Agenda and minutes

Venue: Boyle Municipal Office - Boyle MD Offices. View directions

Contact: Geraldine Lafferty  Email: 071 9662101

No. Item


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (Section 177 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended)


There was no conflict of interest declared.


Adoption of the Minutes pdf icon PDF 744 KB

·         Minutes of Boyle MD meeting held on 31st May, 2024



·         Minutes of Boyle MD Annual General Meeting held on 28th June 2024

Additional documents:


Boyle MD Minutes 31st May, 2024:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Liam Callaghan

             SECONDED by Councillor Leah Cull

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District meeting of 31st May, 2024



Boyle MD AGM Minutes 28th June, 2024:


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Michaél Frain

             SECONDED by Councillor Sean Moylan

It was AGREED to adopt the Minutes of the Boyle Municipal District Annual General Meeting of 28th June, 2024.








Matters Arising


At the AGM on 28th June, members approved time of meetings at 11.00am.  However, following discussion it was agreed to amend time of meetings to 2.30p.m.


On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne

             SECONDED by Councillor Leah Cull

It was AGREED to amend time of meetings for rest of year to 2.30 p.m.




Notices Of Motion

3.24:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Micheál Frain for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That the council explorer the possibility of installing traffic calming measures in built up areas, such as on Pound Street/ Sligo Road area of Ballaghaderreen.



4.24:  Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Leah Cull for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That this council install speed ramps on the Gurteen road out of Boyle (R294)




3.24:   Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr. Micheál Frain for the Boyle Municipal District Meeting July 2024


That the council explorer the possibility of installing traffic calming measures in built up areas, such as on Pound Street/ Sligo Road area of Ballaghaderreen.




Regeneration and active travel works in Pound Street are already in progress and the narrowing of the running lanes along with other enhancement works will have a traffic calming effect. 


A number of specific locations should be submitted for consideration to apply for possible funding under Active Travel, Road Safety or whatever other funding is available to Roscommon County Council. 


Cllr. Frain welcomed response and that it would be dealt with under Active Travel. 


He raised the issue with location of speed camera vans on the by-pass and asked if the speed van could be located closer to the town which would be more effective and that the current location was affecting sight lines. He also stated that Garda should seek input from the Fire Service, of which he is a member, which can provide data on accidents.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that this issue was raised at the recent SPC meeting.  Roscommon Co Council have no input on the location site of speed vans.  Van locations are dictated by Garda based on collision history data.  However, RCC has made suggestions to local Superintendent and Cllr. Crosby suggested this could be raised at the Joint Policing Committee.


Members raised the following issues:


Cllr. Byrne raised issue regarding speed control in towns and how traffic could be slowed down.  She stated that more speed vans and pedestrian crossings are required.


Cllr. Moylan stated that Mockmoyne area has a problem with speeding cars.  N5 – villages and towns – speed limits are different – is there different criteria.  How are speed limits determined in different towns?


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that TII have set travel times between urban centres.  There is a Speed Limit Review to take place in 2025.  Change is difficult on urban roads and has to be done for all locations.  He believes that the changes will likely be from 50km/h to 30km/h, 60km/h to 50/40km/h but on a case-by-case basis.


Cllr. Moylan sought clarification on road markings i.e. solid line, short/long dotted lines and why some areas, e.g. outside schools, have dotted lines.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that where sight distances allowed, markings were changed to long dotted lines.  This was to facilitate overtaking of slow moving traffic, e.g. agricultural machinery.


Cllr. Callaghan – Pound St Ballaghaderreen - speed limits, safety, etc. 50km/h however drivers do 80km/h on that stretch of road and this is the problem.  Driver behaviour and how to get driver engagement.


Cllr. Byrne stated that a lot of people don’t know what the different dashes on road mean.


Mr. Ivor Kilcline stated that TII look after the road marking contracts but will discuss with Senior Engineer to see if Council can have an input.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that Pound Street  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.24




3.24  Question:  Wellbeing in the Community Funding - Councillor Leah Cull


To my knowledge, I think we were one of the 22 local authorities that received the €1min funding for "wellbeing in the community" that was announced. Could you please provide me with a breakdown of the specific purposes and how it will be distributed among the 3 MDs?




3.24 Question 1 – Wellbeing in the Community Funding - Councillor Leah Cull – 19-07-2024


To my knowledge, I think we were one of the 22 local authorities that received the €1 million in funding for "wellbeing in the community" that was announced. Could you please provide me with a breakdown of the specific purposes and how it will be distributed among the 3 MDs?



