainage works.  Diarmuid MacDonncha, Senior Executive Engineer advised that an application for funding has been submitted to OPW and is hopeful that funding can be secured as the cost benefit analysis is more than justified given that three houses flooded at this location.  A report on OPW funding will be provided at next meeting.  It was agreed that drainage works are main priority.   


The following amendment was agreed:

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Kilduff

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED to commence the taking in charge process at Crancam with works to be carried out on a phased basis when funding is available.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

            SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone Municipal District held on 24.05.2017 as amended.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone MD Funding Scheme held on 24.05.2017.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Athlone MD Annual Meeting held on 26.06.2017.



Matters Arising


Councillors queried the timeframe for taking in charge of roads at Taylorstown and Shines.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that Taylorstown road is in this year’s roads programme and will be completed in next month.  Majella Hunt advised that Shine’s road is a shared road with Westmeath County Council and are awaiting a response to a letter issued previously.  It was agreed to follow up with Westmeath County Council again.   


Updates were sought in relation to the following items:

·         Verge trimming – additional trimmers required on local roads.  Councillors requested that a third verge trimmer be sourced for next six weeks. 

·         Update on Cappa Leitrim Road which is dangerous with some slippage occurring.


The Municipal District Co-Ordinator responded to queries as follows:

·      Budgets are expended at this point.  A quote for a third trimmer is expensive and may be possible only to cover a two to three week period.

·      Following an inspection at the Cappa Leitrim road it is not considered high risk but will be required to be monitored regularly.  



Monksland/Bellanamullia (Athlone West) LAP 2016 - 2022

Final consideration of the Chief Executive’s Report on the submissions received on the Proposed Material Alteration of the Draft Local Area Plan



Final consideration of the Chief Executive’s Report on the submissions received on the proposed Material Alteration of the Draft Local Area Plan was previously circulated to members. 


Martin Lydon, Director of Services for Planning and Enterprise outlined submissions received for the Monksland/Bellanamullia Local Area Plan from the following groups:


Submissions No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10: HSA, Dept of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, HSE, Irish Water, Dept of Education, NWRA

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

            SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED to accept the Chief Executive’s recommendation as presented.


Submission No. 5: Environmental Protection Agency

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

            SECONDED by Councillor Keogh

It was AGREED to accept the Chief Executive’s recommendation as presented.


Submissions No. 7 and No. 9: Donal Kenny, Martin Sumner

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

            SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to accept the Chief Executive’s recommendation as presented.


Councillors noted a legitimate concern was the possibility of a limited number of developers and land owners waiting a considerable amount of time to develop and how to deal with this in the future.  Martin Lydon advised new guidelines will be introduced to address this.  He also noted that variations come into effect immediately.



Community Facilities Capital Grant pdf icon PDF 39 KB


A list of Community Facilities Applications for Athlone MD was previously circulated to members. 


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Keogh

            SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to approve the Community Facilities Capital Grants for Athlone Municipal District.



Athlone MD Funding Scheme pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Culleen Hall:

Cllr Fallon informed meeting of unforeseen works encountered during renovation of Culleen Hall.  The entire existing ceiling needs replacing.  The committee are requesting additional funding to enable the completion of the works before the deadline of September 1st 2017.   


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

            SECONDED by Councillor Kilduff

It was AGREED to approve €5,000 towards cost of a new ceiling replacement. 

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

            SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED that matched funding element be reduced by €5,000.

On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Fallon

            SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that Diarmuid MacDonncha, Senior Executive Engineer arrange a site visit with the project engineer.



Questions pdf icon PDF 48 KB


Question No. 1 – Councillor Naughten:

That Roscommon County Council outline what measures have been taken to date to ensure the Parkway Site at Monksland, Athlone is properly secured as it is currently a Safety Hazard.


The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:

The Planning Enforcement Section have carried out a Planning Report on this development - PD’s 05/1623, 06/2021 & 07/2237 and Bord Pleanala PL.20.217563  refer. They concluded that a Bond Condition, No. 19 of PL.20.217563 , required the payment of a sum of €500,000.00; no Bond was put in place. The report also states that no residential properties have been constructed on the land and that therefore the site is not classified as an unfinished housing development.

The company that applied for Planning Permission, Oyster Homes, was dissolved on 6th April, 2016.  The current owners of the site, comprising 3 Folios (RN34202F, Folio RN1934F and RN28960F), are Eamonn Conneely and Dolores Conneely of Stradbally North, Clarinbridge, Co.Galway as full owners. Roscommon County Council will pursue the owners to comply with the Derelict Sites legislation in order that the developer render the site safe.

Question No. 2 – Councillor Ward:

Lough Funshinagh Drainage – Can the Director of Services please inform the meeting if the application for funding to the OPW to carry out necessary drainage works in Lough Funshinagh has been approved? If yes, then when will the funding be made available? Lough Funshinagh was one of the areas in County Roscommon that was very badly flooded in 2015/16.


The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:

Consultants employed by Roscommon County Council are currently carrying out a detailed hydrogeological investigation into the behaviour of turloughs in the County Roscommon. Until the results of this study are known we are not in a position to progress with any further works at Lough Funshinagh following those that were completed in 2016. This study is expected to be complete in 2019. Should funding become available Part 8 Planning, Environmental Assessments, Design of the Scheme  and procurement will be required before works can commence.



Question No. 3 – Councillor Ward:

Re: Regional Road R362 – Can the Director of Services please inform the meeting if the funding is in place to carry out the necessary works at Cloonakilla N.S.?  The road needs to be resurfaced and footpaths and a Pedestrian Crossing and a roundabout need to be installed at this location.  Will these works be completed before the children return to school in September?


