Issue - decisions

Affordable Housing Scheme of Priorities

01/08/2019 - Draft Scheme of Priority for Affordable Dwelling Purchase Arrangements

Mr. Martin Lydon informed the members that the Council is required to adopt a Scheme of Priorities for Affordable Dwelling Purchase Arrangements.


Mr. Greg O’Donnell, A/Senior Executive Officer gave the members an overview of the scheme of priorities and the methodology that will be applied to determine the order of priority to be accorded to eligible households where the demand for such arrangements exceeds the dwellings or resources available. In summary, the rankings on the priority list is dependent on type of dwelling deemed to adequately cater for accommodation needs. Where the number of applicants exceed the number of dwellings for sale, the local authority will give priority based on income, distance of travel to education and to work and finally the order in which the application was made.


On the PROPOSAL of Cllr. Keogh

SECONDED by Cllr. Ward

It was AGREED to adopt the Draft Scheme of Priority for Affordable Dwelling Purchase Arrangements.


Original text