Roscommon County Council has been awarded €140,000 over two years in collaboration with Mayo County Council. Funding will be spent over two years, 2024 and 2025. Roscommon County Council’s application for funding outlined a number of elements including:


  1. Capacity building and training for artists, health care workers and local authority staff delivered by Irish Hospice Foundation
  2. Artist residencies in all palliative care units, targeted nursing homes and private residences where there is an end of life patient.
  3. Project Coordinator.
  4. Evaluation of the project.


Capacity building will commence on the 17th July following a call out by Roscommon County Council to artist panel, nursing homes and Hospice (both Counties) for interested participants.


The artists residencies are due to commence in quarter 3 and quarter 4 2024 based on the initial call out for capacity building. As of yet, Roscommon County Council is not in a position to outline per Municipal District where funding will be allocated as it will be subject to responses to A and B above.


Cllr. Cullen stated she was satisfied with response.



Approval of Civic Reception Nominations



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Tom Crosby

             SECONDED by Councillor Valerie Byrne

It was AGREEDto honour Cór Comáin, Roscommon-based Ladies Choir at the Civic Reception following their winning of first prize in two categories at the Arklow Music Festival July 2024.



On the PROPOSAL of Councillor Valerie Byrne

             SECONDED by Councillor Leah Cull

It was AGREEDto honour Ruby Caldbeck at the Civic Reception.  She represented Ireland at the World Dance Championships in Prague in July 2024.


Cllr. Cull to submit her nominations to




Votes of Congratulations/Sympathy




A vote of sympathy was sent to the family of Mr. Pat McCrann, Frenchpark who passed away on Thursday 18th July following an accident.


A vote of sympathy was sent to the family of Mr. John O’Mahoney, who passed away recently following an illness.  John was acknowledged for his contribution to sport and for his role as teacher and politician. Members acknowledged his lasting legacy to all people. 


Any Other Business


The following items were raised:


Verge Cutting: Could the Council hire in extra hedge cutters for 1 month in each area to deal with the glut.  Local narrow roads become narrower with overgrown verges.  Colm Kelly stated that he was looking at options as N4 north and south of Boyle is a priority. Members were informed that under NPWS guidelines, the Council is not allowed to cut verges.  Ivor Kilcline stated that the hedgecutters are out 12 months of the year working on priority areas such as junctions and sightlines on national and regional roads.  Householders are responsible for maintaining their own sightlines.  There are currently 5 tractors/hedgecutters in the Boyle MD. Budget for such works is limited.


Sweeper, Elphin:  Dust from construction lorries is affecting the flower beds at entrance to town.  Ivor Kilcline stated that the cost of the sweeper comes out of local roads maintenance budget, however Council will do its best.


Junction at 4Ps: Croghan to Boyle – dip too deep on road – can’t see oncoming traffic. Ivor Kilcline stated that he will refer this to the Road Safety.  He and Area Engineer will follow up with contractor.


Boyle Arts Festival 18-25 July 2024: Cllr Byrne wish the Boyle Arts Festival every success.


Strokestown Public Realm: when is scheme likely to start?  Ivor Kilcline confirmed that no date is set yet.


Safety Barriers, Marina, Tarmonbarry: when will they be installed?  Mr. Greg O’Donnell will refer back to Cllr. Crosby.


Lights in Strokestown resolved: Mr. Greg O’Donnell stated that the issue is not yet resolved but he will get back to Cllr. Crosby with a response.


Ardcare Cemetery Footpaths:  is there funding available?:  Ivor Kilcline informed members that currently there is no extra funding available as funding is already allocated to the graveyards prioritised for 2024.


On the PROPOSAL  of Cllr. Moylan,

SECONDED by Cllr. Frain

And AGREED that Cllr Crosby would follow up with Ardcarne Cemetry Committee.



Active Travel/Safety Measures Croghan School:  Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed members that the project should commence Q3/Q4 2024.


Tulsk Periodic Traffic Lights start date:  Mr. Greg O’Donnell informed members that the start date is 29th July 2024 – delays were due to getting signs, etc.


Lights in Ashfield Housing Estate, Boyle – Were lights replaced and costs covered by RCC?  Ivor Kilcline stated that this may have been covered under a Bond but that information regarding estate to be Taken in Charge can be obtained from the Planning Section.








1.    To submit R294 at Mockmoyne as a traffic calming safety scheme in 2025.


2.    To review the junction at the Four Ps in Croghan on the N61 with TII’s road safety inspector



Original text