The Meetings Administrator circulated the following reply:

This project is subject to Part 8 Planning, Land Acquisition (by CPO if necessary) and funds being made available. These works will not be in place before September 2017.



Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 48 KB


Notice of Motion from Councillor Ward 04/17

“That Roscommon County Council take in charge 200 metres of road at Johnstown Demesne, Thomastown, Athlone, Co. Roscommon.  This road is situated off the Drumlost road - road Number L2037-0.  There are two dwelling houses and one business situated on this road.

The Meetings Administrator read out the following reply:-

This road is located at Johnstown Demesne Townland off the L 7611-45 Local Secondary Road. A report on the costs of taking this road in charge will be prepared for presentation before the next MD Meeting.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Ward

            SECONDED by Councillor Naughten

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council commence the taking in charge process of this road at Johnstown Demesne Townland off the L 7611-45. 



Notice of Motion from Councillor Naughten 05/17

“That Roscommon County Council carry out line marking on Drum Road prior to the winter months.”

The Meetings Administrator read out the following reply:-

All roads that were re-surfaced as part of the 2017 Roads Programme, including the above, will be lined before end September.


Cllr. Naughten welcomed the response but advised that there were a number of other sections on this road requiring road marking, not just areas that were re-surfaced.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that funds are specifically for roads where re-surfacing was carried out but agreed that if it is considered a safety issue other sections will be included.  



Notice of Motion from Councillor Connaughton 06/17

"That Roscommon County Council immediately proceed with works to address the serious issue of flooding to residences and lands at Correal from adjoining turlough.  An outlet to the River Hind is required before this coming winter".

The Meetings Administrator read out the following reply:-

Consultants employed by Roscommon County Council are currently carrying out a detailed hydrogeological investigation into the behaviour of turloughs in the South and Mid Roscommon areas. Until the results of this study are known we are not in a position to progress with any drainage works affecting the Correal Turlough / River Hind / Lough Ree. This study is expected to be complete in 2019.


Cllr Connaughton noted that this response was not acceptable but was expected.  All Councillors agreed that the time taken to complete the study is too long.  There is a practical solution available on the ground with Deputy Fitzmaurice offering to assist with works required.

Diarmuid MacDonncha advised members that a team of experts have been appointed to carry out study and require three years of data to make the report credible.  He advised that there is a lot of rock and environmental issues with connecting a pipe to the river hind.  Diarmuid suggested that should look at requesting an interim report, as funding will not be given without a report.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Connaughton

SECONDED by Councillor Fallon

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council write to Minister and Consultants requesting an interim report within next three months on Correal Cross.



Civic Reception Request pdf icon PDF 41 KB


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Naughten

SECONDED by Councillor Ward

It was AGREED that Roscommon County Council honour at the next civic reception Drum/Clonown U16 Medley Relay team who won gold medal for swimming at the National Community Games Finals. This team included Olivia Smialek, Laura Johnston, Judy Brennan and Aileen Ward.





Drainage works at Clonakilla

Cllr. Keogh requested if it is possible to lay pipes from Mulveys to the cross river. 


Upgrade of Route for Walkers

He also requested that the bushes be cut back and some gravel to be put down on the disused road currently used by walkers.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that there are two personnel on gateway scheme who are full time cutting grass at Monksland.


Drainage and Resurfacing at Cluain Broc

Cllr. Keogh advised that there was a commitment given to complete these works at Cluain Broc.  Diarmuid advised that it could be considered in next year’s roads programme.


Ceathruna gCloc

Cllr. Keogh advised of complaints about speeding at this estate and is requesting that signage be erected to slow down motorists.  Diarmuid advised that there is a scheme underway and that this estate is included in that scheme.   



Parkway Site 

Cllr. Naughten advised that no works have been carried out to date.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that a schedule of works has been prepared to send to Corporate Services to serve on owners.  Estimated cost of works is €25k.  Cllr. Naughten asked if the notice could be served immediate and pursued vigorously.   


Monksland Treatment Plant

Cllr. Naughten inquired if the treatment plant is adequate to cater for on-going expansions.  Diarmuid MacDonncha advised that Irish Water have carried out a study to plan for future development.  This is now the responsibility of Irish Water Capital Schemes. 


M6 Motorway

Cllr. Naughten advised that this is an on-going issue and inquired if there was any response from TII.  Ms Majella Hunt, Director of Services advised that there has been no response from TII to date.   



Cllr. Naughten proposed that LEADER be asked to give a presentation on the current status of the LEADER program at the next available Plenary Meeting.  Cllr. Ward would like to see LEADER hosting information nights in Monksland, Moore, Dysart and Taughmaconnell to inform communities of grants available.


Flooding at Lough Funshinagh

Cllr. Fallon advised that there is one residence that has not had their front entrance restored following the flooding and is requesting that same be completed as soon as possible. 


Land for Sale at Hodson Bay

Ms. Majella Hunt, Director Services informed Members that the Council was approached to purchase 140 acres of land which is for sale for €2.5m at Hodson Bay, Kiltoom, Athlone, Co. Roscommon.  On the basis that the land is mainly zoned as green belt, which prohibits development, the Council is not disposed to purchase at this point in time.


The Members made the following comments:

·     No amenities in South Roscommon and this area has huge potential for flora, fauna, walk-ways and trails and the development of a tourist product.  

·     Real crisis with traffic and parking at Hodson bay.  Hodson Bay has outgrown this location and Bay Sports is very successful.

·     This is a strategic location and should work with new owners to develop walk-ways and scenic routes. 

·     Great project for Hodson Bay  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.17


Original text